Theory and Case Analysis Presentation The purpose of the Final Project is to demonstrate your knowledge and application of social work theory and practice models.


Write a 6–8-page academic paper that includes the following.Identify the internal and external forces that promote and challenge development. (POs 1, 2, 3, and 4)For your final assignment, you will analyze a CASE STUDYLinks to an external site. and effectively introduce the case in the introduction to your paper.Explain how behavior theory and cognitive theory provide the foundation for cognitive behavioral therapy models.Describe the following concepts: core beliefs, coping strategies, cognitive distortions, and self-regulation skills. Include relevant examples.Explain how these constructs are used to inform assessment in social work practice. Identify specific types of assessment used in cognitive behavioral therapy.Explain and give examples of treatment strategies based on cognitive and behavior theories used in cognitive behavioral therapy and which could benefit the subject in the case study.Analyze and describe how these frameworks and models are relevant to social work practice.

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Theory and Case Analysis Presentation The purpose of the Final Project is to demonstrate your knowledge and application of social work theory and practice models.
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Module 7: Case Scenario: The Case of Emily
Emily is a 15-year-old adolescent female who has been referred to a mental health clinic by her
school counselor due to concerns about her emotional well-being and academic performance.
Emily’s parents have noticed a significant change in her behavior and mood over the past few
months. She has been experiencing increased anxiety, social withdrawal, and difficulty managing
stress. Her parents are supportive and concerned, and are seeking professional health to address
her needs.
Emily is a high-achieving sophomore in high school. She has always been a diligent student,
actively participating in extracurricular activities and maintaining a close-knit group of friends.
However, over the past several months, Emily’s parents have observed the following changes in
Emily’s behaviors:
1. Social Withdrawal: Emily has been withdrawing from her friends and social
activities, spending most of her time along in her room. She has stopped participating
in group activities she once enjoyed.
2. Academic Struggles: Emily’s grades, which were previously excellent, have declined.
She struggles with focus and concentration, often procrastinating on assignments, and
frequently missing school due to physical complaints like stomachaches and
3. Increased Anxiety: Emily frequently experiences anxiety attacks, accompanied by
rapid breathing, sweating, and trembling. These episodes are often triggered by
academic stress, social interactions, or even minor changes in her routine.
4. Sleep Disturbances: Emily reports having difficulty falling asleep and is experiencing
restless nights. The sleep disruption has resulted in increased fatigue and irritability.
5. Negative Self-Talk: Emily has been engaging in negative self-talk, criticizing herself
for not meeting her own high standards, which further exacerbates her anxiety.
Initial Assessment
During the initial assessment with Emily, the social work identifies several key issues that need
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
2. Perfectionism
3. Social Anxiety

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