unit 7 disc 2


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Unit 7: Assignment #2 (due before 11:59 pm Central on TUE MAR 5):
a. To learn about the effects of emotional support via the Internet do the
b. First, read Curds-and-Wheyface’s (2017) Tumblr post about the
perceived benefits of online versus in-person emotional support.
c. Next, choose and read one of the following research articles, each of
which describes an empirical investigation of online emotional
1. Colasante et al.’s (2022) article, “Any Time and Place? Digital
Emotional Support for Digital Natives“
2. Fioravanti et al.’s (2023) article, “Examining the Impact of
Daily Exposure to Body-Positive and Fitspiration Instagram
Content on Young Women’s Mood and Body Image: An
Intensive Longitudinal Study“
3. Cserni and Talmud’s (2015) article, “To Know That You Are
Not Alone: The Effect of Internet Usage on LGBT Youth’s
Social Capital”
4. Dam et al.’s (2017) article, “Development and Feasibility of
Inlife: A Pilot Study of an Online Social Support
Intervention for Informal Caregivers of People with
5. Flickinger et al.’s (2017) article, “Social Support in a Virtual
Community: Analysis of a Clinic-Affiliated Online Support
Group for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS”
6. Goodwin et al.’s (2018) article, “First, Do No Harm: Referring
Primary Care Patients with Depression to an Internet
Support Group”
7. Kim and Gillham’s (2014) article, “Gender Differences among
Young Adult Cancer Patients: A Study of Blogs”
8. Kim et al.’s (2017) article, “Harnessing Facebook for
Smoking Reduction and Cessation Interventions:
Facebook User Engagement and Social Support Predict
Smoking Reduction”
9. Liu et al.’s (2017) article, “When Support Is Needed: Social
Support Solicitation and Provision in an Online Alcohol
Use Disorder Forum”
Masedu et al.’s (2014) article, “Facebook, Quality of
Life, and Mental Health Outcomes in Post-Disaster Urban
Environments: the L’Aquila Earthquake Experience”
Moon et al.’s (2017) article, “Breast Cancer Survivors’
Contribution to Psychosocial Adjustment of Newly
Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients in a Computer-Mediated
Social Support Group”
Moore and Ayer’s (2018) article, “Virtual Voices: Social
Support and Stigma in Postnatal Mental Illness Internet
Naslund et al.’s (2014) article, “Naturally Occurring Peer
Support through Social Media: The Experiences of
Individuals with Severe Mental Illness Using YouTube”
Pagoto et al.’s (2014) article, “Tweeting It Off:
Characteristics of Adults Who Tweet about a Weight Loss
Rains and Tsetsi’s (2016) article, “Social Support and
Digital Inequality: Does Internet Use Magnify or Mitigate
Traditional Inequities in Support Availability?”
Rice and Barman-Adhikari’s (2014) article, “Internet and
Social Media Use as a Resource Among Homeless Youth”
Quan-Haase et al.’s (2017) article, “Connected Seniors:
How Older Adults in East York Exchange Social Support
Online and Offline”
Zhang’s (2017) article, “The Stress-Buffering Effect of
Self-Disclosure on Facebook: An Examination of Stressful
Life Events, Social Support, and Mental Health Among
College Students”
d. Go to the Unit 7: Assignment #2 and #4 Discussion Board and
make a new post of at least 200 words in which you first identify the
article you read (by stating the author/s’ name/s and the article’s
title) and then you answer the following five questions:
1. First, why did you choose the article that you chose?
2. Second, what did the researchers study?
3. Third, why did they study this?
4. Fourth, what did they find?
5. Fifth, what do their findings mean?

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