Systems Challenge: ER Avoidable Use



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Systems Challenge: ER Avoidable Use
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Healthcare systems must address internal and external influencing factors to assure safe, high-quality, cost-efficient care and improve patient outcomes. Avoidable use and misuse of the Emergency Department are phenomena that directly impact organizational outcomes and efficiency. This assignment aims to analyze the misuse of healthcare resources from a systems leadership perspective to propose viable solutions.


Investigate the issue of ER avoidable use as it portrays misuse of healthcare resources. Create a 10 – 12 slide PowerPoint Presentation. Use a minimum of 4 current scholarly sources to support your work. See the rubric for specific, required content criteria within each section of the presentation:

Provide an introduction to the presentation
Present an overview surrounding the issue of ER avoidable use, and explain the impact on healthcare systems and individual patients.
Identify three specific underlying reasons for this misuse of healthcare resources, and discuss how each underlying issue is reflective of a gap or problem within the current healthcare system.
Propose one strategy to address or resolve one of the underlying issues, and discuss how the strategy will specifically address or resolve the issue. Provide a detailed explanation of the resources necessary to operationalize the proposed strategy.
Provide a conclusion to the presentation.
Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create the presentation.
Each slide (excluding title and reference slides) must include detailed speaker notes.
The purpose of the speaker notes is to expand upon the idea and document facts and information about the bulleted information points on the slide.
A formal, scholarly writing style with a complete sentence and paragraph structure should be used to create the speaker notes.
Scholarly literature support should be integrated within the speaker notes.
Speaker notes assure that all assignment expectations and key points are covered.
Within the speaker notes, the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual.
First-person should not be used for this scholarly assignment.
Citation and referencing of sources must be congruent with guidelines noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual.
Slides are professional in appearance with visually balanced text, font appropriate for audience reading, succinct bulleted points, and visually appealing contrast between background and font utilized. Correct spelling and appropriate use of graphics/images are evident.
Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Assessment Criteria Points % Description
Introduction 15 10& This section includes:
Opening statements regarding the rationale for the responsible use of healthcare resources and the significance of the issue across healthcare delivery systems
Identification of the sections of the presentation
Speaker notes are included for the slide(s) in this section
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support the information presented

ER Avoidable Use 15 10% This section includes:
Overview surrounding the issue of ER avoidable use
Explanation of the impact on healthcare systems and individual patients
Speaker notes are included for the slide(s) in this section
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support the information presented

Underlying Causes 30 20% This section includes:
Identification of three specific underlying reasons for this misuse of healthcare resources
Discussion regarding how each underlying issue is reflective of a gap or problem within the current healthcare system
Speaker notes are included for the slide(s) in this section
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support the information presented

Proposed Solution 45 30% This section includes:
Proposal of one strategy to address or resolve one of the underlying issues
Discussion regarding how the proposed strategy will specifically address or resolve the issue
Detailed explanation of the resources necessary to operationalize the proposed strategy
Speaker notes are included for the slide(s) in this section
Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support the information presented

Conclusion 15 10% This section includes:
Concluding statements regarding the misuse of healthcare resources and the resulting impact on individuals and healthcare systems
Discussion regarding the implications of this issue for leaders in advanced nursing practice
Speaker notes are included for the slide(s) in this section

Graduate-level Writing Style 15 10% The graduate-level writing style is included, evidenced by integrating the following standards:
Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence, and paragraph structure within the speaker’s notes
Correct use of spelling and word usage on the slides
Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas and information on speaker notes and slides
Alignment between information on slides and speaker notes
APA format (most current edition) for citing and referencing sources
Congruence with APA mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)
No direct quotes are used within the assignment
First-person is not used within the presentation slides or speaker notes

Graduate-level Presentation Style 15 10% Professional presentation is created, evidenced by the following:
Slide design includes visually balanced text
Slide design provides contrast of color between background and font used
Succinct, key points are presented on the slides
No lengthy narratives are included on the slides
Font size appropriate for audience viewing (sized 18 or larger)
Use of graphics and/or images is professional and appropriate for the topic

Quality of Literature Support It is an expectation that a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are integrated within the assignment.

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Chamberlain University
❖Discuss importance of responsible healthcare resources utilization
❖Review the issue of ER avoidable use
❖Provide three reasons for misuse
❖Identify one potential solution
❖Review importance of appropriate resource utilization and
implications for nursing profession
❖Prevalent issue nationally
❖Improper ER resource utilization: regular occurrence
❖Treatment of non-critical condition in ER setting
❖27% of annual ER visits could be addressed at other locations
❖Leads to:
❖Increased cost to consumers and organizations
❖Decreased quality and accessibility to emergency services
❖$76 billion spent on ER visits in US annually
❖Increased misuse leads to:
❖Increased patient wait-times
❖Decreased adequate patient care
❖Decreased efficiency
❖Increased cost
❖Most conditions seen in avoidable visits can not be treated
adequately in the ER
Healthcare Systems Impacts:
Patient Impacts:
❖Decreased efficiency
❖Decreased quality care
❖Increased stress on healthcare
❖Decreased accessibility to
emergency care
❖Increased wait times
❖Increased cost to patients
❖Increased cost to facilities
❖Health Insurance Coverage
❖Access to healthcare
❖Increased cost to consumer with minimal or no health insurance
❖Decreases citizen’s access to routine/preventative care
❖Increases use of emergency department on non-emergent visits, such as:
❖Preventable conditions
❖Mental illnesses
❖Low-income patients: increased usage of ED as primary health
❖Reasoning: emergency departments can not turn patients away
for non-payment
❖Allows for the ability for the patient to be seen with limited
financial resources
❖Potential causes for lacking healthcare access:
❖Limited affordable options within community
❖Limited transportation: 2.5 times more likely to use ER
❖Increased utilization of EMS transportation
❖Healthcare system gap: lack of healthcare access
How to Implement:
❖Hold free community events to provide
education on alternative options
❖Form interdisciplinary team of
volunteers with local community members
to create/hold free community events to
discuss alternatives to the ER (clinics,
urgent cares, etc.)
❖Disburse education material on proper
use of ER on patient discharge
❖Compile list of alternative facilities and
educate ER discharges on when ER care
is needed
❖Support staff with patient education
❖Create/organize community events
❖Formulate education and create list of resources for community
❖Misuse of healthcare resources continues to be an issue in the United States
❖Emergency room resources are improperly utilized everyday
❖ER resource misuse must be addressed to improve patient experiences and
provide safe and quality care
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2018). Preventable emergency department visits.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2019). Reducing unnecessary emergency department visits.
Hsia, R.Y. & Niedzwiecki, M. (2017, August). Avoidable emergency department visits: A starting point. International Journal
for Quality in Health Care, 29(5), 642-645.
Udalova, V., Powers, D., Robinson, S., & Notter, I. (2022, January 20). Most vulnerable more likely to depend on
emergency rooms for preventable care. United States Census Bureau.,had%20adequate%20prior%20
Williams, C.A., & Haffizulla, F. (2021). Factors associated with avoidable emergency department visits in Broward
County, Florida. Cureus, 13(6), e15593.

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