Supply Chain Question


Week 1: Supply Chain and Reverse Logistics Overview

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Supply Chain Question
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Review Chapter 10 in the book,

Supply Chain and Logistics Management Made Easy: Methods and Applications for Planning, Operations, Integration, Control and Improvement, and Network Design

by Paul Myerson

Publisher: Pearson

Release Date: April 2015

ISBN: 9780133994261,contains,Supply%20Chain%20and%20Logistics%20Management%20Made%20Easy:%20Methods%20and%20Applications%20for%20Planning%20%20Operations%20%20Integration%20%20Control%20and%20Improvement%20%20and%20Network%20Design&offset=0

Individual Assignment

This assignment is an introduction to college-level essay writing. Create an essay in APA format. Check the examples in the library writing resources and brush up on writing skills. Develop an essay of two to four pages, excluding title and reference page. Create an introduction using APA section title, repeating the title page byline. Then, use 1st and 2nd level section titles to create topics from the reading. Within each section title (topic) develop essay points by combining information from two or more library articles. Select topics from the course readings. Introduce the topic by paraphrasing information from the class reading. Then, search the library for articles on the topics selected from the class reading. Paraphrasing information from resources (class material and library articles) is a good way to demonstrate understanding of course objectives. Remember to match the title page format, section titles, citations, and references in APA format. Match each type to examples in the library writing resources.

APA Formatting required.

University of California Berkeley Library APA Style Citation
Purdue University APA Formatting and Style Guide

APUS Online Library Tutorial Center

Avoiding accidental and intentional plagiarism

Unformatted Attachment Preview

The title
the paper’s
main idea and
identify the
and the
The title
should be
centered on
the page,
typed in 12point Times
New Roman
Font. It
should not be
underlined, or
Varying Definitions of Online Communication and
Their Effects on Relationship Research
Elizabeth L. Angeli
The author’s
name and
should be
doublespaced and
Purdue University
Blue boxes contain
directions for writing
and citing in APA
Green text boxes
contain explanations
of APA style
The running
head is a
version of the
paper’s full title,
and it is used to
help readers
identify the
titles for
articles (even if
your paper is
not intended for
publication, your
paper should
still have a
running head).
The running
head cannot
exceed 50
including spaces
The running
head’s title
should be in
capital letters.
The running
head should be
flush left, and
page numbers
should be flush
right. On the
title page, the
running head
should include
the words
“Running head.”
For pages
following the
title page,
repeat the
running head in
all caps without
“Running head.”
abstract is
a brief
summary of
the paper,
readers to
review the
main points
purpose of
the paper.
should be
used in the
should be
defined in
This paper explores four published articles that report on results from research conducted
on online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships and their relationship to
computer-mediated communication (CMC). The articles, however, vary in their
definitions and uses of CMC. Butler and Kraut (2002) suggest that face-to-face (FtF)
interactions are more effective than CMC, defined and used as “email,” in creating
feelings of closeness or intimacy. Other articles define CMC differently and, therefore,
offer different results. This paper examines Cummings et al.’s research in relation to
three other research articles to suggest that all forms of CMC should be studied in order
to fully understand how CMC influences online and offline relationships.
Keywords: computer-mediated communication, face-to-face communication
The word
should be
and typed
in 12 point
Times New
Roman. Do
not indent
the first
line of the
All other
in the
should be
The title
should be
centered on
the page,
typed in 12point Times
New Roman
Font. It
should not be
underlined, or
Varying Definitions of Online Communication and
Their Effects on Relationship Research
Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of Internet relationships,
The title of
the paper is
and not
focusing on the levels of intimacy, closeness, different communication modalities, and
The introduction presents
the problem
that the
See the OWL
resources on
the frequency of use of CMC. However, contradictory results are suggested within this
research mostly because only certain aspects of CMC are investigated, for example, email
only. Cummings, Butler, and Kraut (2002) suggest that FtF interactions are more
effective than CMC (read: email) in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy, while
other studies suggest the opposite. In order to understand how both online (Internet) and
offline (non-Internet) relationships are affected by CMC, all forms of CMC should be
studied. This paper examines Cummings et al.’s research against other CMC research to
propose that additional research be conducted to better understand how online
communication effects relationships.
include the
name/s and
year and
the not
number is
APA users
with the
date of the
article (the
current the
In Cummings et al.’s (2002) summary article reviewing three empirical studies on
online social relationships, it was found that CMC, especially email, was less effective
than FtF contact in creating and maintaining close social relationships. Two of the three
reviewed studies focusing on communication in non-Internet and Internet relationships
mediated by FtF, phone, or email modalities found that the frequency of each modality’s
use was significantly linked to the strength of the particular relationship (Cummings et
al., 2002). The strength of the relationship was predicted best by FtF and phone
communication, as participants rated email as an inferior means of maintaining personal
relationships as compared to FtF and phone contacts (Cummings et al., 2002).
If an article
has three
to five
write out all
of the
names the
first time
Then use
the first
last name
followed by
“et al.”
Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed an additional study conducted in 1999 by the
HomeNet project. In this project, Kraut, Mukhopadhyay, Szczypula, Kiesler, and Scherlis
(1999) compared the value of using CMC and non-CMC to maintain relationships with
partners. They found that participants corresponded less frequently with their Internet
partner (5.2 times per month) than with their non-Internet partner (7.2 times per month)
(as cited in Cummings et al., 2002). This difference does not seem significant, as it is
only two times less per month. However, in additional self-report surveys, participants
responded feeling more distant, or less intimate, towards their Internet partner than their
non-Internet partner. This finding may be attributed to participants’ beliefs that email is
an inferior mode of personal relationship communication.
Intimacy is necessary in the creation and maintenance of relationships, as it is
defined as the sharing of a person’s innermost being with another person, i.e., selfdisclosure (Hu, Wood, Smith, & Westbrook, 2004). Relationships are facilitated by the
reciprocal self-disclosing between partners, regardless of non-CMC or CMC. Cummings
et al.’s (2002) reviewed results contradict other studies that research the connection
between intimacy and relationships through CMC.
Hu et al. (2004) studied the relationship between the frequency of Instant
Messenger (IM) use and the degree of perceived intimacy among friends. The use of IM
instead of email as a CMC modality was studied because IM supports a non-professional
environment favoring intimate exchanges (Hu et al., 2004). Their results suggest that a
positive relationship exists between the frequency of IM use and intimacy, demonstrating
Use two
after a
your paper.
that participants feel closer to their Internet partner as time progresses through this CMC
Similarly, Underwood and Findlay (2004) studied the effect of Internet
relationships on primary, specifically non-Internet relationships and the perceived
intimacy of both. In this study, self-disclosure, or intimacy, was measured in terms of
shared secrets through the discussion of personal problems. Participants reported a
significantly higher level of self-disclosure in their Internet relationship as compared to
their primary relationship. In contrast, the participants’ primary relationships were
reported as highly self-disclosed in the past, but the current level of disclosure was
perceived to be lower (Underwood & Findlay, 2004). This result suggests participants
turned to the Internet in order to fulfill the need for intimacy in their lives.
In further support of this finding, Tidwell and Walther (2002) hypothesized CMC
participants employ deeper self-disclosures than FtF participants in order to overcome the
limitations of CMC, e.g., the reliance on nonverbal cues. It was found that CMC partners
engaged in more frequent intimate questions and disclosures than FtF partners in order to
overcome the barriers of CMC. In their study, Tidwell and Walther (2002) measured the
perception of a relationship’s intimacy by the partner of each participant in both the CMC
and FtF conditions. The researchers found that the participants’ partners stated their
CMC partner was more effective in employing more intimate exchanges than their FtF
partner, and both participants and their partners rated their CMC relationship as more
intimate than their FtF relationship.
A Level 1
should be
and bolded.
If you use
more than
two levels
3.02 of the
APA manual
(6th ed.) or
the OWL
resource on
Because all
has its
it is
to discuss
of articles
In 2002, Cummings et al. stated that the evidence from their research conflicted
with other data examining the effectiveness of online social relationships. This statement
is supported by the aforementioned discussion of other research. There may be a few
possible theoretical explanations for these discrepancies. First, one reviewed study by
Cummings et al. (2002) examined only email correspondence for their CMC modality.
Therefore, the study is limited to only one mode of communication among other
alternatives, e.g., IM as studied by Hu et al. (2004). Because of its many personalized
features, IM provides more personal CMC. For example, it is in real time without delay,
voice-chat and video features are available for many IM programs, and text boxes can be
personalized with the user’s picture, favorite colors and text, and a wide variety of
emoticons, e.g., :). These options allow for both an increase in self-expression and the
ability to overcompensate for the barriers of CMC through customizable features, as
stated in Tidwell and Walther (2002). Self-disclosure and intimacy may result from IM’s
individualized features, which are not as personalized in email correspondence.
In addition to the limitations of email, Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed studies
that focused on international bank employees and college students. It is possible the
participants’ CMC through email was used primarily for business, professional, and
school matters and not for relationship creation or maintenance. In this case, personal
self-disclosure and intimacy levels are expected to be lower for non-relationship
interactions, as this communication is primarily between boss and employee or student
and professor. Intimacy is not required, or even desired, for these professional
Instead of professional correspondence, however, Cummings et al.’s (2002)
review of the HomeNet project focused on already established relationships and CMC’s
effect on relationship maintenance. The HomeNet researchers’ sole dependence on email
communication as CMC may have contributed to the lower levels of intimacy and
closeness among Internet relationships as compared to non-Internet relationships (as cited
in Cummings et al., 2002). The barriers of non-personal communication in email could
be a factor in this project, and this could lead to less intimacy among these Internet
partners. If alternate modalities of CMC were studied in both already established and
professional relationships, perhaps these results would have resembled those of the
previously mentioned research.
In order to gain a complete understanding of CMC’s true effect on both online
and offline relationships, it is necessary to conduct a study that examines all aspects of
CMC. This includes, but is not limited to, email, IM, voice-chat, video-chat, online
journals and diaries, online social groups with message boards, and chat rooms. The
effects on relationships of each modality may be different, and this is demonstrated by
the discrepancies in intimacy between email and IM correspondence. As each mode of
communication becomes more prevalent in individual’s lives, it is important to examine
the impact of all modes of CMC on online and offline relationship formation,
maintenance, and even termination.
the paper
and can
offer areas
for further
See the
resource on
Cummings, J. N., Butler, B., & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of online social
relationships. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108.
Hu, Y., Wood, J. F., Smith, V., & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM:
Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(1), 38-48.
Tidwell, L. C., & Walther, J. B. (2002). Computer-mediated communication effects on
disclosure, impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one
another a bit at a time. Human Communication Research, 28(3), 317-348.
Underwood, H., & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and their impact on primary
relationships. Behaviour Change, 21(2), 127-140.
Start the reference list on a new page, center the title “References,” and
alphabetize the entries. Do not underline or italicize the title. Double-space all
entries. Every article mentioned in the paper should have an entry.
New Sixth Edition Changes
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association has recently updated the widely referenced
Manual to a Sixth Edition which has simplified and
condensed the material while retaining and strengthening
the basic rules of APA.
American Public University
APA Guidelines
Provided by Dr. Jill Fuson, American Public University System (Sept, 2009). Information Retrieved from
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th & 6th ed.), (2009). Washington, D.C.:
American Psychological Association.
APA Guidelines
In today’s fast growing technological world, new inventions have altered the manner in which
we gather report and perform scientific research. Thus, the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association has updated the widely referenced Manual to a Sixth Edition which
has simplified and condensed the material while retaining and strengthening the basic rules of
APA. This reference guide will concentrate on the Basic Elements of APA writing.
July, 2009, the American Psychological Association released its sixth edition of the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association, with modifications to APA Style writing.
According to the APA Website (, the Manual ‘s Copyright is 2010 and
changes are being implemented. Currently a mixture of the fifth and sixth editions are
acceptable. As of January 1, 2010, only the sixth edition will be accepted.
As you continue your higher education, you are faced with different writing styles. This
reference guide will concentrate on the basic principles of APA style as it applies to writing
term (research) papers and essays. This reference guide will provide helpful tips and
suggestions to assist in producing a scholarly term paper or essay using APA formatting and
style guidelines. Sixth Edition changes and/or locations are in RED.
 Simplified and condensed
 Ethical issues expanded
Page 1
APA Guidelines
 Simplified heading styles
 Avoiding bias in language
 New mechanics of style for ease of reading essays
 Citing sources in one location
 Citing passages from electronic text/archival copy
 Guidelines for new technology such as DOI
 More focus on publication process
APA (Sixth Edition) has broadened its audience since it is consulted not only by psychologists
but also by students & researchers in many fields such as business, education, social work,
nursing and many other behavioral and social sciences. APA rules permit uniformity of many
styles to one consistent style.
 The cover page or title page
 Abstract (optional)
 Text of the paper
Page 2
APA Guidelines
 Reference page
(2.01- 2.03, 8.03) TITLE PAGE
APA Manuscript elements of the title page:
Running head: TITLE OF PAPER
Running head is aligned on the left margin
On the same line as page number. Should
Title of Paper
Author’s Name
American Public University
read “Running head: Portion of the
title not to exceed 50 characters. All
letters of the title are capitalized
The Cover Page (or Title Page) is always
page 1.
Title should typed in upper and
lower letters, centered and
positioned in the upper half of
Author’s Name
Institution affiliation
The Sixth Edition has revised the Title Page to consist of five elements: title, running head,
author byline, institutional affiliation and author note (for publication). (8.03) For essay papers,
author’s note is not required.
Notice the Running head is flush left and the page number is flush right on the same line. They
are permanent (will appear on every page of the paper with only page numbers changing).
Page 3
APA Guidelines
The title should be no more than 12 words in length and should not contain abbreviations. Your
title may be one or two lines. Double space your title page and throughout your paper.
Under the title is the author’s name consisting of first name, middle initial, and last name. No
titles or degrees are used (Dr. or Ph.D.)
Under the author’s name is the institutional affiliation – American Public University.
This is a summary, not an introduction of
the paper. This is one of the few times an
indent is not required. The length of the
abstract is one paragraph (double spaced)
and should not exceed 120 words.
The word “Abstract” is centered
on the page
No indention is needed. This is one
of the few times an indent is not
Running head is permanent, therefore,
will appear at the top of the page.
The Abstract page is always number 2
The abstract (in block format) begins on
the line following the Abstract heading.
The abstract is a one-paragraph, selfcontained summary of the most
important elements of the paper.
Page 4
APA Guidelines
The length of the abstract should
Be one paragraph and consist of
150-250 words
Some papers require an abstract (consult your instructor). Begin with a new page (do not
indent) with a brief and comprehensive summary of your paper. Use past tense for procedures
and present tense for results. Abstract is usually easier to write upon completion of the paper.
Avoid citing within the Abstract. Center Abstract (unformatted – no italics, bold, underlining,
etc) at the top of the page. The Abstract is a single paragraph, double spaced, without
indentions ranging from 150-250 words. Use numerals to express all numbers in the Abstract
(with the exception of starting a sentence).
Running head: TITLE OF PAGE
Two spaces after sentence
terminator (4.01)
Tables (if applicable) are
numbered sequentially and
Illustrations are also
individually numbered and
treated like tables
Title of paper centered
Margins are set at 1 inch
at top, bottom,
left and right
All text is double spaced
Body of paper requires many set
rules and guidelines. Examples
shown are not to scale, therefore,
please visit the online library or the
APA Manual for exact placement.
Clearly visible type, i.e.
12 point
Times Roman
Margins are LEFT
Starting on page 3 (if Abstract is not required – page 2) and center the title of the paper in
upper and lower case letters. Paragraphs are indented ½ inch (5 to 7 spaces) and double
spaced. Do not add additional lines between paragraphs.
Page 5
APA Guidelines

(2.01-2.03) Title page: Use APA format (see Title Page above)

(2.01) Title: Name your paper. The title can “hook” your readers.

(2.05) Introductory Paragraph: Tell the readers what you are about to tell them.
Pretend the reader has no idea what you are writing about, thus, giving detailed
information. The thesis statement is often the last sentence of the first paragraph.
Generally, the introductory paragraph is past tense.

(2.05) Thesis Statement: Essentially, a thesis statement answers the question, “What
do I want my readers to know after they have read my essay?”

(2.08) Body: Tell them what you want to tell them. The number of paragraphs will
depend on the length and complexity of your paper.

(2.08) Concluding Paragraph: This is a short summary. You should not introduce any
new information.
There are specific guidelines when writing an APA style paper.

Center the title at the top of page two (page 3 if there is an Abstract). The title is written
in uppercase and lowercase letters. (3.03)
Double space entire paper (8.03)
Use 1 inch margins (8.03)
Text is left aligned (8.03)
Two spaces after sentence terminator – rather than one (New Sixth Edition Change)
Page 6
APA Guidelines

12 point font (new Sixth Edition of APA requires New Times Roman only) and black ink
Same font throughout with the exception of italicizing (8.03) (1) introducing a key term
you wish to emphasize(4.21) (2) titles of books, periodicals, films, videos, TV shows and
microfilm publications (4.21) (there are more in-depth examples if you would like to
reference 4.21 in New Sixth Edition of APA Manual)
First sentence of a paragraph must be indented (8.03) (with the exception of the
Abstract) (2.04)
Quotes 40 words or more must be in blocked quotation format with no quotation marks
and include the page number in parentheses after the last period (4.08)

Brainstorming: Before beginning to write, take the time to put your ideas down on
paper. Mind-mapping and list-making are two useful brainstorming techniques.

Organizing: Plan your paper or assignment. This may be as simple as a chronological
list of your points or as elaborate as a formal outline.

Multiple Drafts: Professional writers create multiple drafts of their writing. You should

Extra Time: Quality writing takes time – lots of time. Build in a cushion of extra time.

Allow Time Between Drafts: While a break of 24 hours or more is ideal, a thirty
minute break will yield positive results.

Help from Others: Being mindful of plagiarism and academic honesty, request
proofreading help.

Use Formal Voice: Academic writing is more formal than casual conversations, emails,
and instant messages.

Perspective: Use third person point of view when writing research papers (avoiding
pronouns such as I, we, my, our (first person) and you, yours, your, us, we (second
person). You should deal with facts and not opinions, thus providing citations within your
paper and on your reference page. Focus on the subject itself and not on your feelings
about the subject. The use of third person retains a formal tone in your writing. (3.09)

Tone: An effective way to achieve the correct tone is write in a way to educate and
persuade the reader. (3.07)
Page 7
APA Guidelines

Reducing Bias: Use the word person instead of he (considered sexist) or he/she
(which can be awkward). Avoid use of the terms such as opposite sex and minority. Be
aware of the order of presentation of social groups. Also, take note with language
concerning gender, race, disability and sexuality. (3.12-3.17)

Flow of Paper: Use transitional words helping maintain the flow of thought. Use a
pronoun referring to a noun in a preceding sentence allows a smooth transition and
elevates repetition. Other words assisting in transition are time links (after, next, since,
then, while), cause-effect links (as a result, consequently, as a result), addition links
(furthermore, in addition, moreover, similarly), and contrast links (although, but,
conversely, however, nevertheless). (3.05)

Wordiness and Redundancy: Eliminate wordy sentences; get your point across with
as few words as possible eliminating empty words such as “that”. (3.08)

Word Choice: Use scholarly words. (ex: kids = children; hate = dislike) (3.09)

Complete Sentences: Write in complete sentences and avoid slang. Complete
sentences contain both subjects and verbs. Avoid run on sentences.

Subject-Verb Agreement: Be sure your subject and verb agree. For example, “we
are” rather than “we is,” “they did” rather than “they done.” (3.19)

Verb Tense and Active Voice: Limit shifts in verb tense, and use active voice rather
than passive voice. (3.18)

Awkward Phrasing: Use Standard English phrasing. For example, “try to do” rather
than “try and do,” “we went” rather than “us went.”

Long Paragraphs Preferred: Be sure your ideas are fully developed in each of your
paragraphs. This usually results in paragraphs of five or more sentences. (3.08)

Full Wording Rather Than Contractions: Convert contractions to their complete
word-partner. For example:
▪ it’s = it is
▪ won’t = will not
▪ haven’t = have not

Homonyms: Homonyms are words that sound alike but are spelled differently and
have different definitions. For example, new and knew, your and you’re, and know and

Acronyms: Identify acronyms on first use. Example: American Pubic University
(APUS). (4.23)
Page 8
APA Guidelines

Non-words: Ensure all your words are Standard English words. For example, “alot” is
not a word.

Frequently Misspelled Words: Be alert for commonly confused words. For example,
possess and posses, a lot and allot, definitely and defiantly, and their and there.

Numbers: 0-9 are written out while 10 and above are written as numbers
(Exceptions: numbers expressing approximate lengths of time be written as words ex: 1
hr 30 min; 12:30 a.m.; about 3 months ago) (4.31-4.34)Use numerals to express all
numbers in the Abstract (with the exception of starting a sentence). (4.31) (New Sixth
Edition Change)

etc.: Avoid using etc. at the end of a list unless it is part of the quotation. (4.26)

Parenthesis: Parentheses are most often used in citations. Before using them in other
applications, consult the APA handbook for guidance. (4.09)

Commas and Introductory Phrases: Usually commas are placed between an
introductory phrase and the main sentence; however, commas are rarely used to
separate a concluding phrase.

Colon: Colons should only be used when the introductory phrase is a complete
sentence. (4.05)

Semicolon: Semicolons are used to either connect two complete sentences, or to
connect a list with commas. (4.04)

Ampersand: If the citation is in parentheses, use the ampersand (‘&’) instead of the
word “and”. (6.12)

Slashes: Use dashes rather than slashes. (4.06)

Punctuation when ending a Quote: If quotation is at the end of a sentence, close
quote with quotation marks, cite the source in parentheses, and end with a period or
other punctuation outside the final parenthesis. If quote is in mid-sentence, close quote
with quotation marks, cite the source immediately after the quotation marks, and
continue the sentence. (6.03)

Question Marks and Quotation Marks: Place question marks outside the quotation
mark unless the question mark is part of the quotation. (4.08)

Single Quotation Marks: The only time you use single quotation marks is inside of
double quotation marks. (4.08)

Exclamation Points: Exclamation points should not be used unless the exclamation
point is part of a quotation. (4.08)
Page 9
APA Guidelines

Titles of Books and Magazines: Italicize the title of books and magazines. (4.21)

Titles of Articles and Chapters: Place the title of articles and chapters of books in
quotation marks to set off when mentioned in text. (4.07)

Bold: Use italicizing to emphasize words rather than Bold. (4.21)

Levels of Headings: (3.03)
Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase
Left Aligned, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase
Indented, Boldface, lowercase paragraph heading
with a period.
Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase paragraph
heading with a period.
Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading
with a period.
Direct quote is the exact words of an author or source. (6.03)
Example: According to Conner (2004) “Many of us understand all sorts of things but
never have the opportunity or take the time to try them out” (p. 161).
Paraphrasing is your own rendition of someone else’s information or idea. (6.04)
Page 10
APA Guidelines
Example: Many people possess knowledge on a multitude of topics, but infrequently
have the chance to take advantage of such knowledge (Conner, 2008).
Block quotations of 40 words or more. Make each line of the quote begin in the same place,
creating a straight line on the left side of the quotation, while the right side is jagged. (6.03)
Do NOT use quotation marks unless there are quotations within the quotation then use
normal quotation marks, not single ones.
Remember, you must still give credit for the source. Place periods or commas within
quotation marks when they are part of the quoted material. At end of quote, place period
then page number. Example: …… placebo effect. (p. 276)
Page number must be given for direct quotes. If no page numbers are available, cite the
paragraph number using the abbreviation para. (instead of the symbol ¶). If no page or
paragraph numbers are available, cite the heading and paragraph number in which the
information is found: (Discussion section, para. 2). (6.05) (Sixth Edition)
Running head: TITLE OF PAPER
Running head and page number
Title of page
Stielow, F. J. (2003). Building digital
archives. New York: NealSchuman
Double Space
Hanging Indent
Page 11
APA Guidelines
The word “References” (“Reference if only one source) should appear at the top center of the
page. Entries are double spaced with the top line justified to the left. Additional lines of each
reference are indented (hanging indent).
Do not list a reference for which you do not have a citation in the body of the paper. Similarly,
do not include a citation without a corresponding reference.
Most information on the Internet is the electronic equivalent of the other print sources listed
and therefore not acceptable as a college reference. The Internet is unregulated and there is
no quality control. By using the online library and accessing the Deep Web, you will be able to
located reliable and scholarly information for your research. You can only use the Internet if it
is the equivalent of other acceptable sources such as:

Reputable News Media (Time, Newsweek, New York Times)
Serious Popular Magazines (New Yorker, National Geographic)
Government Publications
A “citation” is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from
another source. It also gives your readers the information necessary to find that source again,
including (6.11 – 6.21):

information about the author

the title of the work

the name and location of the company that published your copy of the source
Page 12
APA Guidelines

the date your copy was published

the page numbers of the material you are borrowing
Why should I cite sources?
Giving credit to the original author by citing sources is the only way to use other people’s work
without plagiarizing. But there are a number of other reasons to cite sources:

Citations are extremely helpful to anyone who wants to find out more about your ideas
and where they came from.

Not all sources are good or right – your own ideas may often be more accurate or
interesting than those of your sources. Proper citation will keep you from taking the rap
for someone else’s bad ideas.

Citing sources shows the amount of research you’ve done.

Citing sources strengthens your work by lending outside support to your ideas.
Doesn’t citing sources make my work seem less original?
Not at all. On the contrary, citing sources actually helps your reader distinguish your ideas from
those of your sources. This will actually emphasize the originality of your own work.
When do I need to cite?
Whenever you borrow words or ideas, you need to acknowledge their source. The following
situations almost always require citation:

Whenever you use quotes

Whenever you paraphrase

Whenever you use an idea that someone else has already expressed

Whenever you make specific reference to the work of another

Whenever so