week 2 interactive case study journal AND answer and do discussion 4-6, respond to 2 student replies



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week 2 interactive case study journal AND answer and do discussion 4-6, respond to 2 student replies
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The case study is titled Overstaffing. This is not the correct term. Write a reflection that addresses the following questions:

What does the term “understaffing” or “short-staffing” mean?
What is the ICU nurse–patient ratio in the state you live in?
List three or more issues identified in the case study video.
Describe at least two strategies the nurses can implement to address the understaffing on the unit.
What is your experience witnessing short-staffing during your clinical or work experience? If you do not have this experience, add what organizations, such as the ANA and the NLN, are doing to address understaffing or short-staffing.

Submission Guidelines

A minimum of 500 words, not including headings, citations, or references
Do not exceed 600 words.
A title page is not required.
References must be current within the last five years.
Double-spaced and use 12-point Times New Roman font
Include the following headings:
Understaffing/ICU Nurse–Patient Ratio
Issues Related to Understaffing
Strategies to Address Understaffing
Student Experience
example is provided no plagiarism


As healthcare organizations become more complex and our focus on the patient experience expands, nurses are leading and participating in evidence-based practice (EBP) projects and quality improvement (QI) initiatives with the goal of improving patient outcomes.

In what ways is EBP applied where you work or where you do clinicals?
Discuss the findings of a QI initiative or study from either your clinical location/hospital website or another online source.

In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question using subtitles or bullets AND cite at least one scholarly reference in your response. You are required to participate on at least three (3) days of the week to receive full participation points.


Lifelong learning involves a commitment to remain current within a rapidly changing, increasingly complex, and technologically reliant healthcare world.

Why is it important for nurses to commit to lifelong learning in relation to patients, organizations, and self?
How can organizations such as Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) assist nurses in their lifelong learning journey?

In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question using subtitles or bullets AND cite at least one scholarly reference in your response. You are required to participate on at least three (3) days of the week to receive full participation points.


The media portray many images of nursing, some favorable and some unfavorable.

Does media portrayal of nursing affect how patients perceive nurses as authority figures? Why or why not? Think about nursing stereotypes and discuss the ways you can influence the public image of nursing.
Discuss the various roles nurses can play that support the real image of nursing. Think about community health care and preventive services for all, but especially the underserved.

In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question using subtitles or bullets AND cite at least one scholarly reference in your response. You are required to participate on at least three (3) days of the week to receive full participation points.


The phrase “nurses eat their young” has been around for decades. The consequences of bullying include nurses reporting poorer mental health, decreased collaboration with team members, ineffective communication, reduced work productivity, and poor job commitment.

Do you feel bullying or horizontal violence is an issue in the clinical environment? Why or why not?
Discuss how the nurse mentor can promote professional socialization in the workplace.

In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question using subtitles or bullets AND cite at least one scholarly reference in your response. You are required to participate on at least three (3) days of the week to receive full participation points.


*What two provisions in the ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses may help you in this transition?

My profession requires me to adhere to the moral principles outlined in Anna’s Code of Ethics as I move from being a nursing student to a newly licensed nurse at the hospital. Respecting the patient’s autonomy, safeguarding their privacy, and upholding their dignity will be my top priorities. Effective communication amongst healthcare team members is, in my opinion, essential to fostering collaboration and patient-centered decision making. Ensuring patient safety is an ethical duty that cannot be waived. In my opinion, I will be able to overcome my challenges and give my patients compassionate care in my new role as a nurse by implementing these ethical concepts into my job. The two provisions that I chose were number 2 and 3.

*Expand on your chosen provisions and describe how adopting them into your clinical practice will help you to be successful.

The provisions of Anna’s Code of Ethics that align with the principles of professional responsibility and patient-focused care will take precedence. In order to ensure that the patient’s needs and choices are respected, I will follow provision 2, which emphasizes the nurse’s primary responsibility to the patient (Dellasega & Kanaskie, 2021). I will make sure that the patient’s needs and preferences guide my decisions. This entails actively engaging in collaborative decision-making, respecting patient autonomy, and maintaining open channels of communication to build a cooperative relationship with patients and their families. It will be crucial to put into practice Provision 3 as well, which highlights the necessity for nurses to protect, promote, and advocate for patients’ health (Dellasega & Kanaskie, 2021). By respecting patient safety, upholding patient privacy, and attending to each patient’s specific requirements, I hope to deliver competent and compassionate care. This will help me become a more driven and dependable nurse.


Hi, Everyone

What two provisions in the ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses may help you in this transition?

Provision 1: The nurse carries out her professional duties with empathy and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique characteristics of each person (ANA, 2015). Provision may assist with my transition from being an academic student to being a freshly graduated nurse in clinical practice, since nursing involves more than just giving medicine. Nursing requires displaying empathy and resilience for patients, especially when confronted with challenges. Prioritizing patient advocacy and exhibiting respect for their worth and dignity are both crucial.

Provision 4: The nurse has the power, accountability, and responsibility to practice nursing. They make choices and take actions with the obligation to provide the highest standard of patient care (ANA, 2015). Provision 4 has utmost importance in the nursing profession. Provision 4 underscores the need to emphasize the highest quality treatment for your patient, ensure that you make the most advantageous choices for your customers, and acknowledge and assume responsibility and accountability for your patient.

Expand on your chosen provisions and describe how adopting them into your clinical practice will help you to be successful.

To attain success in my clinical practice, it is imperative that I continually exhibit empathy and maintain a clear focus on the underlying motivation for my choice to pursue nursing as a career. As a nurse, it is incumbent upon you to exhibit empathy for patients who are in crucial stages of recuperation.

Cultivate a strong relationship with your patients to gain their trust and encourage their independence in making well-informed choices about their medical care. By embracing Provision 4, I take on the duty and accountability of making ethical choices for my patients. Ensuring patient safety while giving priority to the needs of my patients. It is imperative that I include this in my routine patient care as a necessary practice.


Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements. (2010, November 15). https://www.princetonhcs.org/-/media/princeton/documentrepository/documentrepository/nurses/code-of-ethics.pdf. https://www.princetonhcs.org/-/media/princeton/documentrepository/documentrepository/nurses/code-of-ethics.pdfLinks to an external site.

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Week 2 Interactive Case Study Journal
Chloe Ennis
West Coast University
NURS 440 Issues and Trends in Nursing
Professor Kroning
February 5th, 2023
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Staffing Issues Interactive Case Study Journal
This week’s case study focused on staffing issues and how overstaffing can cause issues for
not only the nursing staff but also the patient’s they care for. In the video we saw the new schedule
come out and that each nurse was assigned an extra day and/or a day they requested off. This led to
one of the nurses admitting she’s scared to continue to work overtime because she’s been so tired
that she had a medication error. Another nurse noted that she was working three weekends in a row
and how every time before she has been the most senior nurse on the floor leading to her taking on
the most critical care. Other staff spoke up about how they were worried about fatigue as well and
they didn’t think it was it was right to force overtime on the nurses because of short staffing. These
conversations led to talks about contacting their union representative and speaking up at the next
staff meeting. While almost all were upset about the staffing and planning on how to improve the
conditions, one nurse saw the new schedule as a way to make more money. The nurses around her
understood her mindset but explained to her that while working brings in more income, it also
means more fatigue and less safety on the floor, they have high acuity infant patients and just
showing up doesn’t provide proper care for them (WCU, n.d.).
These topics are important because they focus on issues that are often seen in the real world
but can be overlooked as a normal action when short staffed. We saw the nurses mobilize almost
immediately and look for ways to change the mandatory overtime that has been placed on them.
It’s almost important to look at how that can affect our patients. They admitted that they had an
increase in central line infections, this is most likely due to fatigue leading them to complete tasks
as fast as possible and complete negate things such as infection control and standard precautions
when providing care to these critical patients. By these nursing’s advocating for themselves they
are also advocating for their patients, it creates safe conditions for all.
When speaking about short staffing it’s important to understand that staffing ratios can be
different depending on the unit, hospital and even the state. In the state of California, there are
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established specific ratios for specific units such as acute care, acute psychiatric, and specialty
hospitals. If the maximum number is reached, there must be additional RN’s to be assigned based
on the acuity of the patient and their needs (Kasprak, 2004). These ratios are put in place to protect
the patients and nurses from critical errors. When the ratio is exceeded, it places a high level of
liability on the nurses, their managers, and the hospital as a whole. This can lead to preventable
accidents costing a nurse their license and a facility a lawsuit or more.
In my own practice, I have dealt with under staffing many times. It put the work of many on
one person and things tend to fall to the side. Even as a CNA, being short a staff member means
that I have to put aside less important things to make sure that the priority things are done. But this
puts my patients at risk because even forgoing oral hygiene once can put them at risk for infection
or oral thrush depending on their medications.
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Kasprak, J. (2004). California RN Staffing Ratio Law.,from https://www.cga.ct.gov/2004/rpt/2004r-0212.htm
WCU (n.d). Nurs440 Overstaffing., from https://webapps.srmapp.net/CanvasContent/SF/WCU_NURS_440_OL_TEMPLATE/Presentations/Nurs440%2
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