unit 6 disc 4


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Unit 6: Assignment #4 (due before 11:59 pm Central on FRI MAR 1):
a. First, read all of the following:
1. A summary of the chapter on Interpersonal Aggression from
Smith and Mackie’s (2007) Social Psychology textbook.
2. Gross’s (2014) article, “Online Trolls Are ‘Everyday Sadists’.”
3. University of California, San Diego Psychology Professor Hal
Pashler’s tweet in response to Gross’s article. (Be sure you
know the definition of ‘avow.’)
4. University of Pennsylvania’s Psychology Professor Adam
Grant’s (2022) tweet about a large-scale (2022) research
5. The abstract of Lopes and Yu’s (2017) article, “Who Do You
Troll and Why.”
6. The abstract of Buckels et al.’s (2018) article, “Internet Trolling
and Everyday Sadism: Parallel Effects on Pain Perception
and Moral Judgment.”
7. Newman’s (2014) article, “Einstein and Curie Dealt With
Trolls All the Time.”
8. Popova’s (2014) article, “Why Haters Hate: Kierkegaard
Explains the Psychology of Cyber-Bullying and Online
Trolling in 1847.”
b. Then, choose one of the following.
1. Listen to the first 25 minutes of the NPR’s (January 23, 2015
episode), “If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say, SAY IT
IN ALL CAPS,” during which Lindy West confronts her
cyberbully on air. (A transcript of the radio show is
available here.) OR
2. Read Francie Diep’s (2014) article, “Confronting My
Cyberbully, 13 Years Later.”
▪ For one person’s explanation for why Francie Diep’s
cyberbully might not remember cyberbullying Francie 13
years ago, see BarkAtKit’s (2019) tweet about why Lady
Gaga’s cyberbullies from 15 years ago might not
remember cyberbullying her.
c. Go to the Unit 6: Assignment #4 Discussion Board and create a
post, of at least 200 words, in which you analyze either Lindy West’s
cyberbully or Francie Diep’s cyberbully.
1. Why did you choose to analyze Lindy West’s cyberbully or
Francie Diep’s cyberbully?
2. What social psychological principles underlie the
cyberbully’s aggression (from the summary of Smith and
Mackie’s Social Psychology textbook you read)?
3. What personality traits might underlie the cyberbully’s
aggression (from Gross’s article, Pashler’s tweet, Buckels et
al.’s abstract, and Lopes and Yu’s abstract)?
4. Was the aggression hostile or instrumental (according to the
definitions you read in Smith and Mackie’s Social
Psychology textbook)?
5. Is the type of bullying and trolling we see on the Internet a new
phenomenon, or has it been around since the days of
Kierkegaard and Einstein (according to Newman’s article and
Popova’s article)?
6. As always, be sure to refer to all the materials you read (or the
radio program you listened to) and state all the authors’ names.

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