User stories planning exercises


user stories iteration planning exe

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User stories planning exercises
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Release Planning Exercise
Company Description
We are a new company called Weekend Escapes, founded on the premise that we have found a
niche in the travel booking marketing. We believe that there is a demographic of travels that are
not being catered for. Demographic: UK-based financial affluent, time-poor professionals
seeking a weekend getaway to Europe.
These people want a weekend getaway that favors convenience over cost. i.e. They are prepared
to pay more for a flight that is direct, leaves and arrives at good times. They want their hotel to
be easy to get to, ideally directly connected to the airport (or includes personal transfers) and is
close to the attractions and restaurants. They are not wealthy so cost is still important but much
less so than time. Hence, we are going to produce a travel search and booking website that hooks
them up with these convenient vacations.
As a start-up company, we want to balance generating revenue with building our user base and
reputation. Our company will earn income from commissions and kickbacks from associated
companies such as hotels, car rental companies, etc. Our reputation will be more important than
kickbacks because these affluent people are also assumed to be internet savvy and hence read
reviews of services such as ours.
Scenario 1:
The sales manager has identified a huge opportunity for us. In 4 weeks, an Innovative Travel
Show is being held nearby. This is the right moment to show off our Search by Convenience
feature and make a big splash into the market. Our agile team has an average velocity of 20 Story
Points per fortnight (14 days). We need to put forward our best face to wow the crowds and
secure some market share.
Scenario 2:
As a new company we have accepted a fixed price, fixed release date contract. Success in this
contract will establish us in the industry and earn us a solid revenue stream. We would like to
complete this project as quickly and cheaply as possible while keeping our contractual customer
Scenario 3:
Our company has recently been acquired as part of a large take over. Unfortunately, our
department is seen as a money pit. The new parent company is breathing down our backs and
could shut us down if we don’t deliver an early revenue stream. We need to get this site up and
running with an early revenue stream, followed by a steady revenue stream. Do what you can to
bring in the cash.
Backlog for Extended Version
Purchase rental car option
As a time-poor traveler
I want to book a hire car that I can pick up close to my inbound port and drop
off close to my outbound port, at times that closely match my arrival/departure
So that I can make the most of my time on holiday
Story Points 5
Purchase multi leg flights
As a time-poor traveler
I want to pay for multi leg flights
So that all of the details of my more complex than standard holiday are
arranged through one site
and the time to arrange my holiday is reduced
NOTE: Depends on ‘Purchase Single Leg Flights’
Story Points 5
Purchase single leg flights
As a time-poor traveler
I want to pay for single leg flights
So that all of the details are arranged through one site
and the time to arrange my holiday is reduced
Story Points 8
Purchase travel insurance option
As a time-poor traveler
I want to purchase travel insurance for my holiday
So that I have flexible travel & accommodation options if problems occur
and so that I can just pay for travel insurance for the duration of my holiday
and so all of the details of my holiday are arranged through one site
Story Points 5
Search by Convenience
As a time-poor traveler
I want to search for combined flights and accommodation holiday packages that
minimize connections, hand offs, waiting time, etc.
the results should be displayed from most convenient to least convenient
So that I can select a package maximizes my enjoyment on my holiday
Story Points 20
Search by Destination
As a time-poor traveler
I want to search for combined flights and accommodation packages for a
specific destination and date range
So that I can select a package to a destination that interests me
Story Points 5
Search by Price Range
As a budget conscious time-poor traveler
I want to search for combined flights and accommodation packages with a
specific price range
So that I can select a package that I can afford
Story Points 8
Spike – How to integrate to airline purchasing services
As the agile team
I want to understand our options / high level approach for integrating to the
published airline ticket purchases services
So that I can better plan and deliver our flight purchasing user stories
Story Points 1
Spike – How to Integrate to airline search services
As the agile team
I want to understand our options / high level approach for integrating to the
published airline ticket search services
So that I can better plan and deliver our search user stories
Story Points 1
Spike – How to integrate to rental car service
As the agile team
I want to understand our options / high level approach for integrating to the
published car hire service we intend to use
So that I can better plan and deliver our car hire user stories
Story Points 1
Spike – How to integrate to insurance Service
As the agile team
I want to understand our options / high level approach for integrating to the
published travel insurance purchasing service we intend to use
So that I can better plan and deliver our car travel insurance stories
Story Points 1
Suggest package deals on home page
As a time-poor traveler
I want to see recommendations for convenient package holiday deals which
include flights, accommodation and potentially car hire
So that I can save time booking a convenient holiday
Story Points 8
Ensure search performance is acceptable
As a time-poor traveler
I want to the searches to return results promptly regardless of the time of day
So that I do not get frustrated and can quickly find a holiday package
Acceptance Criteria: Mean time for searches should be under 5 seconds while
we are serving 100 concurrent users
Story Points 13

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