UNESCO and World Heritage Site Report


Choose a UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) that you have NOT visited (in a country other than your home country) that highlights a unique aspect of the culture and heritage or natural diversity of the region.

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Choose a UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) that you have NOT visited (in a country
other than your home country) that highlights a unique aspect of the culture and
heritage or natural diversity of the region. Use this website to begin your
research: (https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/Links to an external site.).

In 1-2 paragraphs, briefly discuss the following:
o What does the acronym UNESCO stand for?
o How many World Heritage Sites are there? How many countries
are represented?
o Review the World Heritage List Statistics and report one statistics
you found interesting. (Click the blue “Get Statistics” button on the
right-hand side of the page, or click
here: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/statLinks to an external site.)
Description of the World Heritage Site

In one paragraph, describe the following:
o Brief description of the WHS.
o Where is it located? (Country, as well as region, etc. For example, is
it in the center of the country? In the western region? Along the
coast? In the mountains?)
o When was this site designated as a WHS (date of inscription)
In another 1-2 paragraphs, describe the following:
o Is the site a Cultural Site (yellow on the map), Natural Site (green on
the map) or Mixed Site (yellow and green)?
o Describe the characteristics of this site that qualify it as a Cultural,
Natural or Mixed site.
o What makes this WHS unique?
o What attractions are located there? (For example, what will a
traveler see when visiting?)
o Other interesting or unique features of this WHS?
Why Did You Choose This WHS

In one paragraph, provide a brief discussion about why you chose this
particular site.
World Heritage in Danger

In 1-2 paragraphs, briefly discuss the following:
o Is this site officially listed as “in danger” by UNESCO? If yes, why?
o What does it mean to be listed as “World Heritage in Danger”?
o Are there other potential dangers that may impact this site? (Think
about overtourism, sustainability, political unrest, etc.)
World Heritage Sites as Tourism Attractions

In one paragraph, briefly discuss the following:
o Is this WHS a sustainable tourism attraction? Why or why
not? Please use at least 3 class concepts to help justify your

This assignment should be 4-7 pages in length, with the following formatting
o Typed, using 11- or 12-point font, Times New Roman, Arial, or
o Double spaced, 1 inch margins.

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