week 1 feedback


question#1: As you traverse through the process of earning your nursing mental health master degree, have you identified a nurse mentor? According to Jean, a nurse mentor is one that can help with reflection in practice (2021). They are also reliable, encouraging, and trustworthy (Jean, 2021). If you do not have a mentor, how would you identify a person to function in this role? (use proper APA references)

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Jean, J. (2021). The importance of mentorship in nursing. Nurse Journal. Retrieved https://nursejournal.org/resources/the-importance-of-mentorship-in-nursing/

question#2: Give feedback to this posts(one paragraph per post, use proper APA reference)

post#1Jose: The first factor that motivated me to get the master’s is to keep being a leader and could better monitor and offer guidance to the nurses and show them proper way to conduct the patient care with stronger knowledge and attitude. Also, will lead me to better positions in the organization I work. Earning a master’s degree in nursing has the potential to make you a leader wherever you work. Also work independently having my own practice is a dream that I have for a long time and being an NP I know I can do it. The second motivation factor is that pursuing an advanced degree also provides me the chance to dig deeper into any areas of study that interest me the most and providing that additional expertise will grant me the opportunity to better serve patients and psychiatry always was my passion, when I was in nursing school I loved to go to mental health places for my clinicals, I always tried to get a explanation about how the mind could get so sick or so out of the reality.

Chamberlain offers a great support to the students like the Center of Academic Success on one-to-one tutoring from them, this resource can help to get any answer in specific subjects, I know I can get any answer or at least very close answer to any question I have; I used that resource a lot in my BSN. The vast textbooks resources that we can find in the library, from articles, textbooks, and many other publications that help us to read and analyze our nursing work and practices. It can be used for scholarly sources from articles, books, and publications. Writing center also helps a lot with APA format papers and has essay reviews. A very important resource that Chamberlain offers is their professionalism and knowledge of the instructors and the good communication policy that they have with the students, their understanding in times of struggling with any work due or any question. I know that for a fact because I just finished my BSN degree and I always found support and quality of education from my instructors.

The strategies that I used to build resilience and manage stress are usually meditation and sports. I set realistic short term and long-term goals and pursue them always trying to do my best moves towards those goals. Time management is always a clue to develop discipline and discipline is what I got from the military, is very hard for us to give up in difficult times on the contrary I build a strong foundation to keep on working, and find time to relax with sports and record my singing skills (I have already videos and recordings on the web), that helps me to dissipate and clear up whenever the stress is loading me.

I think the available resources to support me are adequate especially the use of the technology and data offered, without it will be almost impossible to accomplished and manage self-care being technology, nowadays the key in most of the areas we use is to have good skills of the use of computers and smartphones and manage the information available there in our favor. The resources that are available for us the MSN students will be determine and appropriate to lead us to success of course putting discipline and effort always trying our best. We must prioritize our own health and well-being so the will outcome will always be the best for our patients who we care for. As Hill 2023 says “You can.t give from an empty cup”, therefore we must take care of ourselves and prioritize that.


Hill, J. (2023). OAME/NCTM Report; Filling your cup! Self-care for teachers by teachers. Ontario Mathematics Gazette, 62(1), 8-8.

Post#2 Mimi: There are many factors motivating me to advance my degree to a Master of Science (MSN). First, is to leave the hospital rigors. I have been a neonatal intensive care nurse for more than 20 years. I have witnessed many policy changes over my nursing career. All these changes require us, the bedside nurses, to take on more labor exhaustive responsibilities. These changes also require us to take on higher acuity patients with less and less staff and cheaper supplies. My 12-hour shifts flow drastically differently than let us say even 5 years ago. I would like to transition into a new role before my own health forces me into unwanted early retirement. Healthcare workers who work in an intensive care setting have a higher propensity to suffer from poorer health than other occupations (Hidinger, et.al., 2022). Secondly, is to make myself more competitive in other avenues. I have wanted to transition away from the bedside for a few years. In my search, I have found that most employers require a graduate degree. My MSN will open a plethora of pathways from administration to informatics. It is exciting to imagine all the possibilities. I have been pleasantly surprised at the many resources that are offered at Chamberlain University that will help me succeed in my MSN program. The library is the most predominant resource. It crosses multiple databases to provide an all-encompassing supplier of needed references. In addition, there are countless helpful how-to videos throughout the University’s website. Thirdly, there is technical support and free Microsoft Office available to students.

My strategies for implementing self-care are; not neglecting my spiritual life by meditating daily. Along with keeping negative self-talk to a nonexistent level. In addition, I will continue to keep a weekly Saturday night dinner with friends’ commitment that has been ongoing for years now. I am completely confident that my strategies for self-care are adequate. If by chance I do need further implementation of new and improved strategies I will not procrastinate in doing just that. I will promptly address any issues or concerns with my professor to resolve them. I will be proactive in finding ways to secure my success at Chamberlain University.

Reference: Hidinger, et. al., (2002). Dying to retire or living to work. Nursing,52 (10), 20-27. doi: 10.1097/01.NURSE.0000872452.10766fd.