Supply chain management


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Students Names (HCT ID)
Being a Group Project Report
Submitted as part of the BLGET Degree Program
Instructor/Mentor Name
Report General Guidelines
– give your report a clear title: “Logistics Principles and Supply Chain Management in ABC
Company in the United Arab Emirates”
– show the names of ALL the members of the group, HCT ID, and respective contribution(s)
– complete the following info: affiliation, course name/number, instructor name, date, etc.
– support your report with diagrams, figures, illustrations, charts, tables
– all figures and Tables must be numbered consecutively e.g. Fig. 1 Title, Table 1 Title, etc.
– focus on one particular company and discuss in detail in your report
Organize your report into the following sections:
Abstract – give a brief (1/2 page/one paragraph) summary of the contents of the report e.g. This
report presents the work undertaken in our Group Project in Logistics Principles and Supply
Chain Management. The report begins with an abstract, followed by introduction …….
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Theory/Literature Review
4. Details of work undertaken/Results/Findings
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
7. Recommendations
Appendix (if any)
Let me know if you need any further clarifications.
Dr Michael Nkasu
LGE 2003
Group Project Assignment
Student Name
LGE 2003
Logistics Principles & Supply Chain Management
Learning outcome: All
Group Project Assignments
Student Name
Student ID Number
Weight: 15% of course grade
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LGE 2003
Group Project Assignment
Student Name
Group Project Assignments
LGE 2003 Logistics Principles & Supply Chain Management
Project Preparation and Submission Instructions
1. For this project assignment, you are required to work in a group of from two to three students
maximum to write a report about one of the topics listed below:
a. Supply Chain of a famous UAE company and/or International Firms
You may include discussions on all the aspects of the Logistics
Principles and SCM theory covered in the lectures and in the classes,
you choose to research. For instance, SC members, relationships,
relationships management, strategies, design, analysis and
optimization, integration, performance measurement, and more.
Research about the qualitative and quantitative methods, software
tools they use as decision-making support regarding their SC. Discuss
if you recognize them, compared to the theory.
b. Supply Chain of a UAE or a Global Humanitarian Organization
Study supply chain structure of any humanitarian organization in the
United Arab Emirates or in any other country worldwide. Identify its
main supply chain components and show how the organization is
striving to deliver the right supplies in the right quantities to the right
locations at the right time.
2. You are required to demonstrate your data collection methods you used in completing
the project.
3. The length of the report should be sufficient to cover the scope of the project. Your
report should be between fifteen (10) to (15) pages long and typed. Use font 12 and
double-space your lines. Also prepare a presentation (Power Point, Poster, Prezi, etc.).
4. Include a Cover Page, Acknowledgements, Abstract, Table of Content, Introduction,
Body divided in a few Sections or Chapters, Conclusion, Bibliography/References and
Appendices. The body of the paper is left to you to organize as you wish.
5. Ensure that you have included all references cited in the body of your paper for
sources, graphs, figures, tables, etc.
Cover page in color with graphic stating your name, course,
subject, year, instructor and title of your topic.
Acknowledgements: name and thank the people who helped
you with the work if any.
Page 2
LGE 2003
Group Project Assignment
Student Name
Abstract: An abstract typically outlines four elements relevant to
the completed work:
1. The research focus (i.e. statement of the problem(s) research
issue(s) addressed);
2. The research methods used (experimental research, case
studies, questionnaires, methods, tools, etc.);
3. The results findings of the research;
4. The main conclusions and recommendations.
Contents page with numbering. Introduction: briefly explain
the scope of the project.
Body divided in Sections or Chapters: Break your report down into
logical chapters. Each chapter should contain detailed information about one
specific aspect of the project.
VI. Conclusions: briefly state the conclusions and recommendations
that derive from your work.
VII. Bibliography: should contain all the resources that you sourced e.g.
books, journals, Websites, and newspapers, etc.
References: state the sources from which you have cited. Use a
standard referencing system e.g. MLA, Harvard.
Appendices: These may contain information that is too bulky to
include in the body of your report e.g. a series of graphs or tables.
This project is worth 15% of your course final grade.
The report (Soft Copy and the Presentation) should be completed and submitted
by the date and time.
Report must be submitted with a copy from Safe Assign with a maximum 30%
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