SPD-570-O500: Methods of Teaching Math to Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities (Lesson Plan)


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SPD-570-O500: Methods of Teaching Math to Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities (Lesson Plan)
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When students are learning mathematical operations and skills, the concepts and skills will build upon each other. It is important for teachers to plan meaningful learning progressions in their lessons to help with this learning process. Higher-order questioning within a lesson plan can help ensure skill mastery before the next learning concept is introduced.

Part 1: Partial Lesson Plan

Select a 1-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona College and Career Ready Standard or other state standard based on the Number and Operations in Base Ten domain.

Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” complete the lesson plan through the Multiple Means of Engagement section, making sure the activities are supported by the recommendations found in the topic Resources.

Include appropriate support and guidance to help students learn related academic language.

Part 2: DOK Essential Questions

Upon completion of the partial lesson plan, draft 20 essential questions to guide meaningful learning progressions and foster problem-solving for students with disabilities, using the “DOK Questions Template.” Five of the questions should activate prior knowledge and the remaining 15 questions should be based on the progression of the lesson activity, probing the four Depth of Knowledge (DOK) levels.

Using four of the questions you drafted, one from each DOK level, identify the following using the DOK Questions Table within the “DOK Questions Template”:

Examples of student responses
Rationale of why chosen question meets DOK level

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Additional Resources:

Link to Virginia Math Standards: https://ttaconline.org/Document/zxbIhX_YCJNu0n9cA8…

Unformatted Attachment Preview

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Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate
Grade Level:
Instructional Plan Title:
Lesson Summary and
In 2-3 sentences, summarize the lesson, identifying the central focus
based on the content and skills you are teaching.
Classroom and Student
Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and
environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with
behavior concerns, gifted learners), and the effect of those factors on
planning, teaching, and assessing students to facilitate learning for all
students. This should be limited to 2-3 sentences and the information
should inform the differentiation components of the lesson.
National/State Learning
Review national and state standards to become familiar with the standards
you will be working with in the classroom environment.
Your goal in this section is to identify the standards that are the focus of
the lesson being presented. Standards must address learning initiatives
from one or more content areas, as well as align with the lesson’s learning
targets/objectives and assessments.
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Include the standards with the performance indicators and the standard
language in its entirety.
Specific Learning
Learning objectives are designed to identify what the teacher intends to
measure in learning. These must be aligned with the standards. When
creating objectives, a learner must consider the following:

Who is the audience

What action verb will be measured during instruction/assessment

What tools or conditions are being used to meet the learning
What is being assessed in the lesson must align directly to the objective
created. This should not be a summary of the lesson, but a measurable
statement demonstrating what the student will be assessed on at the
completion of the lesson. For instance, “understand” is not measureable,
but “describe” and “identify” are.
For example:
Given an unlabeled map outlining the 50 states, students will accurately
label all state names.
Academic Language
In this section, include a bulleted list of the general academic vocabulary
and content-specific vocabulary you need to teach. In a few sentences,
describe how you will teach students those terms in the lesson.
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Resources, Materials,
Equipment, and
List all resources, materials, equipment, and technology you and the
students will use during the lesson. As required by your instructor, add or
attach copies of ALL printed and online materials at the end of this
template. Include links needed for online resources.
Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
Your goal in this section is to open the lesson by activating students’ prior knowledge, linking
previous learning with what they will be learning in this lesson and gaining student interest for the
lesson. Consider various learning preferences (movement, music, visuals) as a tool to engage
interest and motivate learners for the lesson.
In a bulleted list, describe the materials and activities you will use to open the lesson. Bold any
materials you will need to prepare for the lesson.
For example:

I will use a visual of the planet Earth and ask students to describe what Earth looks

I will record their ideas on the white board and ask more questions about the amount of
water they think is on planet Earth and where the water is located.
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Multiple Means of Representation
Learners perceive and comprehend information differently. Your goal in this section is to explain
how you would present content in various ways to meet the needs of different learners. For
example, you may present the material using guided notes, graphic organizers, video or other
visual media, annotation tools, anchor charts, hands-on manipulatives, adaptive technologies,
In a bulleted list, describe the materials you will use to differentiate instruction and how you will
use these materials throughout the lesson to support learning. Bold any materials you will need
to prepare for the lesson.
For example:

I will use a Venn diagram graphic organizer to teach students how to compare and
contrast the two main characters in the read-aloud story.

I will model one example on the white board before allowing students to work on the
Venn diagram graphic organizer with their elbow partner.
Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:

English language learners (ELL):

Students with special needs:

Students with gifted abilities:

Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
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Multiple Means of Engagement
Your goal for this section is to outline how you will engage students in interacting with the content
and academic language. How will students explore, practice, and apply the content? For
example, you may engage students through collaborative group work, Kagan cooperative
learning structures, hands-on activities, structured discussions, reading and writing activities,
experiments, problem solving, etc.
In a bulleted list, describe the activities you will engage students in to allow them to explore,
practice, and apply the content and academic language. Bold any activities you will use in the
lesson. Also, include formative questioning strategies and higher order thinking questions you
might pose.
For example:

I will use a matching card activity where students will need to find a partner with a card
that has an answer that matches their number sentence.

I will model one example of solving a number sentence on the white board before having
students search for the matching card.

I will then have the partner who has the number sentence explain to their partner how
they got the answer.
Explain how you will differentiate activities for each of the following groups:

English language learners (ELL):

Students with special needs:

Students with gifted abilities:

Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
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Multiple Means of Expression
Learners differ in the ways they navigate a learning environment and express what they know.
Your goal in this section is to explain the various ways in which your students will demonstrate
what they have learned. Explain how you will provide alternative means for response, selection,
and composition to accommodate all learners. Will you tier any of these products? Will you offer
students choices to demonstrate mastery? This section is essentially differentiated assessment.
In a bulleted list, explain the options you will provide for your students to express their knowledge
about the topic. For example, students may demonstrate their knowledge in more summative
ways through a short answer or multiple-choice test, multimedia presentation, video, speech to
text, website, written sentence, paragraph, essay, poster, portfolio, hands-on project, experiment,
reflection, blog post, or skit. Bold the names of any summative assessments.
Students may also demonstrate their knowledge in ways that are more formative. For example,
students may take part in thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down, a short essay or drawing, an
entrance slip or exit ticket, mini-whiteboard answers, fist to five, electronic quiz games, running
records, four corners, or hand raising. Underline the names of any formative assessments.
For example:
Students will complete a one-paragraph reflection on the in-class simulation they experienced.
They will be expected to write the reflection using complete sentences, proper capitalization and
punctuation, and utilize an example from the simulation to demonstrate their understanding.
Students will also take part in formative assessments throughout the lesson, such as thumbs upthumbs middle-thumbs down and pair-share discussions, where you will determine if you need to
re-teach or re-direct learning.
Explain how you will differentiate assessments for each of the following groups:

English language learners (ELL):

Students with special needs:

Students with gifted abilities:

Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
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Extension Activity and/or Homework
Identify and describe any extension activities or homework tasks as appropriate. Explain how the
extension activity or homework assignment supports the learning targets/objectives. As required
by your instructor, attach any copies of homework at the end of this template.
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DOK Questions Table
DOK Level
One Question from that
Examples of Student
Rationale of why Chosen Question Meets
DOK Level
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Strategic Thinking
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Level 4:
Extended Thinking
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