Need a project that is created using SpringBoot and Thymeleaf, its an event management system… Something like admin adds and manages events and user can login/creat account and book event.
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“QwikTix – Event Booking System”
Problem Statement: The goal of this project QwikTix, an Event Booking System, that allows users
to efficiently browse, select, view, book tickets for a wide range of events. The system will
provide a user-friendly interface to view event details, reserve tickets for the events and receive
confirmation for the booked event.
Key Functionalities of the System from User Perspective:
a. User Registration: Users can register in the application by providing basic details like
name, email, date of birth, etc. Registration is needed to make reservation and email
b. Event Listing: Users can browse list of events, along with basic details attached to each
event like name, date, time and venue.
c. Event Filtering/Categorization: Users can filter events based on specific criteria such as
category, location, date, price range
d. Event Details: Users can select an event from the list of events and view detailed
information like event description, location, time, available tickets, cost, etc.
e. Make Reservation: Users can buy tickets for the selected events by specifying number of
tickets based on available tickets.
f. Booking Confirmation: After successful payment/buying tickets, users will receive mail
confirmation along with confirmation screen on website with event details, ticket details
and reference number.
g. Ticket Management: Users can access all their bookings and can view and manage
booking (cancel booking).
h. Event Organizer/Admin dashboard: Event organizer/Admin can add events and manage
Additional functionalities that can be implemented and are optional as of now, will be
implemented based on learnings and difficulty of implementation:
i. Payment Integration (Optional): QwikTix will be integrated with secure payment system
and users can choose from various payment methods.
j. Notifications: Users will receive email or in-app notifications for important updates, such
as event reminders, changes in event details, or payment confirmations.
k. User Reviews and Ratings: Users can add reviews and ratings for the events they have
l. Share: Users can share event details.
m. Wishlist/Favorite: Users can Wishlist events, they can access these events from
n. Notifications: Users will receive emails if there are any updates to events, also event
remainders, booking confirmation.
Technology/Tools that will be used to implement QwikTix:
a. Backend Framework: Spring Boot will be used as a backend framework. It is simple,
efficient and provides a robust foundation for developing Java based applications. It
makes application setup easy.
b. RESTful APIs: The communication between microservices is done through RESTful APIs.
c. Database: Spring Data JPA will be used for data persistence, allowing integration with a
relational database management system MySQL.
d. Front-End Development: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Thymeleaf.
e. Payment Gateway Integration: Will try to integrate with Payment Service Provider like
f. Version Control: Will use Git to track my personal progress.
g. Deployment: Application can be deployed in cloud platform like AWS or Heroku.
h. Testing Frameworks: Can do Unit testing for backend services using Junit.
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