solving the problem in both problems


problem 1:

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solving the problem in both problems
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public class Problem1 {
/*Find all the problems (bugs)
/ fix the errors (explain in comments what you did to fix it!)
/ When the program is fixed. Run it.
/Correct run will print:
/Hello Class!
/ 12
/This is 17
public static void main(String[] args) {
double x = “Hello Class!”;
int x = 7 + 5;
y = z + 4
y += 1;
System.out.println(“This is ” y);

problem 2:

public class Problem2 {
/*This program generates numbers 1 through 20 inclusive using for loop
/ and prints either the number itself, if it is even or
/ prints double of the value if it is odd
public static void main(String[] args){
//Create a for loop that generates numbers 1 to 20 inclusive
for(/*insert code here*/){
//if i is even
//print i using println
/*insert code here*/
else{ //i is odd
//print using println value of i doubled: 2i
/*insert code here*/