

The course page describes the urgent challenge for this course as the following:

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***How can communities use land use policy tools, if any, to address urgent challenges such as Identity, Sustainability, Technology, Global Cultures, Social Justice?… [Each student] should consider both the broad conceptual and philosophical issue as well as a specific, actionable problem tied to that issue. The section description should also provide a broad outline of the signature assignment to address an urgent challenge that students will complete in the course. Students in all sections will participate in a project that addresses the urgent challenge and allows practice of collaboration skills. These projects allow students to find their own engagement with the Urgent Challenge Theme for the course.***

o The project requires you to submit a minimum five (5) page paper and a three to five (3-5) minute video presentation. Imagine you have been tasked with writing a report for your community (Beachwood, OH) addressing one of the Urgent Challenge themes. The video portion is a mock presentation to the city council/mayor addressing your report and what actions the community should take to address the concerns.

o Some sample ideas, although you are urged to be creative, are: 1) Population or depopulation issues; 2) educational access or funding; or 3) environmental or sustainability concerns for your community.

o Students can access resources on their target community from the following: City website, Call or email the city manager, city council members, the mayor, etc. Additionally, cities often post on their city council minutes and agendas on the city website. DONT WORRY ABOUT THE VIDEO PART.

The signature assignment willaccount for 36% of the total course grade

Each UCS 30101 Course will culminate in a Signature Assignment that in some way seeks to address the titular question or focus of the course. The Signature Assignment engages with the Urgent Question and encompasses student work in three essential learning outcomes (ELOs)—written communication, oral communication, and information literacy. The signature should be multi-modal in nature, meaning that it should contain elements of both written and oral presentation, though it may take a variety of forms depending upon the course and instructor. The final assignment must be formatted for presentation in the ePortfolio.

As with all Signature Assignments, this assignment should meet the following goals:

▪ The assignment asks students to address the Urgent Question of the section in a way that draws upon the relevant information covered in the course.

▪ The signature assignment should have some possible life beyond the classroom, allowing students to demonstrate their skill in facing the urgent challenges of the times

▪ Provide student choice in selection of topic, focus, or other significant aspect of the assignment.

▪ Represent a task that is somehow meaningful to students, allowing students to find agency in the assignment.

▪ Involve reflection on student learning.


1 day ago

o The project requires you to submit a minimum five (5) page paper and a three to five (3-5) minute video presentation. Imagine you have been tasked with writing a report for your community addressing one of the Urgent Challenge themes. The video portion is a mock presentation to the city council/mayor addressing your report and what actions the community should take to address the concerns.

o Some sample ideas, although you are urged to be creative, are: 1) Population or depopulation issues; 2) educational access or funding; or 3) environmental or sustainability concerns for your community.

o Students can access resources on their target community from the following: City website, Call or email the city manager, city council members, the mayor, etc. Additionally, cities often post on their city council minutes and agendas on the city website.