WC-According to the lecture and the worksheet Required Written Response


According to the lecture and the worksheet Required Written Response

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WC-According to the lecture and the worksheet Required Written Response
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Evaluating sources, performing
basic resource assessments
AE 598 – Week 3
January 15, 2024
Lecture 2 Learning Objectives:
> Evaluate sources and information when conducting a technology
> Identify the technology readiness level of a particular technology
> Identify what information is needed for a basic resource
assessment in the following areas:
– Economic
– Safety
– Regulations
Evaluating sources and information
> When conducting a technology review on a topic of interest, you
must locate and critically assess historical and current technical
> Last week we covered different ways of finding this information
– How do we know we can trust the source of the information?
– When the source is trusted, how do we assess the information?
Evaluating sources
> Authority
– Who is the author? What are their credentials? What is their area of
> Relevance
– How closely related is the source material to the technical area you are
> Objectivity
– Is there any bias visible in the work?
Assessing information
> Accuracy
– Is there any information presented which is plainly inaccurate?
> Methodology
– Is the methodology used to obtain the results sound?
> Comparison
– What is different about the approach presented when compared with
other sources?
> Technology readiness level (TRL)
– What is the maturity level of this particular technology?
Technology readiness level
Asynchronous reflection 1 (see assignment on Canvas)
> Choose a new/emerging technology in the aerospace industry.
Some examples: quiet propellers for drones, rotating detonation
engines, sustainable aviation fuel.
– What is the technology you’ve chosen?
– Find a source discussing the technology. List it here, and evaluate the
trustworthiness of the source.
– Determine the technology readiness level of the technology discussed in
the source you’ve found. Explain your choice.
Basic resource assessment
> You may be conducting a technology review for the purpose of determining
whether your organization wants to implement a new technology
> To help aid the decision of whether to implement a new technology, it is
useful to understand the industry landscape relating to the new technology
> In this context, a resource assessment is the process of gathering
information about the resources needed and available to implement a new
Economic considerations
> What is the budget available?
> Are there external sources of funding related to the new
> What is the forecast regarding the use of the new technology?
> What is the cost of developing the new technology?
> What is the cost of implementing the new technology?
Safety considerations
> What are the methods available to determine the safety of the
new technology?
> Does implementing the new technology introduce any new risks?
> How does implementing the new technology affect existing
safety measures?
Considerations regarding regulations
> What are the existing laws/regulations regarding the new technology?
> Are regulations different depending on the market?
> What are the governing bodies responsible for creating regulations if they
don’t exist?
Asynchronous reflection 1 (see assignment on Canvas)
> When performing a basic resource assessment, identify at least one more
consideration for all the following areas outside of those listed in the
lecture, or expand on any of the considerations listed.
– Economic:
– Safety:
– Regulations:
Next week
> Review of technology reviews
> Performing a basic resource assessment for different case studies
AE 598: Reflection Worksheet
Winter 2024
Week 3
For asynchronous completion, either complete the assignment on your own or partner with
other students to complete it.
Answer the following questions:
1. Choose a new/emerging technology in the aerospace industry. Some examples: quiet
propellers for drones, rotating detonation engines, sustainable aviation fuel.
a. What is the technology you’ve chosen?
b. Find a source related to the topic. List it here, and evaluate the trustworthiness
of the source.
c. Determine the technology readiness level of the technology discussed in the
source you’ve found. Explain your choice.
2. When performing a basic resource assessment, identify at least one more consideration
for all the following areas outside of those listed in the lecture, or expand on any of the
considerations listed.
a. Economic:
b. Safety:
c. Regulations:

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