Substance Abuse VS Parental Rights


Paragraph on Chosen Topic: Substance Abuse VS Parental Rights

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In this paper you are to research an area of forensic social work that is of interest to you. This is an opportunity to develop specialized knowledge about a particular area of forensic social work. Topics might include, but are not limited to any of the topics covered in class. Please formulate a very brief summary paragraph of your topic first. Criteria for evaluation of the papers will include clarity, organization, synthesis of material, and overall mastery of content. Organization of your paper can enhance your grade and papers need a beginning, middle, and an end in that you should introduce your topic and outline what will be covered in the paper first and use subheadings to direct the reader in the body of the paper before summarizing your conclusions at the end.

Please pay special attention to the social work clinical ramifications and practice of your area or agency and consider the following questions especially 1, 7, 8, 9- they will count for 60% of of the paper grade. Don’t skimp here.

1.Full, concise, description of the topic


3.Incidence- the occurrence, rate, or frequency of the issue that is actually known. How many cases are being dealt with NOW

4.Prevalence- the numbers in a total population that is predicted- How many cases are “out there” (Incidence describes the current risk of a certain thing (number of individuals that have been diagnosed with FASD who are incarcerated), while prevalence tells us how many people currently live with the condition, (how many people are thought to have FASD) regardless of when (or even whether) they’ve been linked to that particular issue.)

5. Costs- what monetary value is associated with this topic?

6. Population(s) impacted and how

7. How/where does forensic social work fit into the topic?

8. What are the limitations for social work within the topic?

9. How does clinical forensic work benefit, or hinder the topic?

Please PROOF READ YOUR PAPER. I will return your paper if there are too many errors. You MUST reference ALL work that is not your own. It is expected that as a graduate student you are NOT quoting large sections of other’s work and using them in your paper. The expectation is that you should be summarizing other’s work in a manner that shows how you are able to use other’s information to formulate your own thoughts and opinions about the topic at hand. Strong writing is a fundamental tool for forensic social work and this is a good place to hone your skill.

Please use standard APA methods and you must reference others works.