week 6 final project


Final Paper and Folio

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week 6 final project
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You will create a Folio that includes redesigned activities from prior coursework in your program (MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE, or MATLT) Download (MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE, or MATLT) that demonstrate your competency with your Programs Learning Outcomes, which are also the Course Learning Outcomes for EDU 696. Additionally, you will write a narrative reflection of your experience with the program and the Folio construction. The overarching goal of this Final Paper and Folio assignment is to showcase learning from your Master’s Program in a consolidated, web-based format that can easily be shared with anyone: colleagues, potential or current employers, friends, family members, and others. Within this Folio, you will tell the story of your educational journey and value of your personal Master’s experience as it applies to the labor market. Remember, the Folio is your chance to show what you know and are able to do in the practice of teaching and learning with technology. You will submit a link to your Folio and attach your paper portion of the assignment in a Week 6 discussion for preliminary feedback by peers and the instructor before the final submission. The earlier you submit in the Week 6 discussion the more opportunity you have for input from your peers and instructor to improve your work before the final submission of this assignment.

Creating the Final Paper and Folio

Please include a link to the Folio within the paper portion of this assignment. As needed, refer to your Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) list (MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE, or MATLT Download MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE, or MATLT). Then, create your final assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations below.

Content Expectations

Folio Components (5 Points): Include at least one artifact demonstrating mastery for each of your Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) (MACI, MAECEL, MASE, or MATLT).
Folio Design (3 Points): Design the Folio to be professional in appearance. Be sure to exemplify effective and ethical uses of technology so that the Folio logically organized in a visually appealing way.
Narrative – Ranking (5 Points): In no more than one paragraph for each Program Learning Outcomes, rank and discuss the importance of each PLOs to your individual work setting, including an explanation of each ranking and its value to you in your learning environment or your position. Discuss how you currently use each PLO in your work setting and, if PLOs are not used, discuss ways you might begin to use them in your current or future work setting. If you are unemployed or otherwise do not work in a teaching role, you can either (a) use a previous work location, or (b) imagine the perfect work location (e.g., your dream job), and use that fictional work center to rank and discuss each PLO. The overall goal of this section of the narrative is to rank each PLO according to its importance to you as an educator or potential educator, starting by listing the most important PLO to you first.
Narrative – Challenges and Solutions (5 Points): In no more than two paragraphs discusses the design and development challenges experienced while creating the Folio and how challenges were overcome.

Written Communication Expectations

Page Requirement (.5 points): Include one paragraph for each of the Program Learning Outcomes for a total of two to three pages (not including the title and reference pages).
APA Formatting (.5 points): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment.
Syntax and Mechanics (.5 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
Source Requirement (.5 points): Reference three scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook.
All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

For information related to APA style, including samples and tutorials, please visit the Writing CenterLinks to an external site..

Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment

Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to be sure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion. Next, submit the assignment for evaluation no later than Day 7.

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria

that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Unformatted Attachment Preview

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for the
Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction
1. The MACI graduate will analyze evidence- and standards-based instructional
strategies aligned with learning and development theories to support highly effective
instruction and inclusive learning environments.
2. The MACI graduate will appraise qualities of effective curricula and technology
designed to include a variety of learners and abilities in inclusive settings.
3. The MACI graduate will design student-centered learning opportunities, assessments,
and curriculum aligned with learning standards and empirically based instructional
design strategies promoting 21st-century skills, creativity, and cultural relevance.
4. The MACI graduate will construct effective methods of collaboration, communication
and partnership with colleagues, community, and related stakeholders.
5. The MACI graduate will evaluate educational action research drawing on critical
analysis, research, and methods of various disciplines to address local or global
educational issues.
6. The MACI graduate will integrate personal learning in relation to professional
growth, advancement, and the ability to impact learners and other professionals in the
Proprietary information of University of Arizona Global Campus. Created by JH – 3.8.2021
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for the
Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education Leadership
1. The MAECEL graduate will evaluate evidence-based theories and strategies aligned
with early development and learning needs to support high quality learning
2. The MAECEL graduate will assess effective communication and collaboration
strategies to positively influence partnerships with community agencies and families
with young children.
3. The MAECEL graduate will evaluate early childhood curricula designed to promote
development and learning across all domains of development.
4. The MAECEL graduate will evaluate effective assessment and evaluation strategies,
tools, and procedures designed to improve outcomes for young children, families, and
5. The MAECEL graduate will design discipline-specific action research based on
relevant theory and research methodology.
6. The MAECEL graduate will propose ethical solutions that promote educational
transformation in the field of early childhood education.
7. The MAECEL graduate will construct a personal definition of leadership as an early
childhood education professional
Proprietary information of University of Arizona Global Campus. Created by JH – 3.8.2021
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for the
Master of Arts in Education
1. The MAED graduate will design appropriate, challenging, and diverse learning
experiences informed contemporary, research-based theory and practice.
2. The MAED graduate will design a variety strategies and experiences to elicit
evidence of learner growth and responsive instructional decisions.
3. The MAED graduate will analyze research that generates positive social change
along with evidence-based practices and academic writing.
4. The MAED graduate will develop innovative actions serving as advocates and
change agents within communities by engaging in continuous professional growth.
5. The MAED graduate will construct effective methods of collaboration,
communication, and partnership with colleagues, community, and stakeholders.
6. The MAED graduate will apply confidence, competence, and purpose around
digital citizenship, consuming, creating, and communicating information and ideas
using technology.
Proprietary information of University of Arizona Global Campus. Created by JH – 3.8.2021
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for the
Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning with Technology
1. The MATLT graduate will generate a shared and learner-focused instructional vision
2. The MATLT graduate will data to draw conclusions that inform the design of
effective learning solutions.
3. The MATLT graduate will design effective learning solutions by blending theory and
accepted practice.
4. The MATLT graduate will create strategies for safe, legal, and ethical use of digital
information and technology.
5. The MATLT graduate will propose solutions for equitable access to digital tools and
6. The MATLT graduate will construct solutions specific to target audiences and
learning environments.
7. The MATLT graduate will facilitate effective and engaging learning events.
8. The MATLT graduate will prescribe a variety of technologies for teaching and
learning in a digital world.
Proprietary information of University of Arizona Global Campus. Created by JH – 3.8.2021
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for the
Master of Arts in Special Education
1. The MASE graduate will design appropriate learning experiences for students with
exceptionalities that are informed by diverse cultural experiences and varied patterns
of learning and development.
2. The MASE graduate will create a safe, inclusive, culturally responsive environment
that cultivates active and effective learning for students with exceptionalities.
3. The MASE graduate will plan cross-disciplinary learning experiences that promote
individualized academic and social abilities, attitudes, values, interests, and career
options for students with exceptionalities.
4. The MASE graduate will synthesize results from evidence-based assessments to
guide educational decisions for individuals with exceptionalities.
5. The MASE graduate will incorporates cross-disciplinary skills using evidenced based
instructional strategies for students with exceptionalities.
6. The MASE graduate will evaluate special education ethical principles and standards
that are driven by the many aspects of diversity and social justice, which are used to
advance the profession.
7. The MASE graduate will construct an action research proposal that addresses local or
global issues related to individuals with exceptionalities.
8. The MASE graduate will integrate positive collaborative practices with various
stakeholders to address the needs of students with exceptionalities across a range of
learning experiences.
Proprietary information of University of Arizona Global Campus. Created by JH – 3.8.2021
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Institutional Learning Outcomes for University of Arizona Global Campus
Graduates of University of Arizona Global Campus will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the ability to read and think critically and creatively;
2. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in speech and in writing;
3. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively through the use of technology;
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the various forms of diversity;
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence among living beings, the
environment and humanly created systems;
6. Demonstrate competence in their major fields of study;
7. Demonstrate an understanding of service directed at meeting the needs of others;
8. Demonstrate the ability to draw information from different fields of study to make
informed decisions; and
9. Develop skills and abilities that provide for lifelong learning.
Proprietary information of University of Arizona Global Campus. Created by JH – 3.8.2021

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