TIM 6320 Analyze a Disaster Currently Affecting an Organization


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TIM 6320 Analyze a Disaster Currently Affecting an Organization
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Outline a Comprehensive BC and DR Solution
An important part of success is creating the plan and
processes—and gaining not only the support of managers and
committees but also the general employees and external parties
that interact with the organization. Most organizations will have
some plans in place. However, those plans will need to be
reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
Assignment: Analyze a Disaster Currently Affecting an Organization

Tucker, E. (2015). Business continuity from preparedness to
recovery: A standards-based approach. Oxford, UK:

Zeng, Z., & Zio, E. (2017). An integrated modeling
framework for quantitative business continuity assessment.
Process Safety and Environmental..
For this assignment, you must create a PowerPoint presentation that explains the disaster
recovery test procedures and the underlying resources needed to enable effective testing and
Your professional presentation should include the following:
• Title, objectives, conclusion, and reference slides
• Brief review of the diverse types of exercises
• Details about preparing for a tabletop exercise, its objectives, execution, and
suggestion of a scenario that could be tested.
• Decision processes within the exercises, BC, DR, and CM
• Suggestions for action once the tabletop exercise has been completed
• Original images created with PowerPoint tools
• Speaker notes with citations (as required) to assist with the delivery of the
presentation. (150 – 250 words)
• Recording of your presentation of each slide using the Record Audio feature in
Length: 9 slides
References: Cite a minimum of 4 recent resources
The completed assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and
concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to
this topic. The content should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards

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