Two Discussion Board Business Law Questions


Answer the following two discussion board prompts thoroughly:

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Two Discussion Board Business Law Questions
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1) Consider the following hypothetical: Barnes agrees with Morgan to enter into the management of a new subdivision of residential housing. Morgan appoints Barnes as his manager for the duration of the development program. During the course of the construction, Barnes decides to use funds specified for the subdivision for an office space project that Barnes alone has been interested in completing. Morgan is very angry on learning of Barnes’ actions and terminates the agency. Barnes insists that the agency cannot be terminated in this manner. Is Barnes correct?

Discuss the concept of respondeat superior and provide an example in which a principal would be liable for an agent’s criminal act.
Be sure to cite information found in our course material to support your analysis.

2) Consider the following hypothetical: Marble Industries hired virtually all of its employees from Union High School, which was overwhelmingly white in its racial makeup. Accordingly, there were virtually no nonwhite employees employed by Marble Industries. The work that these employees performed was work that any reasonably capable high school graduate could do. When organizations representing nonwhites questioned the policy, the personnel director indicated that Union High School graduates were hired because they had worked successfully for the company and because the president of the company had graduated from that school. There was no evidence that there was any plan or intention to discriminate against nonwhites. Discuss the possibility that this policy may violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Not all discrimination is prohibited by law. For example, employers routinely discriminate between potential employees based upon education or experience. Other types of discrimination are more subtle but still legal. For example, some employers discriminate between potential employees based upon personal characteristics such as weight or attractiveness. Should employers be permitted to discriminate based upon attractiveness? Take a side and argue that an employer should or should not be permitted by law to discriminate against persons who are not attractive.
Be sure to cite information found in our course material to support your analysis.

Keep in mind that, although there is no length requirement, your response should thoroughly answer the question. Use substantial detail to support your answers.

It must be in APA format.

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