Week 1 Interactive Case Study Analysis


After you view the case study, respond to the following:

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Week 1 Interactive Case Study Analysis
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What is the role of the nurse? List two actions (interventions) you would have done differently in this scenario with rationales.
What is the role of the family?
Clearly relate the Nursing Code of Ethics to the case study scenario.

A minimum of 500 substantial words is required. Do not exceed 600 words. No cover page is required. References must be no older than five years from today’s date. Your submission should be double-spaced. Use the following headings in your paper:

Role of the Nurse
Role of the Family


Role of the Nurse

In this case study, the nurse plays a variety of functions. They are first in charge of taking care of the patient. This entails giving both emotional support in addition to physical care such as bathing, feeding, and turning. In addition, the nurse must coordinate the patient’s care with the patient’s family. In addition, the nurse must speak up for the patient’s preferences. As part of this, it must be made sure that the patient’s DNR order is upheld and that no unneeded procedures are performed on them.

In this situation, there are two things I would have done differently. I would have first discussed the patient’s preferences with their family earlier in their sickness. They would have had the chance to communicate their wishes to the patient and ensure that the medical staff was aware of their wishes. Second, I would have pushed for the patient’s requests with more adamance. I would have ensured that the patient’s DNR order was upheld and that they weren’t given any care that wasn’t essential.


The nurse may have handled this situation differently by doing some of the following activities or interventions:

Spoke to the patient’s family about their wishes earlier in the course of their illness.
Been more assertive in advocating for the patient’s wishes.
Ensured that the patient’s DNR order was respected.
Refuse to perform unnecessary treatment.
Communicate with the patient’s family about the patient’s condition and prognosis.
Provide emotional support to the patient and their family.
Coordinate the patient’s care with other members of the healthcare team

Role of the Family

In the treatment of a patient with a DNR order, the family is crucial. They can offer the patient and the medical staff emotional support. They could also speak up for the patient’s preferences. The patient’s preferences should be taken into consideration while making decisions, and the family should be involved.

Nursing Code of Ethics

A set of guidelines for nurses’ conduct is the Nursing Code of Ethics. The code places a strong emphasis on the value of justice, beneficence, and nonmaleficence toward patients. By honoring the patient’s desires, delivering treatment that was in the patient’s best interest, and avoiding behaviors that would damage the patient in this case study, the nurse would have been upholding the Nursing Code of Ethics.

Step-by-step explanation


American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD: Author.
Doukas, D. J., & McCullough, L. M. (1999). Medical futility: What does it mean, and how should it be determined? Journal of the American Medical Association, 281(19), 1895-1900.
Lynn, J., & Adams, J. (2003). Conversations with dying patients: Lessons on living. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press

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