Using Coastal DFIRM and FIS


Using Coastal DFIRM and FISLearning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3Create a FIRMette for 164 Captains Drive, Westbrook, Connecticut where the site is approximately located in the center of the FIRMette. Answer the questions in the attached worksheet using the FIRM and FIS. You will need only Volume 1 of the FIS for Middlesex County, Connecticut, look for Table 11 (Transect Descriptions) and Table 12 (Transect Data). The FEMA Region 1, New England LiMWA viewer will also be helpful for this exercise: to an external site. For Question 17 in the document below the link is broken, use this link instead: to an external site.

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Using Coastal DFIRM and FIS
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3
Create a FIRMette for 164 Captains Drive, Westbrook, Connecticut where the
site is approximately located in the center of the FIRMette. Answer the
questions in the attached worksheet using the FIRM and FIS. You will need only
Volume 1 of the FIS for Middlesex County, Connecticut, look for Table 11
(Transect Descriptions) and Table 12 (Transect Data). The FEMA Region 1,
New England LiMWA viewer will also be helpful for this
b9092061a64ccb8d8902266c287e2e.Links to an external site. For Question
17 in the document below the link is broken, use this link
aFEMADesignatedCoastalFloodHazardAreaVersionTwopdf.pdfLinks to an
external site.
EMGT 6630 – Module 3: Map Exercise #2
Using Coastal DFIRM and FIS
Create a FIRMette for 164 Captains Drive, Westbrook, Connecticut where the site is located,
roughly, in the center of the FIRMette. Answer the following questions using the FIRM and FIS.
Enter your answers in the Answer column, save your work and upload the completed worksheet
in the Map Exercise #2 Assignment in Blackboard.
1. Is the property located within a SFHA on
the effective FIRM?
2. Is the property located within a floodway?
3. What is the flooding source for this
4. What is the map scale of the FIRM??
5. What is the flood zone for the property?
6. What is the BFE for the property?
7. What is the 500-year stillwater flood
elevations for this location?
8. What is the effective date of the FIRM?
9. What is the FIRM Panel Number?
10. What is the CID Number for
11. What is the datum used on the FIRM?
12. What is the nearest transect to the
13. What is the maximum wave crest for this
14. Is the property located within a LiMWA
on the effective FIRM?
15. Is the property located within a CBRS
16. What is the total water level for the 1%
annual chance flood event at this transect?
17. Using the guidance at the link below,
what is the 500-year BFE for this location?

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