Strategic HR


Section IV. Behavioral Competencies

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Business Cluster

In this critical element, determine HR initiatives that support the people technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies within the business domain are the most appropriate.

Leadership Cluster

In this section, determine HR initiatives that support the organization technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies within the leadership domain are the most appropriate.

Interpersonal Cluster

In this critical element, determine HR initiatives that support the workplace technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies within the interpersonal domain are the most appropriate.

Human Resource Initiatives

Recommend strategic HR initiatives across the organization that utilize a combination of behavioral competencies, and explain why this is the most appropriate approach.


In your conclusion, restate the main point(s) of your paper in a summary fashion and close with an interesting final impression. Include some research to help support your conclusion points. Write one paragraph.

Reference Page

Here are some additional insights into how to approach the last section of the final project.

The last section of the rubric for the final project contains the following behavioral competencies separated into four sections. Business, Leadership, Interpersonal and HR Initiatives. The HR Initiatives section is where you can combine and link the competencies and technical areas. The technical areas were the various sections of the milestones. HR in the Global Context, Performance Management, Learning and Development etc. These require “Technical” knowledge. The purpose of the last section is to link the competencies (you discussed them in your journals) and the technical knowledge. In other words, describe what competency is required to facilitate an initiative or example you provided in a technical area from your milestones.

Let’s look at the Business Cluster which comes first. We know that some of the competencies are Business Acumen and Critical Evaluation. You can link these competencies to a strategy you suggest in one of the milestones. For example, to improve employee engagement we recommend conducting an employee engagement survey. Interpreting the results and analyzing the findings will require the competency of critical evaluation. You would briefly explain your reasoning. That is all that is required. You do not have to explain the concept of employee engagement because that was done in the milestone. The purpose of this section of the project is to link the competencies to the technical area strategies.

Next, is the Leadership Cluster, then the Interpersonal Cluster and finally the HR Initiative section where you can include multiple competencies from any or all of the domains. Here is a little more information on the HR Initiatives section:

“Recommends strategic HR initiatives across the organization that utilize a combination of behavioral competencies and explains why this is the most appropriate approach.”

As an example, perhaps you recommended a strategy of creating a mentoring program in the Diversity and Inclusion section. Implementing the mentoring program might require behavioral competencies from more than one cluster. It may require leadership and navigational competencies to convince managers and employees to participate. In addition, it might require interpersonal behavioral competencies in building trust through relationship building.

In summary, This section is where you provide an example using a strategy that might require multiple behavioral competencies. In the other sections, you are focusing on behavioral competencies from a specific cluster, like Business etc.

I would follow these steps for each domain in the rubric.

1. Review the clusters in the SHRM Model. Review the Final Project Rubric.

2. Review your milestones to determine if there is an initiative you suggested in your examples that would require one or more of the competencies in the cluster in order to facilitate the initiative. Explain the how this would work.

3. In the HR initiatives section there is an opportunity to combine several competencies from any or all of the clusters to facilitate an HR initiative. (See detail on this above.)

This final section of the project asks us to show the link between the competencies that SHRM identified and how they would be used to facilitate the initiatives required by HR in their organizations. This was illustrated in our journal assignments and the reason so much emphasis was placed on the self-reflection aspect regarding the competencies.Final Submission: Strategic HR Plan

In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should address each of the four sections of the final project (People, Organization, Workplace, and Behavioral Competencies) that focus on HR initiatives that move across an organization. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.