Theory outline


This week (week 6) you will be completing your outline for your research paper which is due by the end of Week 7. This week’s assignment is a one-page outline for your week 7 paper. You will use proper outline formatting and address key points for your paper. Remember – this week is just an outline! You will gather your thoughts and begin to lay the foundation for your paper. (An example is attached).

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Theory outline
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Use outline formatting, such as:

I. Introduction

A. Main Point

B. Secondary Point

C. Include your thesis statement.

II. Body – Paragraph 1

A. Main Point

B. Secondary Point …

There are three parts to this requirement.

1. You will complete an outline for your paper that will serve as your basis for writing your research paper. Be as detailed as possible, using an outline format. Be sure to include references. Map your references to the section they will be used in.

2. You will post your outline in the Week 6 discussion area. Classmates will have the opportunity to review and recommend changes or additions to your outline.

3. By Sunday, you will consider those suggestions and revise your outline, then submit it to the assignment link.

The requirements for your Paper due Week 7 are:

In this course, we look at a variety of different human resource theories and styles. We also look at the different kinds of perspectives on ethical issues and how they fit into HRM. You are required to write a paper on a HRM topic. You will choose the topic you are most interested in. Choose a topic, and expand on it.

Some examples are given below, but it is recommended that you choose to write on a topic you have already encountered or you have thought about previously. Of necessity, the instructions for this assignment are somewhat vague. Each student will have to explore different resources and will need to develop an individual approach to the subject.

Identify, specifically, the strengths of your topic and what some weaknesses are. Drawing on various sources, explain the details of your topic. Assume I know nothing about this topic and share your research on it with me. Why is it important? What have you learned? What are the Pro’s and Con’s? When would this be used? What is the history on this topic?

Requirement: Using the terms, concepts, and theories learned in this course, write a 5 to 7 page (Arial or Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double-spaced lines) essay focusing on one specific Human Resource topic that we have studied over the past 7 weeks. You must also include a title page and reference page. The 5-7 pages do not include the title page/reference page.

Topic Suggestions:

Designing Jobs
Training and Development
Strategic Planning
Reduction of Errors
Action Planning

Be sure to incorporate at least two (2) sources to support your essay. Use APA Style in your writing and review the rubric for guidance.EXAMPLE ATTACHED