Week 2 Response to professor


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Orginal post

One of the strategies that I have used to demonstrate courage to speak up and address difficult situations as a nurse leader is collaboration with the organization members. This helps me to get new insights as well as ideas to handle the issue at hand. Another strategy is increasing confidence levels so that I can come up with a clear solution and speak against the behavior not suitable inside the organization. Inappropriate behavior can only result in poor health outcomes for the patients. The next strategy is to set myself as an example for my team. This will be helpful to my team as they will be able to identify any difficulties encountered and come up with evidence-based interventions to handle them (Prestia, 2022). Last but not least, the nurse leader should exhibit perfect communication skills to make sure that the conversation is perfectly presented and that each concept for the discussion is properly highlighted. The objective is to make sure that all the team members are aware of the message. The language and the tone of the communication should be simple and professional. The nurse leader should also represent high levels of authority towards the subject matter (Lachman, 2010).

My moral and ethical views played a significant role in handling the issue. I believe that every cultural belief and perspective should be respected and good interpersonal relationships should be established with the community members. This means having dignity and respect for all the stakeholders. Moreover, the communication must be done in a professional way, so that the other person respects and obeys the decision. Every individual must be heard in context to the concerns and issues they face. This will give a sense of recognition and belongingness to the organization. I will also ensure that the decision is made by considering every individual equally (Cole Edmonson, 2010).


Cole Edmonson, M. S. (2010). Moral courage and the nurse leader. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(3), 1A.

Lachman, V. D. (2010). Strategies Necessary for Moral Courage. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(3).

Prestia, A. S. (2022). LEADING IN CHALLENGING TIMES. Nurse Leadership and Management: Foundations for Effective Administration, 1.

Professor response

Hi Victoria,I agree that communication skills are critical for a nurse leader, so there are clear expectations. When you stated that your moral and ethical views played a role in handling issues, can you give an example of which ethical issue you refer to? I look forward to your response.Regards,Dr Jones