unit 7 disc 1


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Unit 7: Assignment #1 (due before 11:59 pm Central on MON MAR 4):
a. To begin to learn about emotional contagion, do the following:
1. First, read Dictionary.com’s definition of Emotional Contagion.
2. Second, watch Nicholas Christakis’s (2010) TED talk, “The
Hidden Influence of Social Networks.”
▪ A transcript, available in 31 languages, is available here.
▪ Keep in mind that Christakis is talking about in-person
SOCIAL contagion, NOT Internet-based, EMOTIONAL
▪ The examples Christakis provides are about in-person
SOCIAL contagion, NOT Internet-based, EMOTIONAL
3. Third, read Christian Jarrett’s (2023) very brief article, “Here’s
What Makes Your Emotions More Infectious to Others.”
b. To learn how Facebook took advantage of emotional contagion, do
the following:
1. First, read Kramer et al.’s (2014) article, “Experimental
Evidence of Massive-Scale Emotional Contagion through
Social Networks” (aka: the Facebook-manipulated-ouremotions study).
2. Second, read Hughes’s (2014) criticism (but legal
justification) of Kramer et al.’s (2014) Facebook-manipulatedour-emotions study.
3. Third, read Ted Goff’s (2014) cartoon about Facebook
manipulating our emotions.
c. Go to the Unit 7: Assignment #1 Discussion Board and make a
post of at least 200 words in which you do the following:
1. First, briefly define emotional contagion.
2. Second, think of and then briefly describe an example of
EMOTIONAL (not social) contagion that is NOT Internet-based.
3. Third, briefly describe what the Kramer et al. (2014)
researchers manipulated in their study and what effect that
manipulation had.
4. Fourth, comment whether you think the Kramer et al. (2014)
study was ethical and why or why not (if you think it was ethical,
explain why you think it was ethical; if you think it wasn’t
ethical, explain why you think that it wasn’t ethical).
5. Fifth, speculate about whether you’ve ever consciously felt
emotional contagion on the Internet (if you think you have,
describe a specific situation; if you think you haven’t, explain
why you think you haven’t).

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