Supporting Diverse Students needs EDUC 7801


Submit a document that includes the following components. You may
include a copy of the questions with a written response below each
question in your submission. Responses are to be supported by
examples from the field and/or research. Be sure you reference the
interviews and observations in your responses.
• A summary referencing the three interviews and observations
indicating how each teacher implements:
o Alternative instructional designs,
o Curriculum,
o Positive approaches to behavior management,
o Assessment accommodations and modifications.Look at pages 24-26

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Supporting Diverse Students needs EDUC 7801
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities
EDUC 7801/ EDUC 6801 – EDUC 7803/ EDUC 6803:
Field Experience Activities
Table of Contents
Due Process and Student Rights ………………………………………………………………….. 2
Ethical and Legal Decisions …………………………………………………………………………. 6
Partnering with External Stakeholders …………………………………………………………… 9
Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring Staff ……………………………………………………… 12
School Facilities ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
School Vision and Mission …………………………………………………………………………. 18
Staff Development…………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
Supporting Diverse Student Needs ……………………………………………………………… 24
Working with Parents, Teachers, Staff, and Students …………………………………….. 28
© 2021 Walden University
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities
Due Process and Student Rights
Description: The candidate will review school data regarding discipline referrals,
hearings, suspensions, and expulsions. He/she will then interview the principal
mentor with regard to school procedures that guarantee due process rights for
students and the effectiveness of the school’s student guidance system, support
services, and discipline plan. The candidate will observe one or more meetings
between the principal mentor and students regarding severe discipline issues. He/she
will then submit a document that summarizes the school’s discipline plan, notes
inconsistencies, evaluates the degree to which due process is fairly provided and the
correlation of school data with the discipline plan, and makes recommendations for
Minnesota Competencies:
• 3.B2 Demonstrating an understanding of student guidance systems and
auxiliary services.
• 3.B4 Implement schoolwide policies and practices that encourage positive
behavior, and respond to student misconduct in a positive, fair, and unbiased
Ohio Principal Standards:
• 6.3 The effective educational leader cultivates and monitors a school
characterized by equity and inclusiveness.
• 10.5 The effective educational leader demonstrates and communicates a
working knowledge of Ohio public educational laws, rules and requirements,
as well as district policies, procedures and agreements, as appropriate.
NELP Standard:
• 6.3 Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to
reflectively evaluate, communicate about, and implement laws, rights, policies,
and regulations to promote student and adult success and well-being.
Actions Review:
• School discipline plan and policies
• Student data regarding discipline referrals, hearings, suspensions,
and expulsions. Data should be disaggregated by sex, gender,
race, etc.
Discuss with the principal mentor:
• School policies and procedures that guarantee due process rights
for students
• Roles and responsibilities of school personnel related to due
process for students
• Effectiveness of the school’s student guidance system, support
services, and discipline plan in promoting student well-being
• Programs that support positive behavior, i.e., PBIS, trauma-informed
curriculum, etc.
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How policies, laws, regulations, and procedures related to discipline
and due process are communicated to appropriate school
Who is involved in monitoring and ensuring adherence to laws,
rights, policies, and regulations.
Candidates are to arrange to observe one or more meetings between the
principal mentor and students regarding severe discipline issues (e.g.,
danger to self or others) to view due process rights and procedures related
to school discipline.*
*Note: Candidates will need to work with the principal to obtain any needed
permissions to observe these meetings. Candidates should remember that
this situation calls on them to practice professional ethics regarding these
meetings, such as keeping information confidential.
Artifact: Due Process and Student Rights
Submit a document that includes the following components. You may
include a copy of the questions with a written response below each
question in your submission. Responses are to be supported by examples
from the field and/or research. Be sure you reference the interview and
observations in your responses.
• A summary—based on your examination of the school’s discipline
plan and policies, interview with the principal mentor, and your
observations—of key actions that guarantee due process rights for
students in disciplinary situations including the role of student
guidance systems and auxiliary services, noting any inconsistencies
and/or oversights among all these sources.
• An evaluation of the degree to which due process is fairly provided
at the school, including whether rights are taken into account and if
students are being treated fairly and equitably in various situations.
• An analysis of the effectiveness of the programs that support
positive student behavior and well-being.
• An analysis of how policies, laws, regulations, and procedures
related to discipline and due process are communicated to
appropriate school stakeholders
• The effectiveness of the school’s discipline plan in terms of its
correlation to the school’s disaggregated student data for referrals,
hearings, suspensions, and expulsions, and well-supported reasons
for conclusions Are groups of students overrepresented in the
school data?
• Recommendations for improvement for:
o How the school policy for due process can be applied
consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically.
o Communicating discipline policies and procedures to
appropriate school stakeholders.
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o Monitoring and ensuring adherence to the policies related to
due process and school discipline.
prior to

Responses are supported by examples from the field and/or
• The summary demonstrates a thorough understanding of the due
process rights and procedures related to school discipline; it
specifies inconsistencies and oversights among sources (including
examination of the school’s discipline plan and policies, student
guidance systems and auxiliary services, interview with the principal
mentor, and personal observations).
• The analysis of the programs that support positive student behavior
and well-being indicates how effective they are with students.
• The analysis of the discipline plan makes logical and appropriate
connections between the discipline plan and the disaggregated data
and includes well-supported reasons for conclusions.
• Recommendations specifically address :
o How law and policy for due process and discipline can be
applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and ethically.
o Communicating discipline policies and procedures to
appropriate school stakeholders.
o Monitoring and ensuring adherence to laws, rights, and
policies related to due process and school discipline.
Anderson, K. P., Ritter, G. W., & Zamarro, G. (2019). Understanding a
vicious cycle: The relationship between student discipline and student
academic outcomes. Educational Researcher, 48(5), 251-262.
CASEL. (n.d.). Establish discipline policies that promote SEL.
DeJong, Peyton; Trupe, Emily; and Zwingel, Eric () “Motivating students
positively through restorative justice discipline,” Empowering Research for
Educators: Vol. 4 : Iss 1, Article 2.
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities
Nowicki, J. M. (2018). K-12 Education: Discipline Disparities for Black
Students, Boys, and Students with Disabilities. Report to Congressional
Requesters. GAO-18-258. US Government Accountability Office.
Robbins, P. and Alvy, H.. (2014) The Principal’s Companion.
Chapter 18 Making a difference for Students, pp. 285 – 310
Steinberg, M. P., & Lacoe, J. (2016). What do we know about school
discipline reform? Education Next. http://educat
Note: Candidates are expected to use the Walden Library and/or an
outside source to locate and reference scholarly resources for their field
experience activities. Scholarly resources cited should have a
publication date within five years, unless considered a seminal work
© 2021 Walden University
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities
Ethical and Legal Decisions
Description: The candidate will interview the principal to discuss some of the
decisions made during the last school year that had ethical and legal consequences
(e.g., disciplinary issues, curriculum issues, policy issues, etc.). The candidate will
choose one decision, investigate all of the ethical and legal issues involved, and make
recommendations for communicating about and advocating for ethical and legal
Minnesota Competency:
• J.2 Demonstrate an understanding of and model democratic value systems,
ethics, and moral leadership.
• K.5 Demonstrating understanding and application of the Code of Ethics for
Administrators under Part 3512.5200
Ohio Principal Standard:
• 2.1 The effective educational leader understands, upholds, and models
professional ethics, policies, and legal codes of professional conduct.
NELP Standard:
• 2.2 Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to
evaluate, communicate about, and advocate for ethical and legal decisions.
Meet with the principal to:
• Identify some of the decisions made during the last school year
that had ethical and legal consequences for the school.
• Discuss some of these decisions, making sure to ask:
o What was the situation?
o Who was involved in the decision-making process?
o How did the decision come about?
o What resulted after the decision was announced?
o What were the ethical and legal issues and
consequences of the decision?
o What would they have done differently?
• Choose one of the decisions discussed and fully investigate the
issue itself:
o What caused it
o Who was involved
o What policies, practices, ethics, and laws were
o The resultant decision
o the decision
o Ethical and legal issues and consequences of the
• Reflect on the Minnesota Code of Ethics for Administrators,
Part 3512.5200 (for candidates following the MN track) or
Licensure Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio
Educators (for candidates following the OH track). Explain why
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understanding and modelling ethical and legal behaviors are
important as a school leader.
Artifact: Decisions and Consequences
Submit a document that includes the following components. You may
include a copy of the questions with a written response below each
question in your submission. Responses are to be supported by
examples from the field and/or research. Be sure you reference the
interview in your responses.
• A summary of the decisions that were discussed with your
• A detailed description of the decision you investigated, with the
answers to all of the issues described in the above section:
o What was the situation?
o Who was involved in the decision-making process?
o How did the decision come about?
o What resulted after the decision was announced?
o What were the ethical and legal issues and
consequences of the decision?
o What would the principal have done differently?
• Recommendations for procedures that should be followed in
the future when communicating about and advocating for
ethical and legal decisions.
• An explanation for why understanding and modelling the ethical
and legal behaviors as found in the Minnesota Code of Ethics
for Administrators, Part 3512.5200 (for candidates following the
MN track) or Licensure Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio
Educators (for candidates following the OH track) are important
as a school leader.
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your work
prior to

Responses are supported by examples from the field and/or
• The summary of the discussion with the principal shows an
understanding of ethical and legal issues and consequences of
• The detailed description includes all the requisite information
identified in the above section.
• The recommendations demonstrate an overall understanding of
what needs to be considered when communicating about and
advocating for ethical and legal decisions.
• The explanation clearly explains why understanding and
modelling the ethical and legal behaviors as found in the
Minnesota Code of Ethics for Administrators, Part 3512.5200
(for candidates following the MN track) or Licensure Code of
Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators (for candidates
following the OH track) are important as a school leader.
Licensure Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators.
Minnesota Code of Ethics for Administrators, Part 3512.5200.
Shapiro, J. P., & Stefkovich, J. A. (2016). Ethical leadership and
decision making in education : Applying theoretical perspectives to
complex dilemmas. ProQuest Ebook Central (Available in the Walden library.)
Note: Candidates are expected to use the Walden Library and/or an
outside source to locate and reference scholarly resources for their
field experience activities. Scholarly resources cited should have a
publication date within five years, unless considered a seminal work
© 2021 Walden University
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities
Partnering with External Stakeholders
Description: The candidate will identify diverse community members, partners, and
other constituencies and develop a plan for collaboratively engaging and cultivating
relationships with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies
around shared goals and how diverse community resources will be used to benefit
school programs and student learning.
Minnesota Competency:
• E.3 Understand the role and coordination of social agencies and human
services to develop productive relationships and engage resources for the
school community.
Ohio Principal Standard:
• 8.4 The effective educational leader builds and sustains productive
partnerships with public and private sectors to promote continuous
improvement and student learning.
NELP Standard:
• 5.2 Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to
collaboratively engage and cultivate relationships with diverse community
members, partners, and other constituencies for the benefit of school
improvement and student development.
• Identify and list several diverse community members, partners, and
other constituencies, including social or human services agencies,
that are collaborative partners with the school. Note: Social and
human services agencies provide interdisciplinary services, from
food assistance to substance abuse counseling, delivered through
non-profit agencies outside of the school site.
• Choose two social or human services agencies and interview a
high-ranking official or manager at each agency to find out:
o The agency’s role in supporting students and families in the
o Challenges in supporting students and families in the
• Interview the principal mentor to discuss:
o The principal’s and the school’s role in coordinating the
support of the social or human services agencies.
o How he/she collaboratively engages and cultivates
relationships with diverse community members, partners,
and other constituencies for the benefit of school
improvement and student development.
o Any insights or recommendations about working with
diverse community members, partners, and other
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities
Artifact: Federal, State, and Local Agencies
Submit a document that includes the following components. You may
include a copy of the questions with a written response below each
question in your submission. Responses are to be supported by
examples from the field and/or research. Be sure you reference the
interviews in your responses.
• A description of the interviews with two social or human services
agency officials and their roles in supporting students and
families in the school, including:
o The agency’s role in supporting students and families in
the school.
o Challenges in supporting students and families in the
• A summary of your discussion with the principal mentor,
o The principal’s and the school’s role in coordinating the
support of the social or human services agencies.
o How he/she collaboratively engages and cultivates
relationships with diverse community members, partners,
and other constituencies for the benefit of school
improvement and student development. Include specific
o Any insights or recommendations about working diverse
community members, partners, and other constituencies
• As a future principal, your plan based on research and best
practice for:
o Collaboratively engaging and cultivating relationships
with diverse community members, partners, and other
constituencies around shared goals
o How you will identify and use diverse community
resources to benefit school programs and student
• Responses are supported by examples from the field and/or
(Self• The description clearly identifies how each social or human
agency supports students and families and meets challenges.
your work
• The summary demonstrates an overall understanding of:
prior to
o The principal’s and the school’s role in coordinating with
social agencies and human services agencies.
o How he/she collaboratively engages and cultivates
relationships with diverse community members,
partners, and other constituencies for the benefit of
school improvement and student development.
o Insights or recommendations about working with diverse
community members, partners, and other constituencies.
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities

As a principal, your plan uses research and best practice for:
o Collaboratively engaging and cultivating relationships
with diverse community members, partners, and other
constituencies around shared goals.
o Identifying and using diverse community resources to
benefit school programs and student learning.
Robbins, P., & Alvy, H. B. (2014). Chapter 11: Working with parents
and partnering with the greater community. In The principal’s
companion: Strategies to lead schools for student and teacher
success (4th ed., pp. 267-284). Corwin.
Note: Candidates are expected to use the Walden Library and/or an
outside source, locate and reference scholarly resources for their
field experience activities. Scholarly resources cited should have a
publication date within five years, unless considered a seminal work
© 2021 Walden University
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities
Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring Staff
Description: The candidate will review the district’s policies for recruiting, interviewing, and
hiring personnel; interview the human resources director and the principal mentor; and
participate in the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of one new teacher. The candidate will
then submit an analysis of the district’s policies and procedures and provide a set of
recommendations for strengthening these policies and procedures, as well as a plan for
engaging in recruitment and selection of staff that reflects the diversity of the student
Minnesota Competencies:
• I.1 Demonstrate knowledge of effective personnel recruitment, selection, and
• I.4 Describe and demonstrate the ability to apply the legal requirements for
personnel selection, development, retention, and dismissal.
Ohio Principal Standards:
• 9.1 The effective educational leader participates in the acquisition of highquality recruits.
• 9.2 The effective educational leader develops and/or uses clear selection
criteria and hiring processes.
• 9.4 The effective educational leader provides opportunities for staff to assume
leadership roles within the school.
NELP Standard:
• 7.1 Program completers understand and have the capacity to collaboratively
develop the school’s professional capacity through engagement in recruiting,
selecting, and hiring staff.
Review state and district policies and procedures for recruiting,
interviewing, and hiring personnel.
Separately interview the human resources director and the principal
mentor regarding recruiting, interviewing, and hiring policies and
procedures used within the district. Specifically ask about:
• How state and district policies and procedures were developed
and have changed.
• How selection criteria are developed and used for hiring staff.
• What works well and what are some possible problem
areas/challenges regarding recruiting, interviewing, and hiring.
• Tips on effective recruiting, interviewing, and hiring strategies in
educational settings.
Participate in the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of one new
teacher in the school.
Artifact: Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring Staff
Submit a document that includes the following components. You may
include a copy of the questions with a written response below each
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question in your submission. Responses are to be supported by
examples from the field and/or research. Be sure to reference the
interviews in your responses.
• A summary of your interviews with the human resources
director and principal mentor, including:
o How policies and procedures were developed and have
o How selection criteria are developed and used for hiring
o What works well and what are some possible problem
areas/challenges regarding recruiting, interviewing, and
o Tips on effective recruiting, interviewing, and hiring
strategies in educational settings
your work
prior to

An analysis of the district’s recruiting, interviewing, and hiring
policies and procedures, identifying what appears to be
effective and non-effective

Strategies for evaluating applicant materials based on best

Recommendations, with specific examples and explanations,
for strengthening the district’s policies and procedures

Based on observations during the recruiting, interviewing, and
hiring of the new teacher, your plan to engage in candidate
recruitment and selection that reflects the diversity of the
student body.

Responses are supported by examples from the field and/or
The summary demonstrates an overall understanding of the
district’s policies and procedures for recruiting, interviewing,
and hiring new personnel, from the perspective of both the
human resources director and the principal mentor.
The analysis provides an insightful look into whether these
policies and procedures are successful in recruiting,
interviewing, and hiring desired teachers and staff.
Strategies for evaluating applicant materials are based on best
The recommendations are practical, research-based, and stay
within the parameters of existing district legal mandates and

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The plan demonstrates skills in using research and data to
engage in candidate recruitment and selection that reflects the
diversity of the student body.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2009). Federal laws
prohibiting job discrimination questions and answers. Annapolis
Junction, MD: Author.
Sciarappa, K. & Blau, B. (2009). Involving staff in teacher hiring.
Principal, 88(3), 44. Available in the Walden Library through
Education Research Complete.
Note: Candidates are expected to use the Walden Library and/or
an outside source to locate and reference scholarly resources for
their field experience activities. Scholarly resources cited should
have a publication date within five years, unless considered a
seminal work.
© 2021 Walden University
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities
School Facilities
Description: The candidate will review and analyze local policy and regulation
documents, as well as speak with the principal mentor and the director of operations
or the facility operations representative in order to submit a summary of critical
processes, issues, and concerns related to the care and operations of the school
facility. The candidate will also make recommendations to improve facilities
development, planning, and management.
Minnesota Competencies:
• B.6 Demonstrating an understanding of facilities development, planning, and
• B.7 Understand and use technology as a management tool.
Ohio Principal Standards:
• 10.2 The effective educational leader develops and uses productive
professional relationships with students, staff, district personnel and other
stakeholders to positively impact school operations.
• 10.5 The effective educational leader demonstrates and communicates a
working knowledge of Ohio public educational laws, rules and requirements,
as well as district policies, procedures and agreements, as appropriate.
NELP Standard:
• 6.1 Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to
evaluate, develop, and implement management, communication, technology,
school-level governance, and operation systems that support each student’s
learning needs and promote the mission and vision of the school.
• Local policy and regulation documents related to the critical
processes, issues, and concerns regarding the management,
care, and operation of school facilities
Discuss with the principal mentor:
• Current critical issues, concerns, and needs related to the
management, care, and operation of the school facility.
• How these issues, concerns, and needs are determined.
• The process for reporting, scheduling, and completing school
• How much time and effort are spent on the care and operation
of the school facility and how the care and operation of the
facility relates to student learning.
Discuss with the director of operations or facility operations
• Current critical issues, concerns, and needs related to the
management, care, and operation of the school facility.
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Policies and regulations regarding the care and operation of
the school facility and how facility concerns, issues, and needs
are determined and addressed.
• The process for reporting, scheduling, and completing school
• The use of technology as a management tool.
Artifact: School Facilities
Submit a document that includes the following components. You
may include a copy of the questions with a written response below
each question in your submission. Responses are to be supported
by examples from the field and/or research. Be sure you reference
the interviews in your responses.
• A summary referencing your principal mentor and the director
of operations or facility operations representative regarding
critical processes, issues, and concerns related to the
management, care, and operation of the school facility (see
interview questions)
• A brief analysis of how the management, care, and operation
of the facility coincides with local policy and regulation
• A detailed explanation, with examples, of how the
management, care, and operation of the school facility is
related to student learning needs and why
• Make at least two recommendations to improve the
management, care, and operations of the school facility that
will maximize student learning. For each recommendation,
explain how you would change the role of people, re-allocate
monies, and use technology (when possible) to streamline or
improve the process.
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your work
prior to

Responses are supported by examples from the field and/or
• The summary references the director of operations and facility
operations representative and demonstrates an overall
understanding of the processes, issues, and concerns related
to the management, care, and operation of the facility.
• The analysis compares current management, care, and
operation with local policy and regulation documents.
• The explanation links the management, care, and operation
of the facility to student learning needs and is supported by
appropriate examples and research.
• The recommendations are practical, grounded in research,
meet the stipulations of local policy and regulation documents,
and show how one can modify the use of people, fiscal
resources, and technology to improve current systems of
Filardo, M., Vincent, J.M., & Sullivan, K. (2019). How crumbling
school facilities perpetuate inequality. Phi Delta Kappan, 100 (8), 2731.
Hanover Research. (July 2015). Best practices for school district
facilities and maintenance. ttps://
National Council on School Facilities. (2019). COVID-19
Note: Candidates are expected to use the Walden Library and/or
an outside source to locate and reference scholarly resources for
their field experience activities. Scholarly resources cited should
have a publication date within five years, unless considered a
seminal work.
© 2021 Walden University
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EDUC7801/EDUC6801 – EDUC7803/ EDUC6803 Required Field Experience Activities
School Vision and Mission
Description: The candidate will interview the principal mentor with regard to the
school vision and mission, core values, and priorities that include data use,
technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community, The candidate will
create a plan for revising the school vision and mission.
Minnesota Competencies:
• A.2 Demonstrate leadership by the development of an educational mission for
the school or district, which provides purpose and direction for individuals and
• K.1 Demonstrating understanding of the role of education in a democratic
• K.2 Demonstrating understanding of and modeling democratic value systems,
ethics, and moral leadership
• K.3 Demonstrating the ability to balance complex community demands in the
best interest of learners
• K.4 Helping learners grow and develop as caring, informed citizens
• K.5 Demonstrating understanding and application of the Code of Ethics for
Administrators under Part 3512.5200
Ohio Principal Standards:
• 1.1. The effective educational leader works in collaboration with students, staff,
and other stakeholder to develop, enact, and evaluate a data-informed shared
mission, vision and core values.
• 1.2 The effective educational leader will model, communicate, and advocate of
the school’s mission, vision, and core values in all aspects of leadership.