Supply Chain Question


Write a paper according to document attached. focus should be on supply chain.

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Supply Chain Question
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Paper Objec+ve:
Write a paper whose purpose is to uncover the connec+ons between
organiza+ons that use structured frameworks for improvement
(Enterprise Excellence, Lean Six Sigma, etc.) and their opera+onal
You will find four general possibili+es (or something in between):
1) Using improvement framework and performing excellently
2) Using improvement framework and performing poorly
3) No improvement framework and performing excellently
4) No improvement framework and performing poorly
Your paper should answer the following ques+ons:
• What’s the organiza+on’s background? Short (1 paragraph)
background on the company (age, industry,
major business segments, number of employees, revenues, profits, core
competencies, core products,
customers, etc.)
• What framework, if any, is the organiza+on using to drive opera+onal
• When was the framework established and how has it fared over +me?
• In what parts of the organiza+on is the framework being applied
(Supply Chain, Sales, Marke+ng, Product
Development, etc.)
• How is the framework perceived by senior leaders, middle managers,
prac++oners, etc.?
• How is the framework u+lized by senior leaders, middle managers,
prac++oners, etc.?
• What are examples (be specific as much as possible with quan+ta+ve
impacts), which demonstrate successes
and shortcomings of the framework?
• What is the future outlook of the framework within the organiza+on?
• In your assessment, is there a link between the organiza+on’s
performance (revenue, profit, growth, share
price (if applicable), etc. and its espousal of a structured framework?
• What can the organiza+on do differently to strengthen its
improvement capability?
• For those doing Op+on 2: Research – use the above ques+ons to
contrast between the organiza+ons you’ve
Op+on 2: Research
Compare two organiza+ons addressing the above ques+ons. The
organiza+ons can be companies, not for profits, or government
agencies and can be small, medium or large. Use whatever research
tools are available to you.
– Paper should be double spaced and between 5 and 7 pages including

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