Transforming Dental Healthcare


“Revolutionizing Dental Health Care: Harnessing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Diagnosis and Treatment in the Modern Era of Dentistry”. Hi This is my capstone topic. Before you did project proposal and for this week I need draft. I have attached the outline document. Please go through the document. I need draft, minimum of 15 pages and maximum of 20 pages

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Transforming Dental Healthcare
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Note to Students
This document provides the outline, structure and the some the most critical elements of the
structure. This is for reference. You will not write your paper in this form. You will write you
paper in the HIT Capstone Template provided in Blackboard.
For clarity and consistency, you will always refer to your Capstone as “project”. You will NOT
refer to it as “study”, “research” or “article”. This will help differentiate your own original work
from that of the literature or data you select to include in your Capstone project.
Good writing is a critical part of this work and your final grade in the Capstone course. Please
make sure you have good proofreading support and do not hesitate to reach out to the UMBC
Writing Center for support, (just make sure you give yourself several weeks to schedule an
appointment with them).
Font Settings:
Settings for the text of the body of the paper: Calibri Body, 12pt, single space
Settings for headers: Calibri Body, 14pt, Bold, double space from last section
Settings for sub-headers: Calibri Body, 12pt, Italic, single space is below a header, double space
if below text, single space below
*Use the downloadable HIT Capstone Template: Title Page, Headers and Sub-headers are
already added for you! *
Page Length: (in signal spaced format)
Minimum : 15 pages, Maximum : 20 pages
Paper Structure:
Title Page
Main Body
I. Introduction (Min– 4, Max – 5 pages)
1. Statement of the Topic
2. A Brief History of the Topic
When did this begin?
Has it gotten worse?
Location of the Topic/Challenge/Policy
nationwide, a particular region, stateor municipality? a particular community of people?
Certain part of the healthcare system (suchas hospitals?)
7. [Note:you do not have to focus on the United States…you are welcome to focusyour
topic on your country of origin, for example, if not the U.S…or acommunity of people in
a region of a country or part of the world… you can alsotake on a topic globally,
however, this require more attention to scopemanagement]
8. Who is Affected?
9. nationwide, a particular region, stateor municipality? a particular community of people?
10. You can take on a segment of ahealthcare system (hospitals or even emergency rooms
within hospitals, forexample)
11. Who are those most directly andnegatively impacted?
12. What are the implications for the restof us? Broader indirect affects?
13. Why is Topic Important to You?
14. Why are you passionate about thistopic?
15. What draws your interest? (It’s okay – but absolutely not required – torelate personal
experiences if applicable).
16. You are welcome and encouraged to sharerelevant professional experiences as well,
both clinical/patient care and/ortechnical experiences (this can also be useful to
incorporate into yourDiscussion and Conclusion sections.
17. What the Causes?
18. Policy Issues (insufficient, absent,political roadblocks, etc)
19. Management principles (perverse businessincentives, lack of regulation, ethics issues,
20. Technology Issues: (not yet developed,costs, lack of interoperability, etc)
21. Clinical issues (contagions, etc)
22. Social issues (impact of media,socio-economic impacts, etc)
23. What are the Financial Costs?(healthcare cost, economic impacts, etc)
24. What are the Human Costs? (mortality,quality of life, inequality, etc)
25. Who are the Stakeholders? (These arepeople/groups/organizations that play a role but
are not necessarily directlyaffected in a negative way)
26. Public Awareness
27. Is there proper public awarenessof this topic/problem?
28. Prioritization [trajectory of the currentstate, Why is this a priority?
29. Describe why this should be a priorityto stakeholders especially decisions makers and
those with power to affect change?
30. Does this problem appear to be getting worse? (Ex: more frequent, more affected higher
31. What are the risks if this topic is not properly addressed? Are there estimates of what
would occur at a or several future points if this is not properly addressed?
II. Methodology (Min – 2, Max – 3 pages)
One of the key things to remember in the methodology section is that this is about your
methodology for your Capstone project. This section is NOT the place to describe the
methodology of the authors of any of the literature or data sets you selected for your literature
review. In this section you can include how you arrived at your topic, specifically how you might
have narrowed it down from a broader topic. Discuss what search methods you used for
literature (ex: UMBC AOK Library, Pub Med, Google Scholar, etc). If you used data sets, such as
publicly available data from a U.S. “.gov” site, how did you go about searching from that? What
U.S. agencies did you explore. This is the same for internationally available data or other webbased content for your paper, such as the World Health Organization or World Central
Kitchen. It is also recommended that you include a description of the how you refined your key
word searches and what key searches yielded the best results for your literature and data
searches. You are encouraged to add how you decided to include and exclude literature. For
example, were there articles that were somewhat relevant but you ultimately, did not include
them? If so, why. Which articles did you find to be the most relevant and why? You are welcome
and encouraged to write about what was challenging in selecting and analyzing your literature
and data for this project as well as worked well as you developed your project.
III. Theoretical Framework (Min – 1, Max – 2 pages)
This section, which can just be a couple of paragraphs, is where you re-state your hypothesis
and your objective statement from your Capstone project proposal. You want to articulate how
you arrived at your hypothesis, including how you might have refined your hypothesis and your
primary objective through the Capstone draft and final process. You also want to show how
your hypothesis and objective statements are related to one another. Finally, you want to clarify
the overall scope of your Capstone project which is comprised of your hypothesis and your
objective. You can think of it as the “sum” of those two concepts as you have defined them in
this section.
IV. Results (Min – 3, Max – 4 pages)
In this section, one of the key things to remember is that this section is where you describe and
summarize the results found by the authors of the literature from your collection of literature
you selected for analysis for you Capstone project. Here you will write about what you found to
be key findings, including data results and the authors’ own impressions and conclusions those
results. You can re-state their hypotheses and how their own research stood against each of
their own hypotheses respectively as well as their own methodologies. In summary, the Results
section is focused on their findings, impressions, conclusions recommendations and the
Discussion and Conclusion section is where you articulate your thoughts, impressions,
recommendations, and conclusions based on your analysis of the literature and data you
selected for your Capstone project.
V. Discussion (Min – 4, Max – 5 pages)
As stated just above, this is the section in which you formulate and articulate your own original
thoughts, impressions, recommendations, and conclusions of your analysis of the literature and
data you selected. This is the most important part of your Capstone project! You might wish to
open this section with a brief re-statement of topic, the objective and the hypothesis.
In moving into your analysis of the literature and data, you can directly react – in agreement or
disagreement – to others’ findings that you described in the Results section. There is no
expectation for you to wholly agree or disagree with others’ findings, but rather it is expected
that you explain your basis for either stance. However, what is often most compelling is offering
an impression outside of what others have found in the previously published work. You may
discover an observation about a data set or a result (or a pattern among a collection of either or
both) that was not found among the literature you selected or came across during your
research. Such discoveries can contribute novel and meaningful knowledge to your selected
topic. This what you want to ponder as you develop your analysis and reflect upon it in your
writing, especially in this section and the conclusion section.
Think your discussion section as flowing; first from your own thoughts and impression of the
literature and data you selected transitioning into your own recommendations related to the
topic. To assist with the recommendation’s aspect, use this framework:
1. Thoughts andimpressions of the Existing Literature
2. Recommendationstowards Progress
3. Non-Technical Components of effectivestrategy- (as many as applicable, does not have
to be strictly limited to thisframework – these are just suggestions):
4. Policy changes (national, state, local government laws or regulations,international policy,
public resourcing, etc.)
5. Management principle and practice changes (ex: professional ethics, workflow
standards, private resourcing)
6. Stakeholder Engagement/Eliciting support of stakeholders (both likely champions and
likely detractors)
7. Public behavior changes (ex: health habits, preventative care – public communication
strategies, meeting diverse cultural needs in effective messaging
8. Technical Components of effectivestrategy (deep technical detail is welcome but not
required for Capstone)
9. Examples:
10. Data accrual and/or data sharing and/or patient access or public accessto data
11. Data science/date synthesis/data computation
12. Data visualization
13. Clinical decision support
14. Application of computational and systems thinking
15. Individual, community or public patient engagement
16. Other Considerations
17. Costs and funding support
18. Risks and risk mitigation
19. Ethical considerations
20. Defining Desired Outcomes
21. Define anticipated outcomes andmap to current state challenges.
22. Timeline estimates to realizing outcomes
23. Method for measuring outcomes.
IV. Summary and Conclusions (1 page)
This is where you wrap everything up and get in your final/closing thoughts. Over the course of
a few paragraphs, you want to revisit the original premise of your project, including your
objective and hypothesis, a summary of how and why you selected the literature and/or data
sets that you did, a brief summary of the collectively (primary themes) of others findings from
that literature selection.
From here you want to briefly restate the primary themes of your own thoughts and
impressions, including a few sentences about how you relate your own impressions to what
you found in the existing literature, (how others’ findings and conclusions influenced your
own). Then, briefly restate you the primary themes of your recommendations.
Finally, write a paragraph that starts with a re-statement of why you care about this topic, why it
is important to you. This can include work you would like to pursue after graduation from this
program. Here, you can write a little more casually (though make sure you maintain good
grammar). This is your final word, your own free form thoughts, why this topic is important,
how you think your recommendations could make a positive impact, and why this would be a
contribution to society and humanity, even if only for a specific population. In sum, why is this
work meaningful and how its specifically meaningful to you. You might close with what you
learned from the experience of developing your Capstone project.
V. References (no page limit)
Be sure to use APA style and start references on a new page at the end of your paper.
HIT 760 – Health IT Capstone
Office of Professional Studies
HIT Capstone Project Proposal
Title: Revolutionizing Dental Health Care: Harnessing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence for
Advanced Diagnosis and Treatment in the Modern Era of Dentistry.
Objective: Throughout the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has led to significant
breakthroughs in various parts of the healthcare industry. These advancements have been made
possible by the adoption of AI. The primary purpose of this capstone project is to investigate the
potential contributions that artificial intelligence could make to oral healthcare. The title,
“Revolutionizing Dental Health Care,” alludes to a significant shift in how dentistry is performed,
underlining the significance of artificial intelligence in improving the quality of evaluation and
treatment. The objectives, approaches, and theories that are being applied to examine the
possibilities of artificial intelligence in dental health care are significantly addressed in this project.
Method: The method used in this capstone project is suggested to be cautious and coordinated,
aiming to investigate how fabricated bits of knowledge (artificial intelligence) appear to adjust
dental prosperity care. The first step of the project is to thoroughly examine all the research that
has been done on AI applications in dental care. The review of the composing is the essential move
toward learning more practically the present status of artificial intelligence advancements, for
example, mechanical assemblies for picture affirmation, assurance, and treatment plans
(Srivastava, 2023). By combining data from studies and business reports that have been peerreviewed, the extension aims to uncover nooks, challenges, and success stories. The combination
will give a speculative framework for the accompanying advances. After the composing review, a
pilot is considered an essential part of the methodology. As part of this consideration, dental
specialists and simulated intelligence experts will cooperate in gathering a group of datasets, like
calm records, x-beams, and treatment reports.
The information collected is used to prepare and test computer-based intelligence structures
to dissect and organize dental issues. The information circle between dental workers and computerbased intelligence experts directs the iterative readiness to make these estimations prevalent. The
estimation makes it unquestionable that the advancement fits the practical requirements of the local
dental area (Bridge, 2021). Realizing and making an easy-to-understand interface for dental
experts is essential to the procedure. The interface makes collaborating with AI advancements and
conventional dentistry tools easier. It is uncommonly crucial that the connection point works with
current dental sharpened organization gadgets to make the change to simulated intelligence helped
work processes go as effectively as possible. The pilot ponders shaped the arrangement of this
connection point, with a middle on simplifying it to use, making it open, and making it function
admirably with the ongoing dental plan. Likewise, the technique thinks about how imperative
information is from dental experts and clients. Through meetings, overviews, and usability testing,
the project trusts to remember a bundle around how people feel roughly the artificial intelligence
development, all things considered, dental settings, counting how strong it is and the way that well
it is recognized. For advancing the AI framework and resolving any issues or concerns during the
execution phase, this input circle between technology specialists and end users is of the utmost
importance. The strategic technique in this capstone project takes a gander at the whole picture
and incorporates working with others. It consolidates a full review of the composition, an
HIT 760 – Health IT Capstone
Office of Professional Studies
information-driven pilot contemplation, and the production of a simple to-involve interface that
makes room for simulated intelligence to be used effectively in dental prosperity care (Wright,
2022). The deliberate methodology focuses not on the manner of speaking and testing the
hypotheses but rather on building a solid base for using artificial intelligence propels in state-ofthe-art dentistry.
Hypothesis: Convictions regarding the potential positive and negative outcomes that will occur
due to using artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare field are the fundamental ideas that serve
as the foundation for this final project. There is a colossal run of subjects that are gotten by these
hypotheses, stretching from improving the precision of investigation to assessing the credibility of
using artificial intelligence to organize treatments (Wright, 2022). In developing this, they consider
the potential issues regarding ethics, data security, and the essentials for advancing human
oversight. Using fake experience estimations for dental specialist assurance is the starting thought
that the broaden depends on. Artificial intelligence’s ability to quickly see through colossal
amounts of dental data and find plans that individuals could miss is what the speculation depends
on. Regular treatment planning is based on broad considerations that might only consider some
patient’s unique requirements, the occurrences of previous prescriptions, or the current demand
for the treatment.
Preliminary References:
Redwan, A. K. H. (2020, July 29). Transforming inter-professional dental care: Assessment of
non-dental Healthcare Workers’ knowledge and attitudes towards children’s Oral Health.
Boston University Libraries OpenBU.
Srivastava*, R., Tangade, P., & Priyadarshi, S. (2023). Transforming Public Health Dentistry:
Exploring the digital foothold for Improved Oral Healthcare. International Dental Journal
of Student’s Research.
Wright, J. T. (2022). Transforming dentistry with technology. The Journal of the American
Dental Association, 153(1), 1–2.
Bridge, G., Martel, A.-S., & Lomazzi, M. (2021). Silver diamine fluoride: Transforming
Community Dental Caries Program. International Dental Journal, 71(6), 458–461.

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