
Your initial response should have your informed input and should be at least 100 words. Your input should be in your own words, demonstrating your understanding and comprehension of the topic.

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First, select one of these essays to review: (USLO 2.2)

PART 1: Identify the THESIS STATEMENT and TOPIC SENTENCES in the draft you have selected. Copy and paste the thesis statement and the topic sentences into your post, identifying each.

PART 2: Answer the following set of questions:

What role does the thesis statement play in the essay you selected? (Consider what a thesis statement is supposed to do.) Does this essay’s thesis serve its purpose?
What role do the topic sentences play in the essay that you selected?
How well do the topic sentences align with the thesis statement?
What did you learn from looking at this essay’s thesis statement and topic sentences to use in your own writing
Unit Discussion RequirementsAs part of your learning experience, active participation in discussions is essential. An important part of the final grade will be based on your participation. You will be evaluated on the quality and quantity of your participation in the discussion forum that corresponds to the grading rubric.The initial post and responses should be in your own words and demonstrate critical thinking, analysis, and expected level of knowledge. Initial posts and replies should be in complete sentences and in paragraph form. You should not have bullet points as they are not in complete sentences or paragraph form. Copy-pasting may result in a zero.To fully address the chosen prompt, you will refer to the topical outline of the course syllabus that corresponds with the prompt you select. This will help guide you in demonstrating your understanding of the content while providing a thorough and detailed discussion post. Each prompt or response to a prompt should be more than a few sentences to demonstrate critical thinking. Initial posts must include a minimum of one APA 7th edition style in-text citations and full matching references of appropriate reading to support your responses. To meet the minimum participation requirements, you will post relevant content 3 different days during the week. The first post is due by day four of the week by 11:59PM, Eastern Time. Once you make the initial post, you will see other people’s posts. You will post replies on at least two additional days by day seven of the week by 11:59PM, Eastern Time. ReferencesSpalding, H. (2019). Supermarket or local market [Sample paper]. In Galen College of Nursing, English composition.Canvas. $CANVAS_COURSE_REFERENCE$/file_ref/gfd0ed00e5a3fd1354642a524bdc92825/download?wrap=1The citation should be: (Spalding, 2019)Johnson, J. (2020). Pizza Pizzzazz or McDonald’s [Sample paper]. In Galen College of Nursing, English composition. Canvas.$CANVAS_COURSE_REFERENCE$/file_ref/gb860347663395b278a869f0960a153e4/download?wrap=1The citation should be: (Johnson, 2020)

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Supermarket or Local Market
Henry Spalding
Galen College of Nursing
ENG 1105
Instructor’s name
September 16, 2019
Supermarket or Local Market
Big supermarket chains continue to lock up most of the food purchases made by people every
day, but alternatives exist and provide surprising benefits. Kroger, Albertson’s, and Publix are some of
the big supermarket chains that people recognize and patronize. Local food markets might be a small
family-owned business, a co-operative arranged by local farmers or churches, or a community group
creating open-air markets or a brick and mortar option. The areas of comparison for supermarkets
versus local markets are as follows: freshness, personalization, and community.
Supermarkets and local markets sell fresh produce, fresh meats, and fresh flowers. The local
markets seem fresher because the produce, meats, and flowers come from local vendors. At some local
markets, foods are sold that guarantee that there were no chemicals or pesticides used in the
production of their produce, meats, and flowers. Supermarket foods must have a longer shelf life, which
requires that preservatives, additives, or techniques be employed.
Like all major brands, supermarkets present a uniformed look, layout, and logos. The positive
side of this kind of branding remains consumer familiarity and comfort. On the other hand, a small local
market can be clean in its simplicity, crisp in its uniqueness, and bright in its airiness. Size distinguishes
supermarkets from local markets. A supermarket can be from 40,000 to 150,000 square feet. A local
market might be as small as 1000 square feet or just a few tables on a sidewalk. Because of size, local
markets have fewer products to offer to consumers, but fewer can also mean better products.
Supermarkets promote certain brands in all product categories while local markets feature local
products. Consumers follow highly advertised products. Consumers favor many of these brands and
cannot imagine living without them, but local markets highlight personalized products such as
homegrown and canned jams and relishes, as well as fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, and baked
Local markets advocate for local sellers. These local sellers create one-of-a-kind specialty items
that can add to everyday meals. Items such as homegrown and canned jams and relishes boost the color
and taste of individual dishes and meals. Baked zucchini and pumpkin breads might be an offering at
local markets that are not available in supermarkets. Fruits and vegetables from local markets offer a
clean organic product; some such products are available at supermarkets but are much more expensive.
Thousands of people shop at supermarkets every day; however, going into a local market can feel like a
uniquely personal experience.
Since supermarkets are based on a for-profit business model, foods sold in supermarkets remain
frozen foods, canned foods, and boxed foods. Local markets do not have the financial strength or space
to offer customers all those food choices. Some local markets become pop-up markets in empty lots, on
the sidewalk, or on the side to the road. Local markets can be profit oriented as well, but local markets
offer less expensive products. Unlike sales or promotions found in supermarkets that can attract many
buyers, local markets do not have pricing gimmicks, and some markets have consumers bring their own
grocery bags to hold costs down.
Shopping in a local market can be more relaxed and friendly compared with spending time in a
massive supermarket. A local market can be like European or South American experiences of going to an
open market with fresh produce, meats, fish, flowers and coffee brewing. Supermarkets give away
products that they are selling, but the experience remains sterile and not reminiscent of a community
experience. Local markets might be locally owned or owned by a co-op of people who add personal
touches to the shopping experience and make consumers feel part of the extended family.
Produce tastes better from a local market because no preservatives and pesticides are used in
the production of the locally grown foods. Foods are fresher from a local market, meaning they look
riper and taste healthier. Since products in a local market come from local producers, shopping local
reduces the community’s carbon footprint. Supermarket products must be transported long distances
from distribution centers.
Being at a small local market rather than a supermarket means seeing friends from the
neighborhood and market workers who remember frequent shoppers. Conversely, supermarkets have
hundreds of workers who work different shifts. Seeing the same people more than once remains
unlikely in a supermarket. With a community atmosphere, local markets impress shoppers as warm and
friendly. Supermarkets present as large, sterile caverns poorly lit with fluorescent lights.
The choice between a Kroger or other supermarket and a Garden Gate Market or other local
market remains. Consumers will continue to patronize both supermarkets and local markets, depending
on the experience sought and expected. For a community experience that provides fresh foods and
friendly service that reduces the carbon footprint, shoppers will increasingly elect to pay for locally
grown produce and other products from local markets where someone knows who shops there and
Pasta Pizzazz or McDonald’s
Jennifer Johnson
Galen College of Nursing
ENG 1105
Instructor’s name
October 17, 2020
Pasta Pizzazz or McDonald’s
Dinner today will be a debate, probably involving takeout. After a day’s work, who wants to go
to the supermarket, go home, and cook. These remains a nagging questions for each families and
individuals. Who has the best deals? The options include dine out, fast food, fast serve, self-serve,
takeout, and delivery; American have choices when buying breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Good food at a
good price continues as a national pastime for most people. Deciding between two restaurants requires
an evaluation of many elements of the food experience. Pasta Pizzazz provides a superior food
experience compared with McDonald’s because of its food, service, and ambiance.
The Food
Pasta Pizzazz and McDonald’s sell food for adults and children with multiple delivery methods.
Original recipes made-to-order daily from fresh ingredients describes the food at Pasta Pizzazz. A
customer favorite remains blackened chicken Cajun pasta salad. Chicken and vegetables delivered to the
restaurant daily join a variety of pastas served at room temperature with a choice of ranch, honey
mustard, and balsamic dressings. For a hot dish, customers rave about the blackened chicken with a side
of freshly made fettucine Alfredo with a side of bread sticks.
In contrast, the food at McDonald’s must be flash frozen before being delivered to individual
stores from distribution centers. McDonald’s remains well-known for its quarter pounder and happy
meals for kids. Although McDonald’s offers chicken, fish, and breakfast sandwiches, the chain does not
offer pizzas and pastas with bread sticks.
While McDonald’s remains a standard go-to meal for many, the freshness and variety on the
menu pales to the vibrant offerings at Pasta Pizzazz. Both restaurants offer sandwiches, salads, desserts,
and drinks. Pasta Pizzazz offers individualized gourmet pizzas. Both restaurants present a breakfast
menu. For a unique dining experience with more menu selections and more delivery methods including
to the consumer’s front door, Pasta Pizzazz remains a superior dinning experience for all family
The Service
Pasta Pizzazz and McDonald’s represent casual dining that suits families and individuals. Fast
food remains the consistent label for McDonald’s. Pasta Pizzazz promotes the label fast serve. Both
restaurants supply drive-thru windows and offer takeout and dine-in experiences. Pasta Pizzazz includes
servers for the dine-in experience, but McDonald’s does not. The contact with servers at Pasta Pizzazz
for the dine-in experience represents the biggest difference. No servers at McDonald’s avoids tipping.
When parents are dining with children, the assistance of a server means not having to jump up for every
drink refill and extra condiments.
Pasta Pizzazz offers a delivery service from its own customer-built food truck. The food truck
comes fully equip with a refrigeration unit and heating devices so that food can be delivered as hot and
fresh as if the diners are at the restaurant. McDonald’s food uses a few third-party delivery services for
their food, such as Dash and Grub Hub. The use of a third-party delivery services requires the consumer
to establish a relationship with that service as well as the McDonald’s restaurant. Third-party delivery
services are complicated and can cause more unwanted issues that dealing directly with the food vendor
as is the case with the Pasta Pizzazz food truck.
The Ambiance
The setting for dining remains an important aspect of Pasta Pizzazz and McDonald’s. Everyone
identifies McDonald’s with the golden arches. The arches are more yellow than golden, and yellow
stimulates the appetite. McDonald’s attracts children because of the “Happy Meal” with toys included.
Pasta Pizzazz presents an art deco décor with booths in teal, coral, and black. Vinyl covers McDonald’s
walls, while Pizza Pizzazz has padded fabric walls. The padded fabric reduces the ambient noise for
dining-in the restaurants. Tiled floors adorn McDonald’s stores, but Pasta Pizzazz presents a black
carpeting in the parts of the restaurant where diners sit. To reduce the competitive advantage of
McDonald’s, Pasta Pizzazz offers kids’ meals, coloring, and toys for children under 12.
Pasta Pizzazz and McDonald’s each have a mascot that represents the restaurant to the public
and at special events. The mascot can be seen in advertisements and even on the street in front of the
restaurants. McDonald’s shows the world Ronald McDonald as its clown mascot. The clown represents
fun and the Ronald McDonald House, which provides aids for sick children. Ronald McDonald symbolizes
the McDonald’s brand as a worldwide ambassador of good will and the McDonald’s products.
Although not as well-known as Ronald McDonald, Pasta Pizzazz offers the Toucan, a bird that
stands in front of the restaurant so that clients know that during that time two can eat for the price of
one. The Toucan can be seen during slow hours such as late afternoon and early evening when senior
citizens and families with children often dine in the restaurants. The Pasta Pizzazz Toucan has not
achieved the universal recognition of Ronald McDonald, but the bird has made appearances on national
network news for its colorful beak and wild dance moves.
Communicating a comparison of Pasta Pizzazz with McDonald’s falls flat for people who have
not had the opportunity to dine at Pasta Pizzazz; however, such a comparison encourages people to take
a serious look at the dining opportunities in their communities. McDonald’s remains a household name
based on its longevity in the marketplace and on its massive advertising budget. McDonald’s remains an
eating choice for everyone in almost every city in America and abroad. Alternatively, diners can try the
local pizzeria or Italian restaurants near them. Many cities offer excellent French bistros and farm-totable restaurants. The challenge continues to try eating establishments that furnish the convenient
option of good food at a good price that people feel good eating.

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