week 1:clinical journal


-this is a mental health clinical journal in the first week of clinical we image ourselves as a patient and describe one question which is in the uploaded doc below.IT should be creative imagination and thought while you write this paper plus do not copy from anywhere.

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Psychiatric Nursing Clinical Journal #1
Student Name_______________________________________________________
Imagine You Are the Patient
• In first person narrative, describe an aspect of what life is like for your patient.
You might describe a healthy time, what hospitalization is like, family dynamics,
or any other meaningful aspect of the patient’s life.
• Think about your appearance and behavior in the milieu (age, gender, dress,
hair, anxiousness, assertiveness, quietness). This is a form of communication
from you to all patients and staff. How might your messages be perceived? Be
specific about what behaviors convey which messages.

Describe your most significant experience this week in clinical. If this was a
negative experience, was there anything you could have done differently to
influence the outcome?

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