week 3 Reservations the Arrival Process


Hi. I need 3 assignments 1st assignment: The hotel industry long ago made the decision that we would allow our guests to make reservations any way they choose. As a result, a guest may make a reservation for a hotel on virtually any site they choose. If the hotel has a booking agreement with that site or company, then the reservation can be made. This assignment will ask you very specific questions about your booking experience.For this assignment, you need to:Select a globally branded (Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott, Sheraton, Westin, Holiday Inn, etc.) hotel in any American city. Choose any arrival and departure date you want, and 1 guest.Visit 3 separate booking sites, and go through the process of finding your hotel for your dates. You must choose the brand site (marriott.com, hilton.com, etc) for one of your sites.You must choose an OTA site (Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz, Hotels.com) for your second site.You must choose a Meta search site (Kayak or Trivago) for your third site.NOTE: DO NOT ACTUALLY BOOK THE RESERVATION.Complete the assignment document, save it, and submit it through this assignment submission area. The file is below name ( reservations assignment )2nd assignment: Today, a guest may make a hotel reservation in many ways using many different web sites. Why do you think a guest would prefer to shop for hotel rooms on a site such as Expedia rather than on the brand website (such as Hilton.com)? In addition, what would be the advantage to using the hotel brand website? Research and find at least one article to support your thoughts. Be sure to reference the article(s) in your discussion. 3rd assignment please look at the file labeled Hosp1015 term project . when you are doing this assignment can you please have 7 different word documents label term week 4 , term week 5 , term week 6 , and term week 7

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HOSP 1015: Managing the Guest Experience
Reservations Assignment
In this assignment, you will visit three separate booking sites (one of which
must be the brand web site) and take notes about the differences in the
experiences. Enter your observations in the appropriate cells in the table
below. Save this document, and submit the document through the
assignment link in ulearn.
Your Name:
What site did you
choose? Hotel
What arrival date
did you choose?
What departure
date did you
Did your hotel
appear on the
first page of the
search results?
If not where?
Describe your
feelings of the
layout, photos
and pictures on
the site.
What was the
room rate
displayed for a
standard room?
Describe this
room type with
any amenities
you would
Search for any
restrictions on
this rate. List
them. If too
many give a few
Site 1
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Site 2
Site 3
examples and
indicate how
many there were.
Would the
reservation need
to be prepaid?
Would the
reservation have
been nonrefundable?
How old would
you need to be to
book this
What was the
latest time/day
you could cancel
the reservation?
Were there
ratings or awards
of the hotel on
the site? Explain
& indicate what
they were.
Were there guest
comments on the
site? Explain and
give a couple of
Using the
calendar on the
site, see how far
in advance you
could book your
What is the
month/year you
can reserve?
Give 2 strengths
(things you liked)
and 2 negatives
(did not like)
Site 1
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Site 2
Site 3
about the site.
Be specific.
Site 1
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Site 2
Site 3
HOSP 1015 – Managing the Hotel Guest Experience
Term Project
The following project will be completed and presented over the second half of the
term. Each week will focus on knowledge and skills learned as the class progresses.
Each submission below is worth 75 points for a total of 300 for the entire project.
You will be the hypothetical owner of a 200-room hotel. You will make several
decisions, and will present several parts of your operating plan. The details on
these requirements are presented below.
Review the project requirements as you move through your work each week,
beginning in Week 1.
Week 4: Classification, Brand, Location, Target Markets, Rate
DUE: Week 4, Sunday, 11:59PM Eastern
Value: 75 Points
You will make the following decisions about your hotel, and present these in a
paper. Format instructions for your paper are at the end of this project document.
Discuss each section separately and in the order requested. When writing your
section it is always best practice to use “sub-headings” to organize the paper and
make sure you have included all the required criteria. Incorporate information,
terms, and industry jargon that you have learned in the class thus far.
1. Classification: Will you be an economy hotel, a limited service hotel, a full
service hotel, or a luxury hotel? Whatever you choose to be, you need to first
describe your hotel and include the servicescape as well. Second, identify
and describe the different services you will offer. Third, include descriptions
of the different facilities at your hotel. Finally, this topic should include WHY
you chose this type of hotel. This section should have a detailed thorough
description of your hotel.
2. Brand: You will select an appropriate brand for your hotel, and describe
specifically why you chose that brand. Provide advantages and
disadvantages of being branded.
3. Management: Will you select the Brand to manage your hotel, or an
independent management company? Why will you make that decision?
Identify pros and cons of your choice. Feel free to find a specific independent
management company that you might select.
4. Location: Where will your hotel be located? Select a specific city and state,
and an address within this area (Google maps satellite view comes in really
handy for this). Why did you choose to locate here? Indicate what will be
near your hotel (attractions, other hotels, restaurants, etc.).
5. Target Markets: What will be some of the different Target Markets that you
will try to attract to your hotel? Identify a minimum of three specific Market
Segments and describe this group using demographic and psychographic
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descriptors. Remember that a market segment is a very specific sub-group
of a target market which is larger. Provide rationale as to why you selected
each of these market segments specifically.
6. Rate Structure: You will research the average room rates for similar hotels
in the area you select (using Kayak, Expedia, and others). You need to
review at least four seasonal dates and create an average rate for your hotel.
This will be considered your “rack rate”. In addition create a minimum of 5
special or discounted rates for different markets of guests. Examples of
special/discounted rates would be: Corporate, Family, Senior Citizen (AARP),
Honeymoon, Sports, etc.
When writing this section, first discuss how you came up with your Rack Rate
and the sources you used. Then place the different rates with their names in
a small table and follow with explanation of why you selected these special
rates below the table. Below is a sample of a Table you could use.
Hotel Rate Chart
Rack Rate
Week 5: Management Organization
DUE: Week 5, Sunday, 11:59 PM Eastern
Value: 75 Points
1. Create a Management Organizational Chart for your hotel. It is best to use
the SmartArt graphics in Word to create this chart in your document. You do
not need to have every position on the chart. You should have a department
manager for each department and a couple of other key positions in the
department. The chart should identify the job position within the box and
use lines to connect the positions indicating reporting lines and chain of
2. For each position, write a bulleted list of the skills required (specifications)
for the job (minimum of 3) and the responsibilities (duties) of the job
(minimum of 5). Provide a detailed list of the most relevant duties for the
job. You will need to do some internet research for this! This is to be typed
separate from the chart NOT in the chart.
3. Assume that your management staffing was done, but afterwards your
management company determined that you needed to eliminate one
management position.
a. Which management position would you eliminate?
b. Why that position? Provide a detailed explanation.
c. How would you cover the responsibilities of that manager? Review
your job description for this position. Explain how you will assign the
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responsibilities of this position to other management positions. You
may need to assign responsibilities to more than one other position
when making this change.
Week 6: Developing a weekly schedule
DUE: Week 6, Sunday, 11:59 PM Eastern
Value: 75 points
1. You need to develop a one-week schedule for your Housekeeping employees.
2. Using the Excel spreadsheet that is provided in this week’s assignment, you
will prepare a schedule for the week
a. The day-by-day occupied rooms forecast has been given to you.
Calculate the forecasted rooms occupied for each day.
b. Using the Staffing guideline, on a separate worksheet tab, determine
how many hours you will need to schedule each day.
c. Add a column titled “Total Weekly Hours” for each employee that will
allow you to see how many hours that are working.
d. Using the information that is provided to you, prepare a schedule for
the week. Staff should be scheduled for 8 hour shifts (but may be
scheduled for fewer hours) and team members would prefer to have
two consecutive days off, when possible. No overtime (over 40 hours
a week) is allowed. You must use all the employee names listed.
e. You must staff the hours as closely as possible to the staffing guide
each day.
f. Be sure to save your excel document.
3. Next write a professionally formatted memo to your General Manager
requesting approval of your schedule for the week. You should include
rationale for your schedule and guidelines you followed. Memo templates are
available in MS Word.
4. Note: When using the Excel spreadsheet for parts of your assignment, you
will need to insert the relevant parts of the spreadsheet into your Word
document by “copy” and “paste as a picture” function.
Week 7: Developing a par inventory
DUE: Week 7, Sunday, 11:59 PM Eastern
Value: 75 Points
The brand your hotel franchises has determined that they need to change the
specifications for the sheets, pillows, towels and other terry products in order to
“enhance” the guest perception of the brand. The requirement is that each hotel
must be in full compliance by “X” date, which is rapidly approaching. Your
ownership has given you approval to order the new products to a level that is
consistent with your current approved par inventory.
For the first part of the assignment:
1. Using the spreadsheet provided, prepare the inventory order you will need in
order to convert to the new standard, and have a complete par inventory –
based on your current par inventory standards.
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2. Order quantities are determined by the manufacturer, so you will need to
place an order which gets you as close to the par inventory level as you can.
3. Using the prices provided, determine how much this purchase will cost.
For the second part of the assignment:
1. Assume it is now one month after you initially put your new inventory into
service. Your housekeeping supervisor/manager has completed a physical
inventory at the end of the month. You need to place an order for more
inventory in order to bring your hotel back to the established par level
2. Using the Excel spreadsheet provided, calculate how much you will need to
3. Order quantities are determined by the manufacturer, so you will need to
place an order which gets you as close to the par inventory level as you can.
4. Using the prices provided, determine how much this purchase will cost.
Write a professionally formatted memo to your General Manager which first
describes what you’ve done in the first part of the assignment, and then what you
needed to do at the end of the month as a part of your normal month end inventory
and purchase procedure.
NOTE: When using the Excel spreadsheet for parts of your assignment, you will
need to insert the relevant parts of the spreadsheet into your Word document by
copy/paste function as a picture.
FORMAT Requirements (for ALL Sections of the Term Project)
Your paper must meet the following requirements. These are designed to allow you
to submit a professional quality paper.
1. Each paper must have a title page (sample below).
2. Margins must be 1.5 inches on the top and bottom and 1 inch on each side.
3. Each page must be numbered at the bottom of the page, centered, in the
footer section of the page (Use Word Footer functionality). The Title Page is
not numbered.
4. Paper must be double spaced, with each paragraph beginning indented.
5. There must be no spelling and no grammatical errors.
6. The tone of the paper must be professional.
7. Each paper must be submitted through Turnitin using the Turnitin link in the
course as instructed by your professor.
8. When using the Excel spreadsheet for parts of your assignment, you will
need to insert the relevant parts of the spreadsheet into your Word
document by copy/paste function.
Essential Elements:
Each section of your paper must be logically organized, based on the assigned
items. It should be easy to read, and move sequentially through the content you
are presenting. The “why” of your decisions is as important as the “what”. You must
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be able to describe and defend the reason/thought process you used to arrive at
your decision.
There is not necessarily a “right answer” to many of these points. Your performance
on the paper will be based not so much on what you chose, but WHY you chose it.
Was your choice logical and based on the facts available? Was your choice based on
creating a competitive advantage?
For example, if you are presenting the location of your hotel. Why did you locate
your hotel there? What are the advantages to this location and what will you do to
maximize these? Are there any disadvantages and if so, what could you do to
minimize them. It is important that you use any information that has been
presented in the class to date, along with your knowledge.
Under no circumstances are you to use the term “as stated before” or “as stated
above”, and then repeat what you said earlier. This is both annoying an
Use professional terms, not slang. Assume you are writing this note to your
investors or to your boss.
Title Page Example:
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Title of Paper
Subtitle of Paper (if any)
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Submitted in partial fulfillment of:
Course Number, Course Name
Professor’s Name
Date Submitted
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