TE380 – Observing and Recording Child Behavior


Chapter 4 Reading Reflection

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TE380 – Observing and Recording Child Behavior
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Due: Sun Jan 21, 2024 11:59pmDue: Sun Jan 21, 2024 11:59pm

Ungraded, 25 Possible Points25 Points Possible


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Read and reflect on chapter 4. Create a one page narrative (APA style) summarizing the chapter.

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Follari, Lissana (2019). Foundations and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education: History, Theories, and Approaches to Learning, 4th Edition. Isbn13: 9780134747989

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Chapter Reading Reflection
TE 380 – Spring 2024
Reading Reflection
Directions: Complete one reading reflection for each assigned chapter. Each reading reflection must contain
the three components as described by Surbeck, Han, and Moyer (1991). Assignments should be uploaded to
1. Reacting – discuss a feeling, concern, or question you have about one-two concepts presented in the
2. Elaborating – compare or connect your reaction to these concepts with other experiences you’ve had.
Connections might include a related personal experience, something else you have read, or a general principle,
theory, or moral or philosophical position that is related to your thoughts about the reading.
3. Contemplating – finally, focus on how reading about these concepts has caused you to think more deeply
about your views of children and their abilities, your attitude about teaching, your personal or profession
growth, and/or social/ethical problems related to guiding young children’s social-emotional development.
Grading Rubric
Reading Reflection Rubric (modified from Rubric submitted by Kay Greenough McCarthy)
The student discusses
feelings, thoughts,
questions, they have about
the reading and give
examples of their thinking
that show understanding of
the concepts.
The student is able to make
connections between the
reading and her/his own
The student discusses how
the reading might inform
their professional
development and or future
Reading responses are
clear. There is correct use
of grammar and spelling
that enable the reader to
Reflection is submitted on
due date.
2 Points
1 Point
0 Points
Reference: Surbeck, E., Park Han, E. & Moyer, J. (1991). Assessing Reflective Responses in Journals. Educational Leadership, March, p. 25-27.
Kimberly Williams
TE 380: Chapter 1 Summary
Your chapter summary should
• Be in a narraXve format
• Include the reacXng/elaboraXng/contemplaXng components
• Be a minimum of three paragraphs
• Use 1 inch margins
• Be double spaced
• Typed in Times New Roman in 12 point font
• Free from grammaXcal and typographical errors

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