Two Discussion Board


2 Discussion Board. Please follow the instructions in the document and work on these 2 Discussion Boards and deliver it today within 3 hours time limit.

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Two Discussion Board
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Discussion 1.
Managerial decision making is an important process in organizations. For this week discussion, list and
discuss any two kinds of decisions that private- and public-sector managers face.
What is the problem the manager faces? Who is the decision maker? What is the decision setting or
context, and how does it influence managerial objectives of the organization?
Use this web link for APA Reference, Please review the following link regarding “8-Step Leadership
Decision-Making Process For Making The Best Decisions”:
Discussion 1. Follow Discussion Grading Rubric Instructions
Content: 10 pts
The post adequately discusses the proposed topic and sufficiently answers questions.
Organization: 5 pts
The entire post is controlled by a clear purpose. The reader moves easily from one point to the next
Spelling, mechanics, formatting: 5 pts
Minimal grammatical and/or mechanical errors. APA formatting is used correctly.
Assignment requirement: 10 pts
All assignment requirements are met. These requirements may include word count, references,
formatting, and responses to fellow classmates’ posts.
Total Points: 30
No Plagiarism
No Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
APA 7 Style Cite Refences
Discussion 2.
1. Explain how to develop the habit of creativity.
2. Explain how social entrepreneurs can use capital markets to fund their ventures.
This activity aligns to the following course objectives:
Develop an awareness of entrepreneurship/new venture start-up issues
Apply key business concepts to various business problems/situations
1) Discuss how to develop the habit of creativity
2) Explain how social entrepreneurs can use capital markets to fund their ventures
Discussion 2. Follow Discussion Grading Rubric Instructions
Student responds to discussion board with thoughtful, insightful response using appropriate business
terminology. Student provides detailed response and adds to discussion with new ideas or information.
Total Points: 25
No Plagiarism
No Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
APA 7 Style Cite Refences

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