Unit 1 Response


INSTRUCTIONS:There are 2 responses. Read each response and write a 75 word response for each.

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Unit 1 Response
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Response 1.) APA (American Psychological Association) is a top scholarly and research writing standard. According to the APA guidelines as per OWL at Purdue, this is a source reference to a journal article analysis on IT Strategy and a YouTube Video discussing the same:

Journal Article Reference (APA format):

Hajela, S. (2024, February 20). What Is Information Technology (IT) Strategy? CIO Strategies. https://cioindex.com/reference/what-is-it-strategy…

The article elaborates on integrating innovative information technology (IT) strategies for sustainable business growth. According to Hajela (2024), this is how organizations can leverage IT enablers to improve operational efficiency, customer engagement, and innovation culture. The author has structured the paper in practical guidelines on how effective IT strategy and its implementation in line with business objectives are developed through reflections from case studies and theoretical frameworks. End..

YouTube Video:

Minderchen Channel. (2013, June 22). Business Strategy and Information Technology [Video]. YouTube.

This YouTube video by the TechInnovation Channel takes an in-depth look at how businesses can fashion and deploy IT strategies that lead to success, touching on concepts such as aligning IT with business goals, leveraging emerging technologies, and managing risks related to IT. The video hosts talks by industry veterans and sound advice on improving IT strategic planning for seasoned IT professionals and business leaders.


Hajela, S. (2024, February 20). What Is Information Technology (IT) Strategy? CIO Strategies. https://cioindex.com/reference/what-is-it-strategy/Links to an external site.

Minderchen Channel. (2013, June 22). Business Strategy and Information Technology [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkgFoL-1AiALinks to an external site.

Response 2.) After I submitted my composed work to Grammarly’s plagiarism checker to learn more, the outcome they gave me was more than comprehensive; it was also both insightful and helpful. Grammarly, having received praise for its efficacy and accessibility qualities, allows you to see off what you come up with so that you will not face duplication problems, which are attributed to most business degree programs worldwide since the integrity of students’ work is an issue in them (Rana, 2023). The plagiarism detector not only illustrates the indistinct sections from several sources but also gives the link to the sources. Such a tool was particularly useful, as it enabled me to see what content was a subject of review and judge whether the right way of citing was employed or the excerpt just needed to be paraphrased to ensure my term paper’s originality was retained. In addition, Grammarly provided feedback on the teaching’s un, purposefulness, and flow.

After this experimentation incident, I learned that to be academically sound and especially not involve plagiarism, it is crucial to devote time to ensure the work is original and admirable. Thus, it was displayed that it is not only about plagiarism checking on matching directly but also understanding the patterns of necessary referencing, which leads to the development of original academic writing. Also, I gained with Grammarly’s help that these platforms contain originality checking and even quality writing assessment, which encouraged me to be more self-critical and reflective during the writing process (Rana, 2023). Such an experience taught me that technology must go hand in hand to enhance educational activities, do the original work perfectly, and always improve one’s performance.


Rana, M. (2023, June 22). 15 main benefits of using Grammarly: A comprehensive review. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/15-main-benefits-us…