Week 3 Annotated Bibliography ib management theory


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Week 3 Annotated Bibliography ib management theory
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Topic: Management theories

Task summary:

3 annotated bibliographies + summary of them, 6 paragraphs altogether

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Your manager overheard you telling a colleague that you are taking a graduate-leveorganizational theory class at UMGC. He remembers his college course onorganizational behavior and realizes that he found the knowledge he learnedextremely useful over the years. Lately, he has felt that he has been overwhelmedwith changes that require him and his employees to quickly respond to situations thahe cannot always solve effectively. Experience has taught him that professionaldevelopment is a lifelong endeavor. To that end he would like you to select somearticles for him to read on the following topics: management theory, managementskills and practices, external/economic impacts to organizations, internal/structureimpacts to organizations, and/or responding to change.