Week 3-Build a Moral Compass


Instructions: Using the material on moral compasses from weeks 1 and 2, write a paper of no less than 600 words that accomplishes the following:Use the attached template and follow the directions. The information below offers an elaboration on these directions.In a section titled “Theories” identify between 1 and 3 moral theories you will use to build your compass (deontological, utilitarian, common good, virtue, etc.) along with a short, documented definition for each theory. The definition should be in your own words. As citations are NOT just for quotations, be sure to give your resources proper credit with citations. In a section titled “Explanation” explain for each theory how it would help you make what you feel would be the right decision and in what situations (e.g. Using deontology at work to ensure the company’s policies are kept and its reputation is upheld; Using care ethics at home as a way to be equitable with the kids, etc.).In a third section titled “Compass Applied” choose one topic from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (under “Ethics Spotlight”) or another pressing ethical situation you or others you know are facing at the moment. It must be a legitimate moral conundrum like keeping a secret about a cheating spouse, cheating on a spouse or being an accessory to a crime. You can also pick a current event like the possibility of electing a convicted felon as president, busing illegal immigrants from Texas to other states without their permission, or passing laws that allow teens to work longer hours and in dangerous situations. Then using either Framework for Ethical Decision Making (Markkula or Brown), walk through the steps to make an ethical decision and justify what you decide is the moral action to take in this situation. USE the template and DO NOT delete the section headings.Be sure to be clear on which of the two frameworks you are using (which is easy if you use a template). Be sure you are clear on what you are doing. Use the attached templates to address this assignment. The content is the same, but the formatting on each is different.Note that all papers must be double-spaced and follow APA formatting.

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Week 3-Build a Moral Compass
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[Feel free to use your own snappy title]
My Moral Compass
Student Name
American Public University
PHIL 200
Faculty Member
My Moral Compass
In this section discuss one, two, or three theories you feel you will use in your
compass. Be sure to cite your resources and include the reference on the Works Cited
Here is where you explain how the theories will guide your behavior in various
Compass Applied:
Issue identified:
Here talk about which of the issues you want to analyze. Example, Election
Ethics or Systemic Racism.
Identify the ethical issues:
Based on the contents of “What is Ethics?” and other material, briefly explain why
this is an ethical issue.
Get the facts
Within reason, briefly discuss what you feel are the relevant facts. Be sure you
can back up assertions with scholarly sources. Discuss relevant stakeholders.
Evaluate alternative actions:
Discuss which lens aligns with your compass and how it will help you find a
solution. If you say your compass is Utilitarian and The Common Good, what direction
do those lenses provide here?
Choose an option:
What do you feel your compass points you to as the best solution? If possible
explain how you will be able to identify success.
Reflect on the outcome:
Based on all you have learned, discuss what you believe the outcome will be if
you implement the option stated above.
Note- references should be in alphabetic order.
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.(n.d.). “A Framework for Making Ethical Decisions.”
Santa Clara University. https://www.scu.edu/ethics/ethics-resources/aframework-for-ethical-decision-making/
Delete the one not used and add any additional resources
For electronic resources, the rules changed in the 2019 edition. The “retrieved on date”
has been eliminated for most sources. If a DOI is listed, use that instead of the
URL. For more, see
[Note, per APA, you cannot have a reference unless you first have a citation in the body
of the paper demonstrating where and that you used the source.]
For more on APA, references see

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