Unit 2 – Probability concepts and probability distributions


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Unit 2 – Learning objectives, assignment for BHIS 575
Unit 2 – Probability concepts and probability distributions
Dates: See course calendar under Course Documents for all deadlines (Central time).
Purpose: This unit looks at the concept of random events, discrete and continuous random
variables, the concept of probability, and examines commonly used data distributions including the
Normal, Binomial, and Poisson distributions.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this unit, the student will be able to do the following:
*Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of randomness
*Demonstrate an understanding of the concept and properties of probability
*Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of data distribution
*Understand the concept and importance of the Normal distribution
*Compute probabilities for data distributed according to the Normal distribution
*Compute values for normally distributed data for given probabilities
*Understand the concept of the Binomial distribution
*Compute probabilities for data distributed according to the Binomial distribution
*Understand the concept of the Poisson distribution
*Use software to compute probabilities for data distributed according to a given distribution
Unit Introduction
In unit 1 we developed an understanding of data and data types, numeric and graphical descriptive
statistics and how to compute them. In unit 2 we will develop an understanding of discrete and
continuous random variables, the concept of probability for discrete and continuous random
variables, data distributions, how to compute probabilities for a given distribution, and how to
compute values for data falling in a certain range for a normal distribution.
See the Readings course link tab for required and supplemental book chapters, articles, data links and
audio visual recordings.
Unit 2 – Learning objectives, assignment BHIS 575
Unit Introduction Video
Unit 2 Assignment (Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences)
1. Complete the assigned readings and watch any assigned videos.
2. To reinforce your understanding of the concepts, answer Review Questions and Exercises
chapter 3, 1-6, and chapter 4, 1-13, 15, and (21 in 11th edition, 23 in 10th edition), as well as
chapter 4 Exercise 4.7.1. Do not turn in this portion.
3. Assignment (to be turned in as an MS Word document report with results, analysis and
conclusions included):
Assignment question 1: Chapter 3: Refer to the random sample of 800 subjects from the North
Carolina birth registry we described and investigated in the Introduction and Unit 1. Using all
800 observations create a table that cross-tabulates the counts of mothers in the classifications
of whether the baby was premature or not (PREMIE) and whether the mother admitted to
smoking during pregnancy (SMOKE) or not.
a. Find the probability that a mother in this sample admitted to smoking.
b. Find the probability that a mother in this sample had a premature baby.
c. Find the probability that a mother in the sample had a premature baby given that the
mother admitted to smoking.
d. Find the probability that a mother in the sample had a premature baby given that the
mother did not admit to smoking.
e. Find the probability that a mother in the sample had a premature baby or that the mother
did not admit to smoking.
Assignment question 2: Chapter 4 – using all 800 observations of the NCBIRTH800 data
answer the following questions:
a. Assuming that mothers age (MAGE) is approximately normally distributed with a mean
of 26.91 and a standard deviation of 6.11, answer the following questions regarding
mothers age:
i. What is the probability that Age is less than 20 years
ii. What is the probability that Age is more than 36 years
iii. What is the probability that Age is between 20 years and 33 years
b. Assuming that mothers age (MAGE) is approximately normally distributed with a mean
of 26.91 and a standard deviation of 6.11, answer the following questions regarding
mothers age:
i. Generate a Boxplot, a Histogram and a distribution plot for mothers age
ii. What is the 68.26% range (lower bound and upper bound) for mother’s age?
iii. What is the 95% range (lower bound and upper bound) for mother’s age?
Note: Section 4.6 of the textbook covers the Normal distribution, with figure 4.6.2 addressing
typical areas under the Normal distribution. Figure 4.6.2(a) covers the area within +/- 1 standard
deviations about the mean, 0.6826 or 68.26%. Figure 4.6.2(b) covers the area within +/- 1.96
standard deviations about the mean, (0.95 or 95%).
Unit 2 – Learning objectives, assignment BHIS 575
Your deliverables for this assignment:
MS Word document report with discussion of the data, objectives of the analysis as you see them,
summary and conclusions, as well as supporting numeric and graphic software results included and
properly referenced in your document. Comments must immediately follow the specific graphic or
numeric results. A brief conclusion at the end is appropriate.

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