
Evaluations of programs are conducted for a variety of practical reasons: to aid in decisions concerning whether programs should be continued, improved, or expanded and to assess the utility of new programs and initiatives. As a social worker, you are charged with the duty to do “the least amount of harm” to the people with whom you work, and understanding program evaluation will help you.

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Many programs continue with their effectiveness unquestioned because they either sound good or it seems like there is no reason they would not be effective. For example, the program Scared Straight is promoted to be effective at deterring at-risk youth from going further into the criminal system. In this program, at-risk youths are confronted by current inmates and “scared” into stopping their criminal behavior. However, these programs have been shown to increase crime up to 28% because the youths want to emulate the prisoners. Also, some young people in the program have reported that adult inmates sexually propositioned them and tried to steal their belongings (Petrosino, Turpin-Petrosino, Hollis-Peel, & Lavenberg, 2013).

For this Discussion, you explain the importance of evaluation research, describe how evaluation research is important to social work, and explain the differences between formative and summative program evaluation.

Required Readings
Monette, D. R., Sullivan, T. J., DeJong, C. R., & Hilton, T. P. (2014). Applied social research: A tool for the human services (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Chapter 12, “Evaluation Research” (pp. 315–343)

Post your responses to the following:
Explain the importance of evaluation research in social work research.
Describe one use of evaluation research in social work research.
Explain the difference between formative and summative evaluation research.
Explain how evaluation research connects with social work ethics.