To run Join query and other operation on Bike Database


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To run Join query and other operation on Bike Database
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Assignment #3
Due Date: 3/27/2022 (11.59PM)
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to help you:
• To run Join query and other operation on Bike Database
• Understand SQL query
Instructions: Be sure to read the following general instructions carefully:
This assignment should be completed individually by all the students. Submit your
solution through the dropbox,
Your submission should include sql command and the screenshot of command
execution result, the submission must be named according to the following rule:
e.g., 300123456(smith)_Assignemt#1.doc.
Write both the output table and the query in the solution (NO POINTs WILL BE
TOTAL: 15 points
Part-A) 8 points
1) Write the join query to produce following table from bike database (2 point)
(note here: first_name and last_names of customers)
Assignment #3
2) Write the join query to produce following table from bike database (2 point)
(note here: first_name and last_nanes of staff )
3) Write the join query to produce following table from bike database (2 point)
(note here : first_name and last_nanes of staff )
Assignment #3
4) Write the join query to produce following table from bike database (2 points)
(note here : THREE TABBLE JOIN )
Part-B) 7 points
1) List all the customers names who ordered from store_id=2 (2 points)
2) List all staff names with discount > 0.05 Note: required reference to
multiple tables (2 points)
3) Show your system privileges (1 point)
4) write the query to provide system and object privileges to the users (1
Write a query to generate roles with five privileges. (1 point)

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