the romantic comedy


After watching “It Happened One Night” please watch another, relatively modern romantic comedy (e.g. “When Harry Met Sally…”) and compare/contrast how this genre has remained the same/changed in the past 75 years. Two – three pages (roughly), double spaced, your report should examine these basic tenets of the romantic comedy as well as the basic structure of these films:

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Aggravation is not the opposite of love but quite closely related, and perhaps a necessary precursor, to love.
Females are usually at least on par if not actually stronger-willed than the males. The head-to-head battles are the key humor element of a screwball comedy.
Because of the strong female roles, screwball comedy roles are usually highly sought after by star leading actresses.
Reverse class snobbery, to be poor is somehow to be more noble. What’s more, to be rich is to be castigated, passions befitting theater patrons, during the Great Depression.
A very skillful blend of sophistication and slapstick. Although screwball characters move in an elegant world, where even a simple bathroom appears to be the center of their universe, they may still whack one another over the head, but while The Three Stooges use sledgehammers, screwball characters use silver chafing dishes, and the like: weapons of the upper class.
A well written script, laced with barbed dialog. An overlapping style of delivery, with lines tossed off in rapid fire.
An emphases on elegant clothes, cars, and furniture.
The use of exotic locals, even a dump site as in “My Man Godfrey”.
The hero or the heroine living by his or her wits alone, though this is often balanced by a reliable gainfully employed love interest.
Last and probably most important, supporting casts of first-rate character actors playing eccentric types as well as a stable of familiar faces in leading roles
Romantic comedy films are movies with light-hearted, humorous dramatic stories, centered around romantic ideals such as a “true love” able to surmount most obstacles or the “perfect couple”.
The basic plot of a romantic comedy is that two people, usually a man and a woman, meet and then part ways due to an argument or other contrived obstacles.
Initially, these two people do not become romantically involved, because they believe that they do not like each other, because one of them already has a partner, or social pressures.
The screenwriters leave obvious clues that suggest that the characters are in fact attracted to each other, or that they would be a good love match.
While the two people are separated, one or both individuals then realize that they are “perfect” for each other, or that they are in love with the other person. Then, after one of the two makes some spectacular effort to find the other person and declare their love, (this is sometimes called the grand gesture), or due to an astonishing coincidental encounter, the two meet again. Then, perhaps with some comic friction or awkwardness, they declare their love for each other, and the film ends happily.

You will want to cite an example from both films (It Happened One Night and your movie choice) for each one of the bulleted points listed above. You might very well be surprised how the formula established by It Happened One Night has remained such a standard so many decades later.


Here is an example of an A paper – it follows the guidelines exactly and is well done. Although I edited out the analyses of It Happened One Night (so as to not give you TOO much help on this assignment!) please take a look at this as I think it will help you all out.

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According to the top 5 (grossing) romantic comedies since 1978 are: BoxOffice MojoLinks to an external site.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding
What Women Want
Pretty Woman
There’ s Something About Mary

Each of these films fulfills the majority of the guidelines laid down and closely follows the sample structure provided. This can be directly related to their monetary success as this theory of narrative film making has proved itself effective since “It Happen One Night” nearly 75 years ago.

I chose to analyze its application in the film “Hitch”. This film was made in 2005 by Sony Pictures. It is particularly unique in that there are two ongoing love stories taking place throughout the film. Our main characters are Alex Hitchens (Will Smith), Sara Melas (Eva Mendes), Albert Brennaman (Kevin James) and Allerga Cole (Amber Valletta). (For full cast see: IMdB – HitchLinks to an external site.). Smith and Mendes are the primary focus of the film while James and Valletta are the secondary focus. Each pairing follows many of the guidelines described. In order to give an in-depth analysis however, I will be covering only the primary relationship.

Aggravation: This plays a key role in this film as Smith and Mendes are both portrayed as heart-hardened individuals. Both are seeking opposing goals in terms of occupation, but their attraction toward one another places them in precarious situations. The thought of actual love is not on the forefront of their mind, but the audience can see that they are a “perfect couple”.
Females are stronger-willed: Mendes character is a workaholic, gossip columnist in New York. Upon her introduction she is seen returning to work early from her vacation because of a story that she has broken. This sequence is followed by a dialog between her and her co-workers (dilemma characters) regarding her behavior. These types of dialogs can be seen throughout the film reiterating this point. See: Hitch 1Links to an external site. (6:40-9:10)
Head-to-head battles are key humor element: Following the discovery of Smith’s profession, Mendes confronts him at his apartment. This “battle” is constructed in a manner that shows emotion, but maintains humor. See: Hitch 2Links to an external site. (3:40-8:00) At the conclusion of the film, during the “Grand Gesture” Smith and Mendes “battle” again as Smith realizes that he truly loves her and, literally, throws himself at her. See: Hitch 3Links to an external site. (4:30-10:00)
Star leading actresses: Eva Mendes has starred in numerous roles, the majority of which, prior to this, were of the Action or Comedy Genre. She is considered extremely beautiful and has proven herself to be a talented actress in the genres listed. Her background allowed her to accurately portray an embittered corporate woman, while seamlessly transitioning to comedy.
Sophistication and slapstick: Both Smith and Mendes are portrayed as upper class, trendy individuals. Each frequently highly fashionable locations and dresses very well. The slapstick humor throughout this film is in clear contrast with their demeanor. On their first date Smith accidentally kicks Mendes in the head knocking her into the water. Then takes her to Ellis Island where he shows her the logbook that contains her great-great-great grandfather signature. Whom we soon discover was a mass murderer. On the second date Smith suffers from an allergic reaction to seafood and his face swells to twice its normal size. See: Hitch 4Links to an external site. (0:00-3:40)
Barbed dialog with lines tossed in rapid fire: The first meeting between Smith and Mendes is a prime example of this guideline. It is highly witty, quick and very telling of each other’s character. See: Hitch 5Links to an external site. (7:30-10:00) The remainder of the film is filled with this type of dialog between various characters.
Elegant clothes, cars, and furniture: As stated above both are portrayed as well to do. They are very stylish and epitomize the fashion forward ideal of young America.
Exotic locals: Scenes are shot in various trendy night clubs, Ellis Island, an exclusive cooking club, a Knick’s game, a fashion show and aboard a yacht. Each of these furthers the development of sophistication, elegance and affluence.
First-rate character actors playing eccentric types: Kevin James nearly steals every scene he is in with his antics. His eccentricity and clumsiness draw the audience to him and make us love Smith for genuinely trying to help him get the girl of his dreams. One of the most telling moments regarding his character is the scene in which Smith discusses the possibility of dancing on his date with Valletta. See: Hitch 6Links to an external site. (Full Clip)
Familiar faces in leading roles: Each of the four actors/actresses mentioned above are well established, some award winning, faces from both film and television.
Centered around romantic ideals such as “true love”: The entire premise of the film is about the pursuit of love. Initially, it is Smith who is helping others find it, however in the end he discovers that his hardened heart still has the capacity to love as well. Alternately, Mendes spends her life writing about the love lives of other, but in the end comes to see how much more her life could be with live in it. It is all summed up from the start Hitch 7Links to an external site.(0:40-2:15)

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Obviously, you cannot do “Hitch” for your paper anymore but I think this will be helpful to you, or at least I hope so.

P.S. As a friendly reminder, all reports automatically go through turnitin which does a pretty good job of spotting plagiarism. PLEASE make sure your work is original as it is unlikely you will successfully get away with cutting and pasting somebody else’s work! If you want to quote another source please use quotation marks and cite your source.
