Unit 2 Mastery Negotiation 1 Individual Written


There are two components to this mastery assignment:(1) a team exercise completed by you and your assigned negotiation partner, and (2) a written analysis of the exercise to be completed by each learner. Time Required: Probably 30 minutes max to complete as an individual or small group, depending on the complexity of the actual negotiation under consideration. Unit 2 Exercise (Team):You will be placed with a partner to discuss a negotiation that you will be facing in the future. After reading “Exercise 4: Planning for Negotiations” (see p. 517 of Negotiations: Readings, Exercises, and Cases, 7th ed.) and required readings for the negotiation, present your thoughts about your own negotiation preparation according to the outline in the student manual and take notes of the feedback offered by your teammate. Take notes about your teammate’s presentation, offer feedback, and make notes about the feedback that offered. Be prepared to complete an individual follow up paper presenting and critiquing your own and your teammate’s original thoughts on negotiation preparation and the feedback that was offered. Unit 2 Analysis (Individual Assignment):Prepare an analysis of your teammate’s and your own negotiation preparation with the feedback you have received and provided after you have completed the exercise, incorporating a minimum of three citations from course reading. Write this analysis from the perspective of what has been learned from the readings and how you applied these principles to the assessment. Note:Each learner must prepare their own analysis paper; do not collaborate with the other team members on the paper. Conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 5 citations from the course readings. The analysis should be a minimum of 750 words in APA format, excluding the title page and references. Be sure to follow the guidelines outlined in the grading rubric. The objectives for this assignment are as follows: 1.Describe and critique the original plan for negotiation: What was the original plan and the rationale for the plan? How was the plan critiqued by the teammate and what was the rationale for the feedback that was provided? What modifications will be made to the plan? Why? 2.Describe and critique the teammate’s original plan for negotiation: What was the original plan and the rationale for the plan?How was your critique of the plan the rationale for the feedback that was provided? 3.What guidance would you offer your partner for improvement when providing feedback when critiquing a negotiation plan?What is the basis for your guidance? 4.What guidance would you offer yourself for improvement when providing feedback when critiquing a negotiation plan?What is the basis for your guidance? Requirements: Each learner must prepare a quality, substantive paper that addresses the objectives of the assignment and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric. Use the template provided in Blackboard to help you structure your paper. The analysis should be a minimum of 750 words in APA format, excluding the title page and references. Use APA format – Refer to APA Style and the Online Tutoring Center resources in Academic Resources for guidance on paper and citation formatting. conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 5 citations from the course readings. All external cited sources must have been published within the 5 years. Can you make sure that all the bold areas are addressed? I provide the template that you will need to use.

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Unit 2 Mastery Negotiation 1 Written Assignment
Crystal Barnes
Professional Studies, Southwestern College
Course ID: BSAD415 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Dr. Jamilah Rattler
August 31, 2023
Negotiating a Raise in Pay
Negotiation Planning
When preparing to take part in a negotiation, no matter how little it may seem, you must
do your due diligence in preparing yourself with the information you need in order to achieve
your desired end result. The first step in this process is to define your negotiation goal. This will
keep your “eye on the prize” and keep you focused throughout the planning process. “Knowing
one’s goal is the first and most important step in developing a strategy and executing a
negotiation” (Barry, 2023, p. 122).
The next steps in the planning process are determining what hurdles you must overcome
to achieve your desired end result. In this particular case in negotiating a raise in pay, you may
be faced with an employer that does not wish to give you a raise in pay or possibly not the
amount you are requesting. You then must decide how important it is to you should you not get
exactly what you want. What are the underlying interests as to what you are trying to
accomplish? Regarding obtaining a raise, what is the reason behind why you want to earn more
Once you determine your purpose, you can then determine what your BATNA, or best
alternative to this negotiated agreement, is going to be. In terms of pay negotiations, this is going
to be the bottom dollar that you will accept while still remaining somewhat satisfied. Knowing
your limits and how far you will go is also important in the negotiation process. Once you
analyze the other party’s negotiation style, goals, and limits, this will assist you in determining
when to keep pushing and when to walk away because progress is not being made.
Thesis Statement
An analysis of the negotiation process between an employer and employee and how each
party comes away satisfied with the outcome.
Employee Perspective: Crystal Barnes
The issue that is being negotiated is I would like a raise in my pay. I know that my
employer is going to come back with a lower offer, so I must determine what I am willing to
accept based on my current financial situation as well as other outside factors like cost-of-living
increases or inflation. I also want my pay to be close to or above what other industry
professionals within the same area and job type are earning. Most pay raises are going to have a
performance-based factor to them, so I also must consider my past performance evaluations and
my contribution to the organization. When the meeting is scheduled, I will bring the following
data with me: Current inflation rates, current pay information, and my past performance
evaluations. I will use a more collaborative strategy, so I come across as willing to negotiate
while also not coming across as someone who is willing to accept a low offer or the first
counteroffer they provide back to me.
Justin agreed with all the documentation I would bring to the meeting. However, he
stated it would be best to meet at a neutral site for both parties like a conference room versus the
employer’s office. It can be quite intimidating trying to negotiate with a superior when they are
sitting behind their desk, so I concurred that a neutral location would be best. He also said that
instead of the employer or employee setting a specific time and the other party being
accommodating and changing their schedule to work, it would be best if both parties
collaborated and agreed on a time that would work best for both. I agreed on that as well.
Textbook Concepts
I did not really think of the location of the meeting until Justin mentioned a neutral
location. Then I thought back to what I read in chapter two when it talked about external factors
and the environment affecting negotiations. “Negotiators also need to be aware that their
negotiation stance and how they are treated in a negotiation may also be influenced by external
cues in their environment” (Barry, 2023, p. 52). This means that should the meeting take place in
the employer’s office, it could purposefully or inadvertently influence the tone of the negotiation.
Employer Perspective: Justin Carroll
Prior to the negotiation, Justin would also do research on all the same information that I
would be bringing to the meeting regarding inflation rates, average rates of pay, and also my
previous performance reviews. Another item he would need to do research on is the
organization’s current budget and how much wiggle room he had to give pay raises. He would
also look at alternative incentives if he was unable to provide me with the pay raise I am
requesting. Some items he suggested were an increased rate of paid-time-off (PTO) accrual or
potentially an end-of-the-year bonus to offset the lower pay raise throughout the year. He also
stated that an accommodation strategy would be better than a collaboration strategy. As
mentioned above, he also suggested a neutral location which we agreed on.
The only additional feedback I had at this point was the difference in strategies. I felt like
a collaborative strategy would be better suited for this situation whereas Justin felt like an
accommodation strategy would be better.
Textbook Concepts
The reason we differed on the strategies is according to the textbook, “A strong interest in
achieving only the relationship goals—building, preserving, or enhancing a good relationship
with the other party—suggests an accommodation strategy” (Barry, 2023, p. 114). Justin felt like
the employer/employee relationship would fare better after the negotiation if this approach was
taken. However, I believe that more would be achieved if a collaborative strategy were used due
to the focus and importance being not only on the relationship between the two parties but also
on the substance of the negotiation itself.
Differences in Methods Used: Guidance for Improved Feedback
The only thing I would suggest is using a different negotiation strategy for more longterm success. The textbook states that the accommodation and competition negotiation strategies
have more of a short-term focus and that they only maximize one party’s outcome. Instead of
one party taking what they want or one party just giving in, a collaborative strategy gets both
parties involved and there will be a higher chance of both parties walking away satisfied with the
At the end of the negotiation, it was decided that while a full raise in my pay was not
feasible to the organization’s budget, I was able to get 50% of the pay raise I was asking for. I
was also offered a higher rate of PTO accrual as well as an end-of-the-year performance-based
bonus. Even though I did not get the full amount I was asking for, it was offset by the additional
incentives that were provided to me. On the other side, Justin was still able to stay under the
organization’s budget for pay raises while also retaining me as an employee.
Barry, R.L.D.S. B. (2023). Negotiation (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).
Lewicki, R. (2014). Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher
Education (US). https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/books/1259192024
Shonk, K. (2023, August 1). How to Negotiate Salary: 3 Winning Strategies. Harvard Law
School. https://www.pon.harvard.edu/daily/salary-negotiations/negotiate-salary-3winning-strategies/
Wagemann, C. (2022, July 26). The Ultimate Guide to Negotiating Your Salary. Harvard
University. https://careerservices.fas.harvard.edu/blog/2022/07/26/the-ultimate-guide-tonegotiating-your-salary/
TEMPLATE to prepare the Individual Written Analysis in
the Unit 2 Mastery Negotiation 1 assignments.
NOTE: EACH student on the team must complete and
submit a separate written analysis of the negotiation. Do not
Author Name
Professional Studies, Southwestern College
Course ID: Course Title
Instructor’s Name and Title
Assignment Due Date

Title of Negotiation in and Centered on the First Page
I. Introduction
A. Background about negotiation planning
B. Thesis Statement
II. Section Heading: Student A (Yourself)
A. As Student A you will present your own negotiation
B. Present the feedback Student B offered about your negotiation
C. Integrate textbook concepts into this section
III. Section Heading: Student B (Partner)
A. Present your partners (Student B) negotiation
B. Present the feedback you offered to your partners (Student B) negotiation
C. Integrate textbook concepts in this section
IV. Section Heading: Guidance for Improved Feedback (Reflection)
A. What guidance would you offer to improvement when critiquing a negotiation plan?
B. What is the basis for your guidance?
C. Integrate textbook concepts as needed.
V. Conclusion
A. Review of the major categories of support of the negotiation
B. The answer, solution or final option

**List references here in alphabetical order. Refer to Purdue OWL website if you need
assistance on citing the course textbooks

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