Week 4 Case Study


Week 4 Assignment:Assignment 2 Week 4Replace the text in the class assignment section with the following: Create an APA formatted essay using the APUS writing guide as a resource. Be sure to create an appropriate title page, use the byline for the introduction section title, create section titles, cite all assertions, and create a reference section.Write on any topic of interest from the class reading in the prior or current week required readings. The purpose of this assignment is to practice college-level essay writing using APA formatting..

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How to do a case study:
Each case comes with a scenario and a set of questions at the end. The main question you are
concerned with in a case analysis is what recommendation you would make. I expect each
student to address the issue(s) in the case as a professional and provide advice as a manager or
consultant would to. The steps you should take are as follows:
1) Identify the issue(s) in the case.
2) Critically analyze 3+ alternatives that will specifically address the issue(s) you mentioned
above. This would go as follows – Duck Inc. has three alternatives to address the____
issue. One alternative would be to_______. If Duck Inc. selects this alternative, _______ would
be the expected outcome. Continue the process of analyzing alternatives….
3) Make a recommendation based on your analysis above. Explain how to implement this as
well as the hopeful outcome.
4. CASE STUDY General Guidance
Your submission must be in the form of APA formatted manuscript (title page – not required use
below format or similar variation), reference page, and citations within the body of the paper to
support your discussion, 12 size font, and 1” margins).
APA requires that you write in the third person and you should be directing this to the company
not to individuals in that company, it is not a report about the company it is narrative report TO
the company.
Such documents are written in the third person and must remain objective, unemotional, and
impersonal. That means there should be no reference to you in any way shape and that there is
no need to name any individual in the company, or for that matter, the company itself. It is
inappropriate to repeat or summarize the case information.
You should start by providing an analysis of, not repetition of, the case information and what you
determine are the salient or critical corporate/strategic issues.
Be careful to avoid gratuitous openings and closings. For these case studies, an abstract is not
required and abstracts never count towards a minimum word requirement.
If you are, comfortable writing an abstract make sure it addresses your proposals in the paper and
does repeat or summarize the case itself.
Focus on demonstrating the ability to think analytically and synthesize by providing realistic and
viable solutions and/or alternatives.
Each submission should demonstrate careful analysis of the company and the current situation
followed by specific and focused recommendations.
Businesses must make decisions regularly with imperfect information that means it is
inappropriate to suggest any additional analysis, study, survey, or additional company effort to
reach a decision.
The student must resolve the issues based on the information available. A well-written case
study should run approximately 500-700 words (2-3 pages, double-spaced) to earn full credit.
Do not provide company histories and do not repeat or summarize case information.
Complete and Post your Case Study to the Assignments Folder – Assignment may be in a
memorandum, presentation form such as power point or in an APA style paper. APA style is not
required, except references.
Daffy Duck
RLMT 309
American Military/ Public University
XXXXXXX Case Study
1. Case Issues:
2. Analysis
3. Recommendation
4. Resource
Case Study Objectives:
– Identify, assess, analyze, and solve problems related to the subject
– Develop and apply research skills appropriate to the requirements of the unit and
– Understand how the concepts of related and applied to course material and
– Demonstrate an understanding and apply the concepts (this can be hypothetical, based
on readings).
– Communicate an understanding of the unit’s concepts and their application in written
presentation media (power point, graphics, tables, text)
– To develop individual intellectual and critical thinking and application skills
– To demonstrate the realization of these outcomes by achieving an adequate overall
standard in the assessment process
** Items to demonstrate (choose 3 or 4 key points correlated with Course Material or
Research/must be included),

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