Supply Chain Management A2: Group Report (希希 09/01/2024)


The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t willbe 2000 words long.Cargill, Incorporated – coffee beans Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

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Supply Chain Management A2: Group Report (希希 09/01/2024)
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Peer review report and reflection
Each group should consolidate their peer evaluation Word files
together with their group report into a single Word file and submit at
Turnitin on 12 January 2024 before 11:55pm

Your reflection on your peer/team member(s)
Personal reflection on what you have done for this assignment and how you have contributed
This assessment is targeting the following aspects of Curtin’s Graduate Attributes and values:
• Collaborative Team Working including Effective Communications and Conflict Management Skills
• Negotiation and Flexibility
• Critical and Creative Thinking Skills
• Applied Discipline Knowledge and Skills
• Integrity and Excellence
This evaluation is designed to encourage you to think about and understand how well you and your team
member(s) performed the team activity in order for you to develop the important skills above.
Research indicates that students who reflect on their own performance have more control over future
performance of targeted skill(s), and are better able to articulate their progress. Such students also
demonstrate increased self-confidence in a range of situations.
Note: the lecturer grade is where the lecturer rewards effort, contribution, performance and leadership capacity
of an individual based on the basis of an individual’s contribution. However, all students have the opportunity
to receive the full complement of marks available in this component of the assessment task if a student has
clearly demonstrated superior commitment, contribution and performance to the functioning and
processes of the group as well as the group outcome (i.e. the final report submitted).
As this is an assessable task you need to understand/follow the instructions:
1. These evaluation forms are confidential and enable the lecturer to secure an insight into how well the
team/group process functioned and who contributed what in order to track your individual
contribution. Please complete this evaluation of yourself and your group member(s) (peers)
honestly and submit through Blackboard Peer Evaluation, as a PDF document.
2. Ensure you put your name on the Self/Peer Evaluation Schedule (A) and your group member’s
name on the Peer Evaluation Schedule (B), (C) and (D).
3. Your Lecturer will read your group’s work and identify how well the group functioned and who did what
and who did not do what. This feedback will also help the lecturer to reflect and decide whether s/he
needs to make any updates to the activity in future.
4. Please Note: This is your opportunity to tell the lecturer if there were any problems with the group
interactions, division of workload etc. Hence, please be honest. Even if your group did not function
well, you have the capacity to earn the individual marks if you have made every effort to complete
the assignment well.
5. Your feedback in this evaluation exercise would be collated and read together with those of your
peer/group member and graded according to the grading rubric and the insights provided about
what you learned from this experience, the quality of your contribution and the submitted report.
Assessment 2
Team working Skills – Tracking individual workload Assessment
Self/Peer Evaluation Schedule (A)
Note to students: – Bullet points in the first column should be answered in terms of … “What did I do ….?”
Aspects of Team Working
Self-Reflective Comments for:
(write your name here)
Student ID:
Individual Roles and
• What roles/activities did you
undertake in this assignment?
(e.g., researcher, editor, sequencing data, draft writer,
collation of materials)
• Explain how your contribution
to the group made a difference to
the final product?
Generating and Creating
• Did I contribute original/new
ideas? Cite examples.
• Synergy – How well did I build
on the ideas of others to produce
a superior outcome? Cite examples.
• Did I undertake an equal share?
• Was my information accurate
and in my own words/not
plagiarised directly off the web?
• Was my information up-to-date?
-from credible sources e.g. journals, texts, conference
papers etc.?
• What did I do to support our
discussions positively?
• What did I do to mediate
potential conflict?
What is your attitude to working with your partner? Has
it been OK, if not, why not? And what have you done
about it?
Organisational skills:
• Did I make it to all team
meetings on time?
• What are my time management
skills like?
• How well did I work to the
– did you get your materials to each other on time?
– did you make it to the meetings on time? etc.
Final Outcome/Product
• Discuss how your contribution
increased the quality of the final
• How relevant is your assignment
to real life?
Self-reflection comments:
1. What did I learn from this group activity (in terms of the process of working in teams – not content/information)?
2. What would I need to change for further develop about how I worked with my partner in order to make future
team activities more successful?
3. List 3 strengths you have in team working and 2 weaknesses that you need to continue to improve.
Team Member 1/ Peer Evaluation Schedule (B)
Aspects of Team Working
Peer-Reflective Comments for:
(Write your partner’s name here)
Student ID:
Individual Roles and
• What roles/activities did she/he
undertake in this assignment?
(e.g., researcher, editor, sequencing data, draft writer,
collation of materials)
• Explain how his/her
contribution to the group made a
difference to the final product?
Generating and Creating
• Did
original/new ideas? Cite examples.
• Synergy – How well did he/she
build on your ideas to produce a
superior outcome? Cite examples.
• Did he/she undertake an equal
• Was his/her information
accurate and paraphrased/not
plagiarised directly off the web?
• Was his/her information up-todate? -from credible sources e.g. journals, texts,
conference papers etc.?
• What did he/she do to support
our discussions positively?
• What did he/she do to mediate
potential conflict?
What is your attitude to working with your partner? Has
it been OK, if not, why not? And what have you done
about it?
Organisational skills:
• Did he/she make it to all team
meetings on time?
• What are his/her time
management skills like?
• How well did he/she work to
the timeline?
– were material received on time?
– did he/she make it to the meetings on time? etc.
Final Outcome/Product
• Discuss how his/her
contribution increased the
quality of the final assignment.
Other comments about your partner:
List 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses that you have identified in your partner from this team working assignment.
Team Member 2 /Peer Evaluation Schedule (C)
Aspects of Team Working
Peer-Reflective Comments for:
(write your partner’s name here)
Student ID:
Individual Roles and
• What roles/activities did she/he
undertake in this assignment?
(e.g., researcher, editor, sequencing data, draft writer,
collation of materials)
• Explain how his/her
contribution to the group made a
difference to the final product?
Generating and Creating
• Did
original/new ideas? Cite examples.
• Synergy – How well did he/she
build on your ideas to produce a
superior outcome? Cite examples.
• Did he/she undertake an equal
• Was his/her information
accurate and paraphrased/not
plagiarised directly off the web?
• Was his/her information up-todate? -from credible sources e.g. journals, texts,
conference papers etc.?
• What did he/she do to support
our discussions positively?
• What did he/she do to mediate
potential conflict?
What is your attitude to working with your partner? Has
it been OK, if not, why not? And what have you done
about it?
Organisational skills:
• Did he/she make it to all team
meetings on time?
• What are his/her time
management skills like?
• How well did he/she work to
the timeline?
– were material received on time?
– did he/she make it to the meetings on time? etc.
Final Outcome/Product
• Discuss how his/her
contribution increased the
quality of the final assignment.
Other comments about your partner:
List 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses that you have identified in your partner from this team working assignment.
Team Member 3 /Peer Evaluation Schedule (D)
Aspects of Team Working
Peer-Reflective Comments for:
(write your partner’s name here)
Student ID:
Individual Roles and
• What roles/activities did she/he
undertake in this assignment?
(e.g., researcher, editor, sequencing data, draft writer,
collation of materials)
• Explain how his/her
contribution to the group made a
difference to the final product?
Generating and Creating
• Did
original/new ideas? Cite examples.
• Synergy – How well did he/she
build on your ideas to produce a
superior outcome? Cite examples.
• Did he/she undertake an equal
• Was his/her information
accurate and paraphrased/not
plagiarised directly off the web?
• Was his/her information up-todate? -from credible sources e.g. journals, texts,
conference papers etc.?
• What did he/she do to support
our discussions positively?
• What did he/she do to mediate
potential conflict?
What is your attitude to working with your partner? Has
it been OK, if not, why not? And what have you done
about it?
Organisational skills:
• Did he/she make it to all team
meetings on time?
• What are his/her time
management skills like?
• How well did he/she work to
the timeline?
– were material received on time?
– did he/she make it to the meetings on time? etc.
Final Outcome/Product
• Discuss how his/her
contribution increased the
quality of the final assignment.
Other comments about your partner:
List 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses that you have identified in your partner from this team working assignment.
Peer review report and reflection
Each group should consolidate their peer evaluation Word files
together with their group report into a single Word file and submit at
Turnitin on 12 January 2024 before 11:55pm

Your reflection on your peer/team member(s)
Personal reflection on what you have done for this assignment and how you have contributed
This assessment is targeting the following aspects of Curtin’s Graduate Attributes and values:
• Collaborative Team Working including Effective Communications and Conflict Management Skills
• Negotiation and Flexibility
• Critical and Creative Thinking Skills
• Applied Discipline Knowledge and Skills
• Integrity and Excellence
This evaluation is designed to encourage you to think about and understand how well you and your team
member(s) performed the team activity in order for you to develop the important skills above.
Research indicates that students who reflect on their own performance have more control over future
performance of targeted skill(s), and are better able to articulate their progress. Such students also
demonstrate increased self-confidence in a range of situations.
Note: the lecturer grade is where the lecturer rewards effort, contribution, performance and leadership capacity
of an individual based on the basis of an individual’s contribution. However, all students have the opportunity
to receive the full complement of marks available in this component of the assessment task if a student has
clearly demonstrated superior commitment, contribution and performance to the functioning and
processes of the group as well as the group outcome (i.e. the final report submitted).
As this is an assessable task you need to understand/follow the instructions:
1. These evaluation forms are confidential and enable the lecturer to secure an insight into how well the
team/group process functioned and who contributed what in order to track your individual
contribution. Please complete this evaluation of yourself and your group member(s) (peers)
honestly and submit through Blackboard Peer Evaluation, as a PDF document.
2. Ensure you put your name on the Self/Peer Evaluation Schedule (A) and your group member’s
name on the Peer Evaluation Schedule (B), (C) and (D).
3. Your Lecturer will read your group’s work and identify how well the group functioned and who did what
and who did not do what. This feedback will also help the lecturer to reflect and decide whether s/he
needs to make any updates to the activity in future.
4. Please Note: This is your opportunity to tell the lecturer if there were any problems with the group
interactions, division of workload etc. Hence, please be honest. Even if your group did not function
well, you have the capacity to earn the individual marks if you have made every effort to complete
the assignment well.
5. Your feedback in this evaluation exercise would be collated and read together with those of your
peer/group member and graded according to the grading rubric and the insights provided about
what you learned from this experience, the quality of your contribution and the submitted report.
Assessment 2
Team working Skills – Tracking individual workload Assessment
Self/Peer Evaluation Schedule (A)
Note to students: – Bullet points in the first column should be answered in terms of … “What did I do ….?”
Aspects of Team Working
Self-Reflective Comments for:
(write your name here)
Student ID:
Individual Roles and
• What roles/activities did you
undertake in this assignment?
(e.g., researcher, editor, sequencing data, draft writer,
collation of materials)
• Explain how your contribution
to the group made a difference to
the final product?
Generating and Creating
• Did I contribute original/new
ideas? Cite examples.
• Synergy – How well did I build
on the ideas of others to produce
a superior outcome? Cite examples.
• Did I undertake an equal share?
• Was my information accurate
and in my own words/not
plagiarised directly off the web?
• Was my information up-to-date?
-from credible sources e.g. journals, texts, conference
papers etc.?
• What did I do to support our
discussions positively?
• What did I do to mediate
potential conflict?
What is your attitude to working with your partner? Has
it been OK, if not, why not? And what have you done
about it?
Organisational skills:
• Did I make it to all team
meetings on time?
• What are my time management
skills like?
• How well did I work to the
– did you get your materials to each other on time?
– did you make it to the meetings on time? etc.
Final Outcome/Product
• Discuss how your contribution
increased the quality of the final
• How relevant is your assignment
to real life?
Self-reflection comments:
1. What did I learn from this group activity (in terms of the process of working in teams – not content/information)?
2. What would I need to change for further develop about how I worked with my partner in order to make future
team activities more successful?
3. List 3 strengths you have in team working and 2 weaknesses that you need to continue to improve.
Team Member 1/ Peer Evaluation Schedule (B)
Aspects of Team Working
Peer-Reflective Comments for:
(Write your partner’s name here)
Student ID:
Individual Roles and
• What roles/activities did she/he
undertake in this assignment?
(e.g., researcher, editor, sequencing data, draft writer,
collation of materials)
• Explain how his/her
contribution to the group made a
difference to the final product?
Generating and Creating
• Did
original/new ideas? Cite examples.
• Synergy – How well did he/she
build on your ideas to produce a
superior outcome? Cite examples.
• Did he/she undertake an equal
• Was his/her information
accurate and paraphrased/not
plagiarised directly off the web?
• Was his/her information up-todate? -from credible sources e.g. journals, texts,
conference papers etc.?
• What did he/she do to support
our discussions positively?
• What did he/she do to mediate
potential conflict?
What is your attitude to working with your partner? Has
it been OK, if not, why not? And what have you done
about it?
Organisational skills:
• Did he/she make it to all team
meetings on time?
• What are his/her time
management skills like?
• How well did he/she work to
the timeline?
– were material received on time?
– did he/she make it to the meetings on time? etc.
Final Outcome/Product
• Discuss how his/her
contribution increased the
quality of the final assignment.
Other comments about your partner:
List 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses that you have identified in your partner from this team working assignment.
Team Member 2 /Peer Evaluation Schedule (C)
Aspects of Team Working
Peer-Reflective Comments for:
(write your partner’s name here)
Student ID:
Individual Roles and
• What roles/activities did she/he
undertake in this assignment?
(e.g., researcher, editor, sequencing data, draft writer,
collation of materials)
• Explain how his/her
contribution to the group made a
difference to the final product?
Generating and Creating
• Did
original/new ideas? Cite examples.
• Synergy – How well did he/she
build on your ideas to produce a
superior outcome? Cite examples.
• Did he/she undertake an equal
• Was his/her information
accurate and paraphrased/not
plagiarised directly off the web?
• Was his/her information up-todate? -from credible sources e.g. journals, texts,
conference papers etc.?
• What did he/she do to support
our discussions positively?
• What did he/she do to mediate
potential conflict?
What is your attitude to working with your partner? Has
it been OK, if not, why not? And what have you done
about it?
Organisational skills:
• Did he/she make it to all team
meetings on time?
• What are his/her time
management skills like?
• How well did he/she work to
the timeline?
– were material received on time?
– did he/she make it to the meetings on time? etc.
Final Outcome/Product
• Discuss how his/her
contribution increased the
quality of the final assignment.
Other comments about your partner:
List 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses that you have identified in your partner from this team working assignment.
Team Member 3 /Peer Evaluation Schedule (D)
Aspects of Team Working
Peer-Reflective Comments for:
(write your partner’s name here)
Student ID:
Individual Roles and
• What roles/activities did she/he
undertake in this assignment?
(e.g., researcher, editor, sequencing data, draft writer,
collation of materials)
• Explain how his/her
contribution to the group made a
difference to the final product?
Generating and Creating
• Did
original/new ideas? Cite examples.
• Synergy – How well did he/she
build on your ideas to produce a
superior outcome? Cite examples.
• Did he/she undertake an equal
• Was his/her information
accurate and paraphrased/not
plagiarised directly off the web?
• Was his/her information up-todate? -from credible sources e.g. journals, texts,
conference papers etc.?
• What did he/she do to support
our discussions positively?
• What did he/she do to mediate
potential conflict?
What is your attitude to working with your partner? Has
it been OK, if not, why not? And what have you done
about it?
Organisational skills:
• Did he/she make it to all team
meetings on time?
• What are his/her time
management skills like?
• How well did he/she work to
the timeline?
– were material received on time?
– did he/she make it to the meetings on time? etc.
Final Outcome/Product
• Discuss how his/her
contribution increased the
quality of the final assignment.
Other comments about your partner:
List 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses that you have identified in your partner from this team working assignment.

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