Tourism and Social Media Provide a cultural service to international travellers, catered by the discriminated e.g.,


Group Idea- Provide a cultural service to international travellers, catered bythe discriminated e.g., the Elderly, disabled and people with learning difficulties. While alsohelpingthe employees and businesses that provide the cultural experiences with English Language lessons.

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Tourism and Social Media Provide a cultural service to international travellers, catered by the discriminated e.g.,
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The campaign goal is to create/increase awareness of our services so that more businesses work with us and more foreigners take up activities with us, so more income is coming into the company.

Purpose of Business Plan

Our business intends to improve the lives of the locals within Kyushu by providing jobs for those who have difficulty in the current jobs market, while also improving the local business on the island with English language lessons.

This is because there is only a legal requirement for organisations with more than 300 employees to have 2.5% of their labour to be disabled. (Lang 2023) However, in local and cultural businesses this cannot established as they do not have the workload to meet the requirements. In addition, teaching the English Language to the businesses and participants of our business will increase their chances of other career opportunities across Japan and the world, as they can reach a larger range of people. (Workforce Essentials 2023)

Can you please help me to write a strategy and measure what matters?

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Tourism and Social Media
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Fall Semester 2023
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache
TASK: It is time for you to become a Changemaker! In groups of 4, you must assume the
role of a young organization and prepare a short version of a business plan for a new social
business. The starting point is identifying a social/environmental problem in Beppu/Oita
or another prefecture/Kyushu/Japan that you care for and would like to solve. I would
prefer if you chose to start a tourism & hospitality-related business, but you are free to
choose the field you will place the social business in.
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache
The objective of this assignment is to enable students to think about and acknowledge the process
of developing a social business. Usually, the length of a real business plan is 20-40 pages.
Considering the word limitations of this assignment (3,500 +/- 10% words) and the fact that most
of you do not have entrepreneurial experience, you will not be expected to deliver thick cash flow
statements, balance sheets or financial forecasts. Rather, what is important is the quality of your
thinking, the awareness and logical capability of persuading readers that your proposed business
is feasible and can be sustained. Imagine I am an investor, and you have to impress me!
While acknowledging all aspects, make sure you spend more time and words on the social
problem, why it is there, what makes you different, why do you think your strategy will be
powerful, and the impact you will have if the vision you are articulating comes into being.
Make sure readers understand why your dream and passion have the potential to change the
Please try to be as specific and focused as you can in every argument you bring. Specificity adds
validity and credibility to your business plan. For example, a poor mission statement for Teach
for America (an NGO whose declared aim is to confront educational inequity through teaching)
would be ‘we’ll reduce the cost of education’, or ‘we’ll create an effective pedagogical system’
because these are too general and they lack focus. Rather, their very specific and focused mission
statement is:
‘We believe that all children deserve an excellent education and that high-quality teaching in
every classroom is the most important ingredient in ensuring that all students learn at high levels.
We also believe that the current education crisis is so urgent that we need a new generation of
leaders in all sectors who are willing to take on the challenge, and that direct experience with
the problem is the best way for young people to become committed to solving it.’
Tips for good writing:

keep it simple, short and focused; be realistic and honest
use short and focused sentences rather than complex phrases (it is not an essay!!)
use bullet points for clearly marking your points, rather than boring blocks of text
use headings for delimiting sections
avoid buzzwords, jargon and acronyms.
There are many ways of writing a business plan, but good business plans usually adopt the
structure below. I have tried to give you clear indications of what you may include in each section.
You do not have to include everything, as some things may not be relevant to your proposed
business, but please remember to be very specific when including something rather than making
general statements.
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache
1. Executive Summary – Your executive summary may be the only part of the business plan that
people read. They will only read further if what they read in the executive summary is compelling
and interesting.
Keep it short and believable. It should briefly highlight the sections of the business plan. For this
reason, it should be written last, once you have completed the other sections of the business plan
and you are satisfied with them.
Ensure you:

introduce your social enterprise

provide an outline of your main products or services

describe your social and environmental impact

explain what the business plan is for

set out the timeframe (usually between three to five years)

explain your social impact

summarize your financial forecasts
2. About the Organization – provide a brief introduction to your social enterprise, what you do
and who you are (you need only provide simple descriptions at this stage).
Key information you should provide:

Key facts about your organization (e.g., name, address, legal structure, how long have you
been in operation)

What you do
 What sector do you operate in, such as manufacturing, fashion, recycling, tourism &
hospitality, etc.;
 Briefly introduce your main products and/or services (e.g., What is it? What does it do?
Does it have a name? Is it new or already available in the market?)

Personal and organizational history (try to showcase the backgrounds, strengths, skills and
experiences you and your team bring to the enterprise. Explain how these will help make your
business a success. Put the company in context by introducing the reasons why you started it)
3. Strategy – The main focus of this section is to show that you have a vision for your social
enterprise and that you can think strategically about making it happen; be SPECIFIC.
The information that you provide should include:

Your vision, mission, and values
o Your vision should remain the guiding principle for which your social enterprise has been
established. It should be simple, memorable and inspirational, and reflect the change you
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache
want to see in the world (e.g., ‘Our vision is to ensure that all the children in the UK have
the best chances to improve their lives.’)
o Your mission is a practical statement stating how and what you are going to do to deliver
your vision. Your mission may change with time, but your vision should remain the same.
(e.g., ‘Our mission is to create specialized youth initiatives providing excellent learning
opportunities and a supportive environment for children of all abilities.’)
o Your values are an opportunity to communicate the ethical principles and beliefs that you
and your organization adhere by. (e.g., Teach for America Core Values: ‘pursue equity’,
‘strengthen community’, ‘achieve impact’, ‘choose courage’, ‘act with humility’,
‘demonstrate resilience’, ‘learn continuously’).

Your aims and objectives – define where you want to be as an organization and the steps
you need to take to get there.
o Your aim should be a short but general statement about what you want your social
enterprise to achieve in the long term. You should focus on strategic aims for the whole
organization. (e.g., ‘Our aim is to expand our organization by running financially
sustainable youth centres in every region of the UK.’)
o Your organizational objectives should be very specific statements that define the practical
steps you will take in the short to medium term to help you achieve your aim.
e.g., ‘Our objectives are:
– to partner with existing community centres where we can run initiatives for young people
– to build and open three new youth centres within the next five years
– to acquire sufficient funding to recruit a team of experts to manage our initiatives.’

The purpose of your business plan – Be clear about what you are arguing for and what your
intentions are. It will provide you and your readers with a sense of direction.
– What are the timeframes of this business plan and why? (usually 3-5 years plan)
– What is this business plan demonstrating about your enterprise?
– What do you expect from the reader?

SWOT (internal factors) and PESTLE (external factors) – your strategy in context. How
does your enterprise fit in the wider context? It can be included either as part of the business plan
or as an appendix, the latter being the usual option.
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache
SWOT Analysis (internal and external factors that may affect your business)
Strengths: …
Weaknesses: …
Opportunities: …
Threats: …
PESTLE Analysis (external factors that may affect your business)
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache
4. Demand

What is the SPECIFIC social problem you are going to address? (the most important
part!! do not assume people you present it to understand the problem just like you do; do not just
jump to the solution, but spend enough time detailing the problem; be SPECIFIC about why the
problem exists, why is it important, what is the scale, what are the contributing factors, what are
the root causes; add validity by adding RESEARCH – facts and figures backing up your

Who are the beneficiaries (people you will be helping by trying to solve this social
5. Value Proposition (Most likely, your approach or similar approaches have already been tried,
so DO THE RESEARCH. What has worked, what has not worked and why did other fail, how
will your attempt be different and successful. Most great idea have been around, so what is your
proposal DIFFERENT, BETTER, UNIQUE; this kind of knowledge can build CONFIDENCE
among investors)
Points to consider
– The services/products you’re offering

How you are going to relieve/fulfil the identified pain/need

The benefits of your services/products

The “uniqueness” of your services
6. Marketing & Sales – A good marketing section in your business plan will show that you have
developed an in-depth understanding of your market. It will also support the idea that there is a
viable market for your products and services, and outline your marketing and communications

Who are the customers? ( = people who may be interested in your product / service. What
characteristics and needs do they have? How many potential customers do you have?
Where are they located? Can you provide any useful statistics about them?)

What are the key features of your product or service? What are its key benefits for meeting
the needs you have identified in your market?

Competition (Is this an attractive market for competitors? Who are the competitors? What
are their strengths/weaknesses? How do you compare to the competition?)
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache

What is the key message you want to promote? How are you going to communicate key
messages? What marketing channels (website, social media, banners, advertising, events,
etc.) will you use?

How and where will you sell your product? (directly to customers? online? using
specialized agencies and how much commission would you pay? set up your own store?
use wholesalers or distributors? selling at events or trade fairs? How will these routes
change over time?

What is your pricing strategy?
7. Social Media Campaign = a summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve on
social media. Keep it concise and SPECIFIC.

What are your campaign goals? (e.g., sell product/service, create online buzz, increase
followers, accumulate likes/ shares/ comments)

Do you have a certain scenario/narrative you want to promote?

What social media platforms will you be using to collect customers?

How will you attract and engage with your campaign participants? (e.g. sweepstakes,
overlay filters, invite direct input/feedback)

What kind of social media campaigns are your competitors using and how can your
campaign bring you a competitive advantage?

Create a great and memorable hashtag.

Will you be asking influencers and/or partners to join in? Which ones?

Do you have a content calendar? (e.g., posting schedule and frequency, content mix)

How will you measure your campaign’s success?
8. Systems and Operations (be SPECIFIC)
Points to consider:

Premises and office space

Equipment and resources (What you have and what is needed)
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache

Suppliers and partners (Who will your main suppliers be and can you afford them?)

Collaboration and partnerships (Who will they be and why do you need collaboration?)

Managing risk (What are the key risks that could affect your social enterprise negatively if
they occur? Many sorts of risks: financial, legal, operational, human resources, etc. What
action will you take to reduce the risks?)
9. Measuring what matters – Your impact should be at the heart of what you do – this is why a
section on ‘Measuring what matters’ has been included in this framework. It is an opportunity to
monitor, evaluate and capture the full value of the impact of your social enterprise activities.

Who matters to your organization as defined in your vision and mission (the people you
are trying to help)? Who else are you supporting or helping through your social enterprise

How will you measure, monitor and evaluate change? Measurement examples: 98%
employment rate within 6 months of graduation, 42% reduction in student debt, etc. For
monitoring and evaluation, feedback, surveys and case studies can be used.
10. Management and Personnel – Your business plan must show that you have a strong
management team and that your organization deserves backing. A strong management team means
that you have the required skills and experience to deliver the strategy and objectives that you have
outlined in the plan
Points to consider:
• Management team (Explain who the current management team is: name, job title,
responsibilities and experience. How will this team change over time?)

The team (Who are your team members? How do you see your team growing over time in
order to deliver your strategy?)

Human Resource Policies (What HR policies do you have in place? Aspects you may
include: contracts – full or part time, health and safety policy)

Training and Development (How do you support your team’s development? How does this
training support your strategy?)
11. Funding and Finance (This final section of the business plan is about translating every aspect
of your strategy into financial terms and looking at whether and how your social enterprise can be
viable financially).
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache
Points to consider:

how much money or funding is needed initially to start the enterprise and how do you plan
to obtain this? (usually startup funds come from charitable institutions, government grants
or loans)
how much cash flow is needed to cover your costs each month
how do you cost and price your products and services
how much income will the business generate
how much does it cost to run your organization over time
how will you be profitable and sustainable in the long term.
The general assessment criteria that are applicable to this essay are:
Quality of
) Thinking
awareness and
logical capability
of persuading
possible investor.
Demonstrated good
awareness and
logical capability
of persuading
possible investor.
awareness and
logical capability
of persuading
possible investor.
Demonstrated a
very limited
awareness and
logical capability
of persuading
possible investor.
Demonstrated very
poor awareness
and logical
capability of
possible investor.
application of key
concepts in social
Demonstrated clear
application of key
concepts in social
application of key
concepts in social
Demonstrated very
limited ability to
apply key concepts
in social
Unable to apply
key concepts in
Very specific and
focused reasoning
throughout the
business plan.
Good effort in
delivering specific
and focused
throughout the
business plan.
evidence of
delivering specific
and focused
throughout the
business plan.
Minimal evidence
of delivering
specific and
focused reasoning
throughout the
business plan.
Inability to deliver
specific and
focused reasoning
throughout the
business plan.
Validity and
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache
Writing and
Few, if any, errors
in grammar,
sentence structure,
or spelling. Style
and tone
without being
Style occasionally
informal, but few
grammar, spelling
or usage errors;
transitions used to
create smoother
Fewer grammar,
spelling, and style
errors appear, but
the writing is
simplistic and
sentences lack
variety; little use of
transitions or
Some organization
of ideas, but style
does not flow since
focus is on directly
questions; many
errors in spelling
and grammar;
uses phrases or
Little organization;
use of very
informal language,
frequent spelling
and grammar
errors make
difficult for the
Specific essay requirements

The deadline for submitting the essay is 11am, Friday, January 19.

Number of group members: 4.

The word limit of the essay is 3,500 +/- 10%. The word limit does not include appendices,
tables, and references.

The leader of each group will maintain communication between the group and myself and will
submit the final report on behalf of the group.

The title for each email linked to the assignment should have the following format: TSM2023
– Group Number – Brief topic.

The title for the Moodle submission of the final report should have the following format:
TSM2023 – Group Number – Name of the Business.

Under no circumstances should you simply copy original material or business ideas. This is
plagiarism! It constitutes a breach of the Copyright Law and is subject to severe punishment
by the University (see Student Handbook). For the courses I am teaching, plagiarism means an
automatic ‘fail’ and active referral for further disciplinary actions. All sources must be
referenced using the APA referencing style. WIKIPEDIA sources are not accepted!

All reports must be submitted by the group leader together with a single copy of the group
peer evaluation form. This form must express the aggregated consensus among all group
members about each member’s contribution to the group project (report + presentation).
Tourism and Social Media (Fall 2023)
Instructor: Alexandru Dimache

The report should be submitted with a cover page which contains:

Title of assignment and name of business
Name of Faculty / School
Name of University
Full names of students & student numbers
Assignment word count

The essay should be word-processed, 1.5 spaced using 12-point font and justified alignment.

Use one-inch (about 2.5 cm) margins as a minimum to right and left.

Late submissions are not accepted, except for fully backed up exceptional circumstances.

All reports must be submitted by the group leader together with a single copy of the group
peer evaluation form. This form must express the aggregated consensus among all group
members about each member’s contribution to the group project.
Instructor: Alexandru DIMACHE
Email: [email protected]
SWOT Analysis
Strengths: factors that give an edge for the company over its competitors.
Weaknesses: factors that can be harmful if used against the firm by its competitors.
Opportunities: favorable situations which can bring a competitive advantage.
Threats: unfavorable situations which can negatively affect the business.
Investments in R&D reaching 4 billion
a year.
Very experienced workforce.
Poor customer services.
High employee turnover.
Diversified income (5 different brands
earning more than $4 billion each).
Poor presence on social media.
Economy is expected to grow by 4%
next year.
Corporate tax may increase from 20%
to 22% in 2020.
Government’s incentives for ‘specific’
Intense competition.
Market growth for the main firm’s
Rising raw material prices.
Ageing population.
PESTLE Analysis
A framework or tool used to analyze and monitor the key macro-environmental
factors that may have a profound impact on an organization’s performance.
Especially useful when starting a new business or entering a foreign market.
Factors which are bound to influence the operations both favorably and unfavorably.
Political Factors
• Government stability/instability
• Corruption level
• Tax policies
• Freedom of press
• Government regulation and deregulation
• Special tariffs
• Political action committees
• Government involvement in trade unions and agreements
• Competition regulation
• Voter participation rates
• Amount of government protests
• Defense expenditures
• Level of government subsidies
• Bilateral relationships
• Import-export regulation/restrictions
• Trade control
• Lobbying activities
• Size of government budgets
Economic Factors
Growth rate
Interest rate
Inflation rate
Exchange rate
Availability of credit
Level of disposable income
Propensity of people to spend
Federal government budget deficits
Gross domestic product trend
Unemployment trend
Stock market trends
Price fluctuations
Social Factors
Population size and growth rate
Birth rates
Death rates
Number of marriages
Number of divorces
Immigration and emigration rates
Life expectancy rates
Age distribution
Wealth distribution
Social classes
Per capita income
Family size and structure
Health consciousness
Average disposable income
Attitude towards government
Attitude towards work
Buying habits
Ethical concerns
Cultural norms and values
Sex roles and distribution
Religion and beliefs
Racial equality
Use of birth control
Education level
Crime levels
Attitudes towards saving
Attitude towards investing
Attitudes towards retirement
Attitudes towards leisure time
Attitudes towards product quality
Attitudes towards customer service
Attitudes towards foreign people
Technological Factors
Technology incentives
R&D activity
Technological change
Access to new technology
Level of innovation
Technological awareness
Internet infrastructure
Communication infrastructure
Life cycle of technology
Legal Factors
Discrimination laws
Antitrust laws
Employment laws
Consumer protection laws
Copyright and patent laws
Health and safety laws
Education laws
Data protection laws
Environmental Factors
Environmental policies
Climate change
Pressures from NGO’s
Natural disasters
Air and water pollution
Recycling standards
Attitudes towards green products
Support for renewable energy
Example: Hotel in Hong Kong
Ongoing political unrest
New government
policy on tourism
may increase
Long typhoon season
Government incentives to
revitalize the tourism industry
Increasing customer
preference for Airbnb
Online customer reviews
can make or break business.
Example: New Tiananmen ‘89 Museum in Hong Kong
Ongoing political unrest
Recent constitutional changes
and the implementation of the
National Security Law target
freedom of expression and
historical memorialization
Government incentives to
discredit the movement,
museum, and developers
‘Patriotic Education’, ‘a hundred
Long typhoon season
years of national humiliation’ (bǎi
nián guó chǐ, 百年国耻), ‘Never
Forget National Humiliation’ (Wù
Wàng Guó Chǐ, 勿忘国耻)
Great Firewall and continuous
internet censorship
Important Tips
Usually 2-3 key factors for each category
For each factor a brief description of the
possible impact
Thank you and see you next week

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