SP2024 AST 113-QL Lab 3


This assignment requires some sketches as well so if you can get me some clean images to redraw that will work as well everything else is pretty self explanatory.

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SP2024 AST 113-QL Lab 3
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Lab 3
Overview of Steps to Completing and Submitting
Lab 3 Successfully
1. Complete the Surveying the Solar System
Online Learning Activity
1. Navigate your browser to: https://surveyingthesolarsystem.netlify.app/
2. Links to an external site.
4. Complete the entire online learning activity. We recommend that you work
with your group members. This activity will prepare you to complete lab
assignment below, for which you will be graded.
2. Complete the Surveying the Solar System Lab
Lab Assignment Introduction
Three new Solar System objects (A, B, and C) have been discovered by Rubin
Observatory and their orbital properties are provided in the table below.
Semi-Major Axis
Inclination (°)
Object A
Object B
Object C
Lab Assignment: Model and Classify Three New Solar System Objects
Turn your composition notebook so that the long edge is facing you (landscape
orientation). On a blank page of your notebook, draw a line down the middle of the
page. Label the left side “Top View” and the right side “Side View” as shown in the table
below. Then, in each box, sketch the Solar System along with the orbits of the above
three objects (A, B and C).
Your sketch must include the orbits of the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune (in black),
and the three orbits you drew should be labeled (A [red], B [blue], and C [orange]). Use
your colored pencils to sketch these orbits with their respective colors. Your sketches
should be large and clear. If we cannot distinguish which orbit is which in one of your
sketches, your sketch will earn a 0.
Top View
Side View
Classifications and Explanations
On another blank page in your composition notebook,
● write how you would classify each of the three objects (A, B, and C) as either
a NEO, MBA, TNO, comet, or none of these, and
● explain your reasoning.
Your page may be set up like the example below.
Object A is a….
I chose this classification for A because…
Object B is a…
I chose this classification for B because…
Object C is a…
I chose this classification for C because…
3. Submit the Surveying the Solar System Lab
● picture of your Table above (Top View and Side View) of they solar system,
and a
● picture of your Classification and Explanations of the objects.

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