Travel “Letter to a friend”


This course is particularly focused on helping you develop visual literacy skills, but all the college courses you take are to some degree about information literacy.

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Travel “Letter to a friend”
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Visual literacy is really just a specialized type of information literacy.

The skills you acquire in this course will help you become an effective researcher in other fields, as well.

For this assignment, you are going to study one work of art in depth, by virtually traveling to the city in which your one work of art was made. You will study what the city was like when the work of art was made and what that city is like today. Do NOT confuse the city in which the work was made with the city where the work is located today, which is usually a museum.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine where your work of art was actually made. You may need to research this fact first. If you can’t figure it out, choose a different artwork.

You can choose any artwork from any of the museums linked to in the MUSEUM module, but it should be an artwork you did not include in your Museum and the artwork cannot be made in Houston.

I have attached a example of the Assignments.

Upload your 2 page Letter to a Friend here.

Remember to include one library book citation at the bottom of your 2-page Letter to a Friend and an image of the artwork.

When you upload your assignment your letter will be checked by the Turnitin system for plagiarism. The system will tell you what your similarity score is, you are aiming for under 15%. If your score is higher than 15% edit your letter to reduce its similarity and upload it again. It can take the system a few minutes to check your paper (and up to 24 hours for resubmissions) so if you don’t receive a score immediately remember to check again before the due date. And don’t wait until the last minute!

IMPORTANT: If your submission has more than 15% similarity, you need to revise your work to get it below the 15% match.

Tip! Students often report that they have difficulty finding the city in which their artwork was originally made without using a library book for background information on the artist and where he lived and worked during the year the work was made.




Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatDid you use the correct Format: 8 paragraphs, title of art italicized or in quotes, city of its creation mentioned in first line of letter, image and bibliography included?

15 pts

Full Marks/Excellent Work

14 pts

Format mostly followed

12 pts

Format somewhat followed

11 pts

Format barely followed

9 pts

Format not well followed

0 pts

No Marks/Work not submitted

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntro/CityDoes your intro include a thorough description of the city, including weather, food, and local culture?

10 pts

Full Marks/Excellent Work

9 pts

City mostly discussed

8 pts

City somewhat discussed

7 pts

City barely discussed

6 pts

City not really discussed

0 pts

No Marks/Works not submitted

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedia/MaterialsDoes your letter include a thorough description of the artwork’s materials and media?

10 pts

Full Marks/Excellent Work

9 pts

Materials/Media mostly discussed

8 pts

Materials/Media somewhat discussed

7 pts

Materials/Media barely discussed

6 pts

Materials/Media not really discussed

0 pts

No Marks/Work not submitted

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeriod or StyleDoes your letter include a thorough description of the artwork’s period or style?

10 pts

Full Marks/Excellent Work

9 pts

Period/Style mostly discussed

8 pts

Period/Style somewhat discussed

7 pts

Period/Style barely discussed

6 pts

Period/Style not really discussed

0 pts

No Marks/Work not submitted

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of the ArtworkDoes your letter include a thoughtful description of the artwork, including subject matter, elements and principles of art, etc.?

10 pts

Full Marks/Excellent Work

9 pts

Description mostly discussed

8 pts

Description somewhat discussed

7 pts

Description barely discussed

6 pts

Description not really discussed

0 pts

No Marks/Work not submitted

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArtist’s BiographyDid you include thorough biographical information about the artist and an image of the art work?

10 pts

Full Marks/Excellent Work

9 pts

Biography mostly discussed

8 pts

Biography somewhat discussed

7 pts

Biography barely discussed

6 pts

Biography not really discussed

0 pts

No Marks/Work not submitted

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInfluencesDid you include a thoughtful discussion of two significant cultural influences and other artists working in the same medium or style?

10 pts

Full Marks/Excellent Work

9 pts

Influences mostly discussed

8 pts

Influences somewhat discussed

7 pts

Influences barely discussed

6 pts

Influences not really discussed

0 pts

No Marks/Work not submitted

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammarDoes your work include few grammatical errors/typos?

25 pts

Full Marks/Excellent Work

23 pts

Few typos/grammatical mistakes

21 pts

Some typos/grammatical mistakes

19 pts

Several typos/grammatical mistakes

17 pts

Excessive typos/grammatical mistakes

0 pts

No Marks/Work not submitted

25 pts

Total Points: 100

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Create 8 Paragraphs during your Travel the World
– Letter to a Friend print this page
Overview, Writing Format, & Instructions

Write in the 8-paragraph format outlined below, a 2-page “letter to a
friend”, 12-point font size, with 1.5 or double line spacing.
Choose one work of art from the link or document provided by your
professor in a NEWS announcement.
Determine the city in which the one work of art was made. This will
take research on your part.
On the web, discover all you can about the city then and the culture
now, in which the work was made.
Begin 2-page paper with Dear “friend’s name”, and end with Sincerely,
“your name”.
The grading rubric will not apply if you confuse the city in which the
work was made with the city in which the work is now located which
most typically is a museum.
The topic sentence in first paragraph sets the tone for your paper and
your grade. Include EXACTLY the factual information requested in that
topic sentence; no more, no less.
This paper is about one work of art, its meaning, the geographical,
political, and historical context in which the one work was created.
Paragraph Format
First Paragraph (Use present tense; I am in the city of…..etc.)
a. First and the topic sentence includes ALL of the following: city
visiting (city in which work of art was made), the title of the artwork
(italicized), artist or the civilization, the year it was created, media,
period and/or style
b. Why you want to spend money to travel to the town where it was
c. One sentence statement about what the artist is trying to say in the
(i.e., content of the work)
d. Cost to travel to the city in which the work was made
f. Cost of the hotel and name of the hotel you are staying
e. One detail, a fact, about the original patrons for this one work of art
Second Paragraph – City
a. Describe the location of the city in the world
b. Food and culture
c. Architecture
d. Entertainment
e. Geographical, landscape features of the region
f. Climate
III. Third Paragraph – Media and Materials
a. Name the materials in the work (the “media”)
b. Describe the process used to put the materials together (mediums:
painting, printmaking, sculpture, watercolor, digital)
c. What is the size, scale, dimensions of the work?
d. Is there any texture, actual (tactile) or implied? What material is
used to
represent the texture? How does this affect your sense of touch or
sight? e. How does the artist use light?
f. Name other elements or principles of art used in the work and why?
IV. Fourth Paragraph – Period or Style
a. Name of the period and/or style in which the work was made (often
an ‘ism, and the term is capitalized)
b. Years in which the period or style flourished
c. Political history of the period
d. Location in which the period or style flourished
e. Visual elements of the period that were retained from the past
f. Visual elements of the period that are emphasized
V. Fifth Paragraph – Description of the artwork
a. Subject Matter or objects you can name in the work
b. Form the work takes- 2D or 3D, medium and methods, installation
or digital?
c. Emphasis and the elements the artist uses to create emphasis
d. Symbolism of colors, patterns
e. How the above elements restate what the artist is trying to say
VI. Sixth Paragraph – Artist Biography
a. Birth and circumstances of death of the artist
b. Professional activities of the artist
c. Formal Education or self taught? Where, why, how?
d. Circumstances of lifestyle as reflected in something you see in the
one work of art
e. The artist’s inspiration for the one work of art
VII. Seventh Paragraph – Compare and Contrast Outside Influences
a. Name artist/s working during this period and their influence/s on
your artist or this chosen artwork
b. Name and describe another artwork during this period and compare
it with your chosen artwork
VIII. Eighth Paragraph – Conclusion
a. Who owns the one artwork today? (90% of the time, a museum
owns the work today)
b. In what city is the artwork located today?
c. Surmise something you learned by visiting the city in which your
one work was made?
d. Could you have made the trip easier somehow? What would you do
differently if you returned?
e. Sign off with “Sincerely”, and your name
f. On 3rd page, cite all sources used in the paper. At a minimum you
will have these 3 sources:
1. travel web site for hotel and air fare
2. library book must be a scholarly source – a book or journal
3. Include a photo of the work with your paper and/or attach

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