SWOTT analysis


Leadership may conduct a SWOT analysis as part of the strategic planning process to determine the external and internal factors influencing the organization—both positive and negative. This analysis, which traditionally includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, can also involve trends. Trends refer to what is happening socially on the topic pertinent to the organization, and how others are addressing that topic. For example, if an agency focuses on drug-related harm reduction, they might discover that other agencies have tried syringe service programs to some success. Adding trends to the SWOT categories (to become SWOTT) allows for increased surveying of the social landscape. To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on SWOT/SWOTT analyses. Explore People First San Diego’s websiteLinks to an external site.. For this Assignment, focus on the mission, vision, staff and leadership, services and programs, and additional details to provide a holistic picture of the organization. Review all tabs along the top of the website to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends.Download the SWOTT Template and use it to complete this Assignment. Using the template, submit a SWOTT analysis for the People First San Diego organization. This document should contain the completed SWOTT table and a 1- to 2-page summary. References Walden University, LLC. (2022). People First San DiegoLinks to an external site. [Interactive media]. Walden University Canvas. https://waldenu.instructure.com/ University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development. (n.d.). SLinks to an external site.ection 14. SWOT analysis: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threatsLinks to an external site.. Community Tool Box. https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/swot-analysis/main [email protected] Walden1894! Password

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SWOTT Analysis
Student name:
Add a bulleted list of weaknesses here.
Add a bulleted list of opportunities here.
Add a bulleted list of threats here.
Add a bulleted list of strengths here.
Add a bulleted list of trends here.
Summary of the SWOTT Analysis
Add a summary of the analysis you conducted above and what you learned about the organization. The summary should be
in paragraph form.

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