Special Project Proposal


Description: Each intern, in cooperation with his or her site supervisor, is expected to develop
and complete a special project of significance and enduring value to the agency. The intent is to
provide the agency and/or its clientele with a tangible and useful finished resource or service.
The project also provides the intern with an opportunity to demonstrate and improve his or her
problem solving and communication skills. The project should be realistically and reasonably
achievable and be of interest to the intern (i.e., be consistent with their educational
background and internship objectives as expressed on Appendix 2 – the Eligibility Form).
Furthermore, work on the special project should be considered part of an intern’s hours and
is to be completed in incremental stages throughout their internship. Students are expected
to assume much of the responsibility for the project and should be able to work on it as
autonomously as possible, only seeking guidance and support from their supervisor when
necessary. Examples of projects are numerous; the brief list below serves merely to illustrate
projects that have been undertaken by TEM interns in the past. They include:
 Preparation and production of a policy or employer’s training manual;
 Development of a comprehensive recycling program for a large metropolitan park; and
 Numerous program initiatives, such as the establishment of leagues, educational or
children’s programs or concert series. Other initiatives included: the planning and
production of special events, such as tournaments and tours of historic sites and
properties. I ALREADY HAVE MY IDEA I JUST NEED YOU TO REVIEW AND ANWSER THE QUESTIONS 1. Project description: 2. Benefit of project to site: 3. List of target dates and major project components/steps:

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