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Ethical implications of Facial Recognition Technology in Law Enforcement

Question 2

Background regarding the topic:

Your Answer

This term paper explores the use of face recognition technology in law enforcement and how it has brought up wide range of ethical issues and concerns. It looks at issues like how accurate these system are , concerns about biases in the technology , the impact on different racial and gender groups, privacy rights violations in public spaces, current regulatory frameworks, the balance between individual rights and public safety, possible prevention strategies, and real-life examples that highlight the ethical problems tied to using this technology in policing.

Question 3

Suggested research question:

Your Answer

What are the ethical implications of deploying facial recognition technology in law enforcement, and how do they impact individuals’ privacy, civil liberties, and societal trust in the criminal justice system?


1- only trusted citations used, if journal then use sicgoma and point 70 out of 100

2- i have the paper and the note but unfortunately the one who did but unreal and non existent references so if you put any references send me link with it

Its a term paper as you see, the problem is the references most of them doesn’t exist or old, i just need to change the references to a well trusted reference and change anything related to it in literature reviews,discussion part we can leave it as it is because its has no references

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Gender Level of Education How familiar are you with facial recognition technology?
18-24 Female Bachelors
Somewhat familiar
18-24 Female Bachelors
Very familiar
18-24 Male
Not familiar at al
18-24 Female Bachelors
Very familiar
18-24 Male
Not familiar at al
18-24 Female Highschool
Not familiar at al
18-24 Female Bachelors
Somewhat familiar
18-24 Male
Somewhat familiar
18-24 Female Bachelors
Very familiar
18-24 Female Highschool
Somewhat familiar
18-24 Male
Very familiar
18-24 Male
Post Graduate
Somewhat familiar
18-24 Female Highschool
Not familiar at al
18-24 Male
Somewhat familiar
18-24 Female Bachelors
Somewhat familiar
18-24 Male
Somewhat familiar
18-24 Male
Somewhat familiar
18-24 Female Bachelors
Very familiar
18-24 Male
Somewhat familiar
25-34 Female Bachelors
35+ Male
Somewhat familiar
Very familiar
Do you believe facial recognition technology has the potential to enhance law enforcement efforts?
What concerns, if any, do you have about the use of facial recognition technology in law enforcement?
Using street cameras to catch thief or criminal
The errors that could happen when it’s functioning
People who are preforming plastic surgery or facelift
Use my picture without permission
No privacy
To what extent do you believe deploying facial recognition technology in law enforcement may impact individuals’ privacy?
Slightly impactful
Moderately impactful
Moderately impactful
Moderately impactful
Moderately impactful
Moderately impactful
Extremely impactful
Slightly impactful
Very impactful
Moderately impactful
Moderately impactful
Very impactful
Moderately impactful
Very impactful
Moderately impactful
Slightly impactful
Very impactful
Very impactful
Moderately impactful
Moderately impactful
Extremely impactful
How concerned are you about potential civil liberties violations related to the use of facial recognition technology in law enforcem
Slightly concerned
Slightly concerned
Slightly concerned
Very concerned
Very concerned
Moderately concerned
Very concerned
Slightly concerned
Moderately concerned
Moderately concerned
Moderately concerned
Not concerned at all
Moderately concerned
Moderately concerned
Moderately concerned
Moderately concerned
Extremely concerned
Very concerned
Not concerned at all
Moderately concerned
Extremely concerned
Do you think the use of facial recognition technology in law enforcement may take away societal trust in the criminal justice syste
Would you support the deployment of facial recognition technology in law enforcement if strict regulations were in place to prote
Please provide any additional comments or thoughts you have regarding the ethical implications of facial recognition technology
Despite the noble idea and its usefulness in many fields, privacy in this field is still subject to many violations, and when compari
Doing it well and keep people’s privacy
Every good thing has bad side
ons, and when comparing law enforcement with and without facial recognition technology, the simple difference between them makes puttin
simple difference between them makes putting an individual’s privacy at risk unnecessary.
Ethical Implications of Facial Recognition Technology in Law Enforcement
Nemah Abdullmajeda
aUniversity of Bahrain,
Facial recognition technology has become an increasingly prevalent tool in law enforcement, offering the potential to enhance
public safety and streamline investigative processes. However, its widespread adoption raises critical ethical concerns regarding
privacy, civil liberties, and potential biases in identification. This research paper critically examines the ethical implications of
facial recognition technology in law enforcement, considering its impact on individual rights and societal norms. Through a
comprehensive review of existing literature, this study analyzes the potential benefits and risks associated with the deployment of
this technology. Additionally, it evaluates current regulatory frameworks and proposes recommendations for ensuring responsible
and accountable use of facial recognition technology within the realm of law enforcement. By addressing these ethical concerns,
this paper aims to contribute to a balanced discourse on the appropriate implementation of facial recognition technology in the
pursuit of justice and public safety.
Keywords: Facial Recognition, Law Enforcement, Ethics, Privacy, Surveillance, Biometrics
1. Introduction
Facial recognition technology, a powerful tool in the field of
biometrics, has witnessed widespread adoption across various
sectors, with law enforcement agencies being at the forefront
of its implementation. This technology leverages sophisticated
algorithms to analyze and identify individuals based on their
unique facial features, offering potential advantages in crime
prevention, investigation, and public safety. By matching facial
patterns against extensive databases, law enforcement agencies
can swiftly identify suspects, locate missing persons, and track
individuals of interest.
However, this rapid integration of facial recognition technology raises profound ethical concerns that demand critical examination. The deployment of such technology in law enforcement operations implicates fundamental rights related to privacy, civil liberties, and the potential for discriminatory practices. Privacy advocates contend that the ubiquitous use of facial recognition systems may erode personal freedoms, as individuals may be subjected to constant surveillance without
their knowledge or consent. Furthermore, concerns arise regarding the accuracy and reliability of these systems, as well as
their susceptibility to false positives, particularly for individuals
from marginalized communities.
Moreover, the potential for biases within facial recognition
algorithms poses a significant challenge. Studies have shown
that these systems can exhibit disparities in accuracy rates based
on factors such as race, gender, and age, leading to potential
discriminatory outcomes in law enforcement applications. Such
biases not only raise questions about the fairness and justice of
the technology’s implementation but also highlight the need for
robust oversight and accountability measures.
This research paper seeks to comprehensively explore the
Preprint submitted to Astronomy & Computing
ethical implications surrounding the use of facial recognition
technology in law enforcement. Through a multidimensional
analysis, this study aims to assess the potential benefits and
risks associated with the technology, while considering its
broader societal impact. Additionally, it will evaluate existing
regulatory frameworks and propose recommendations for ensuring responsible and accountable use within the realm of law
In addressing these ethical concerns, this paper endeavors to
contribute to a balanced and informed discourse on the appropriate deployment of facial recognition technology in the pursuit of justice and public safety. By striking a harmonious balance between technological advancement and safeguarding individual rights, society can work towards a future where technology complements, rather than compromises, our collective
2. Literature Review
Facial recognition technology has garnered significant attention in recent years due to its widespread adoption across various sectors, particularly in law enforcement. This section provides a comprehensive review of existing literature, focusing on
the ethical concerns and societal implications associated with
the deployment of facial recognition technology.
2.1. Privacy and Civil Liberties
One of the primary ethical concerns surrounding facial
recognition technology in law enforcement centers on the erosion of privacy and civil liberties. Privacy advocates argue that
the pervasive use of facial recognition systems may lead to
constant surveillance of individuals without their knowledge or
December 24, 2023
consent. This intrusion into personal space raises critical questions about the balance between public safety and individual
rights. In a study by Smith et al. (2019), the authors highlight
the need for robust legal frameworks and policies to safeguard
privacy while permitting the responsible use of facial recognition technology in law enforcement operations.
Figure 1: Public concern about rights being violated
2.2. Accuracy and Reliability
2.4. Regulatory Frameworks and Oversight
The accuracy and reliability of facial recognition systems
in law enforcement applications are critical but may exhibit
variances based on factors such as race, gender, and age Buolamwini and Gebru (2018). This study revealed significant disparities, particularly for individuals with darker skin tones and
females, raising concerns about fairness and potential discrimination.
Establishing robust regulatory frameworks and oversight
mechanisms is imperative for responsible deployment of facial
recognition technology in law enforcement. The absence of
clear guidelines may lead to unchecked use and potential abuses
of this technology. A study by Bradner (2019)emphasizes the
need for transparent and accountable governance structures to
ensure that facial recognition systems are employed ethically
and in accordance with legal standards.
2.2.1. Beyond Skin Color: Diverse Causes of Errors
In addition to skin color, facial recognition systems face challenges influenced by:
2.5. Public Perception and Trust
Public perception and trust in facial recognition technology
play a pivotal role in its ethical implementation. A study by
Sturgis et al. (2021) highlights that public attitudes towards this
technology are influenced by factors such as transparency, accountability, and perceived benefits. Building public trust requires open dialogue, transparency in use cases, and effective
communication regarding safeguards in place to protect individual rights.
2.2.2. Lighting Conditions
Variations in lighting significantly impact algorithm performance, introducing errors in facial feature matching(Johnson
and Smith (2018)).
2.2.3. Facial Expressions
Dynamic facial expressions pose challenges for recognition
systems, necessitating a deeper understanding for reliable assessments (Martinez and Rodriguez (2019)).
3. Discussion
The ethical considerations surrounding the integration of facial recognition technology in law enforcement are intricate and
multifaceted, necessitating careful examination from various
perspectives. The survey data, coupled with existing literature,
provides a rich foundation for understanding public perceptions
and concerns, offering valuable insights into key themes such as
privacy, civil liberties, biases, regulatory frameworks, and public trust.
2.2.4. Image Quality
Input image quality, including low resolution and distortions,
can lead to false positives or negatives( Kim and Lee (2020))
2.2.5. Studies Addressing Varied Causes of Errors
This review incorporates diverse findings from studies exploring challenges related to lighting conditions, facial expressions, and image quality. These studies contribute to a nuanced
understanding of the intricacies faced by facial recognition systems(Chen and Wang (2021).)
This exploration enhances comprehension of current limitations and emphasizes the ongoing need for research and development to address multifaceted challenges.
3.1. Striking a Balance Between Public Safety and Individual
The survey participants, totaling 30 responses and spanning a
diverse range of familiarity with facial recognition technology,
echoed the central challenge outlined in the literature. Striking
a balance between ensuring public safety and protecting individual rights is complex. The nuanced responses in the survey
highlight the delicate trade-off faced by society in leveraging
this technology for law enforcement.
2.3. Bias and Discrimination
The potential for biases within facial recognition algorithms
presents a significant ethical challenge. As highlighted by
Ajunwa et al. (2020), the historical biases present in training
data can perpetuate discriminatory outcomes in law enforcement applications. These biases may disproportionately affect marginalized communities, exacerbating existing social inequalities. Addressing and mitigating biases in facial recognition technology is crucial for ensuring equitable and just outcomes in law enforcement practices.
3.2. Addressing Bias and Discrimination
The literature’s emphasis on biases within facial recognition
algorithms finds resonance in the survey data. Respondents expressed concerns about potential discriminatory outcomes, particularly related to race, gender, and age. This aligns with the
need, as identified in the literature, for comprehensive testing,
• 60% of respondents indicated it is ”Very important.”
• 25% considered it ”Moderately important.”
• 15% expressed it is ”Slightly important.”
3.6. Balancing Technological Advancement and Individual
The discussion in the paper, in harmony with the survey
responses, emphasizes the crucial importance of balancing
technological advancement with safeguarding individual rights.
Striking this balance is essential for ensuring that facial recognition technology complements rather than compromises collective values in the pursuit of justice and public safety.
diverse training data, and ongoing evaluation to ensure fair and
just outcomes.
Survey data revealed that when asked about concerns regarding biases in facial recognition technology:
• 30% of respondents expressed ”Very concerned.”
• 45% were ”Moderately concerned.”
• 20% were ”Slightly concerned.”
3.7. Achieving Balance: Proposing Solutions
1. Robust Testing and Validation:.
3.3. Regulation and Oversight
The mixed support for facial recognition technology in law
enforcement, contingent on strict regulations, aligns with the
literature’s call for comprehensive regulatory frameworks. Survey participants recognized the importance of clear usage policies, robust oversight, and transparent legal frameworks to mitigate concerns about privacy invasion and misuse of the technology.
Survey data showed that when asked about support for deployment with strict regulations:
• Challenge: Facial recognition systems exhibit biases, particularly concerning race, gender, and age.
• Solution: Implement rigorous testing and validation processes during the development of these systems. Ensure datasets used for training are diverse and representative, covering a wide range of demographic characteristics.
Continuously assess and address biases through ongoing
testing and validation.
2. Transparency and Accountability:.
• 40% of respondents answered ”Yes.”
• Challenge: Lack of transparency in the functioning of facial recognition algorithms can erode public trust.
• 30% answered ”No.”
• 30% were uncertain, responding with ”Maybe.”
• Solution: Advocate for transparency in the design and operation of facial recognition systems. Provide clear explanations of how algorithms work and the data they rely on.
Establish mechanisms for accountability, such as independent audits, to ensure adherence to ethical standards.
3.4. Engaging the Public in Decision-Making
The survey data reinforces the literature’s recommendation
to engage the public in decision-making processes. Inclusive
approaches, such as open dialogue, public forums, and collaboration with advocacy groups, can provide crucial insights into
the concerns and perspectives of those directly impacted by facial recognition technology. This participatory approach fosters
accountability and helps identify potential ethical pitfalls.
The importance of public engagement in decision-making
was reflected in the survey data:
3. Strict Regulatory Oversight:.
• Challenge: Absence of clear regulations may lead to
unchecked use and potential abuses of facial recognition
• Solution: Advocate for the development and implementation of robust regulatory frameworks specific to facial
recognition in law enforcement. Regulations should cover
areas such as data storage, sharing, and retention policies,
as well as guidelines on the permissible use of the technology.
• 50% of respondents indicated it is ”Very important.”
• 35% considered it ”Moderately important.”
• 15% expressed it is ”Slightly important.”
4. Public Participation in Decision-Making:.
3.5. Continual Evaluation and Adaptation
The necessity for continual evaluation and adaptation, as
highlighted in the literature, is underscored by the survey responses. Participants acknowledged the rapid pace of technological advancement and emphasized the need for ongoing assessments to address emerging risks, improve algorithmic accuracy, and align with evolving societal norms.
Survey data indicated the importance of continual evaluation
and adaptation:
• Challenge: Public trust in facial recognition technology is
influenced by factors such as transparency and perceived
• Solution: Engage the public in decision-making processes
regarding the deployment and use of facial recognition
technology. Conduct public forums, seek input through
surveys, and collaborate with advocacy groups to incorporate diverse perspectives into the decision-making process.
5. Continual Evaluation and Adaptation:.
In conclusion, this research contributes to a nuanced understanding of public perceptions and concerns, laying the groundwork for the ethical use of facial recognition technology in
law enforcement. Ethical considerations must remain central in
shaping policies to navigate the complex landscape of privacy,
civil liberties, and societal trust.
• Challenge: The rapid pace of technological advancement
requires continuous evaluation to address emerging risks.
• Solution: Establish processes for continual evaluation and
adaptation of facial recognition systems. Regularly assess and update algorithms to align with evolving societal
norms and address any emerging ethical concerns.
Ajunwa, I., Greene, A., Crawford, K., 2020. Limitless worker surveillance.
California Law Review 108, 889–944.
Bradner, S., 2019. Can we regulate facial recognition technology? a modest
proposal. The Federalist Society Review 20, 16–28.
Buolamwini, J., Gebru, T., 2018. Gender shades: Intersectional accuracy disparities in commercial gender classification. Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency , 77–91.
Chen, H., Wang, L., 2021. A comprehensive review of challenges and opportunities in facial recognition technology. Journal of Ethical Technology
Johnson, A., Smith, B., 2018.
Impact of lighting conditions on
facial recognition accuracy. Journal of Biometric Technology
Kim, Y., Lee, S., 2020. The impact of image quality on the performance of
facial recognition algorithms. International Journal of Image Processing
Martinez, C., Rodriguez, D., 2019. Analyzing the challenges of facial expression recognition in biometric systems. Biometrics and Identity Management
Journal doi:doi:10.5678/bimj.2019.987654.
Smith, M., Melvin, E., Wood, S., 2019. Facial recognition technology: Ensuring transparency in government use. Journal of Law, Technology & Policy
2019, 63–93.
Sturgis, P., Smith, P., Esaiasson, P., 2021. Transparency, trust and facial recognition technology. Royal Society Open Science 8, 201855.
3.8. Regulatory Frameworks:
1. Data Protection and Privacy Laws:. Establish clear guidelines regarding the collection, storage, and sharing of facial
recognition data to safeguard individual privacy.
2. Limitations on Use:. Define the permissible use cases for
facial recognition technology in law enforcement to prevent
overreach and misuse.
3. Oversight and Accountability Measures:. Create independent oversight bodies responsible for monitoring the use of facial recognition technology and ensuring compliance with regulations.
4. Data Security Protocols:. Implement robust data security
protocols to protect facial recognition databases from unauthorized access or breaches.
5. Periodic Audits:. Conduct periodic audits of facial recognition systems to assess their accuracy, fairness, and adherence to
ethical standards.
4. Conclusion
Facial recognition technology’s integration into law enforcement, while promising enhanced public safety, brings forth intricate ethical considerations. This research, combining survey
insights and literature review, highlights key concerns: privacy
infringement, biases in algorithms, and the delicate balance
needed between public safety and individual rights.
The survey, spanning various familiarity levels, underscores
the challenge of finding equilibrium. Respondents advocate for
stringent regulations, emphasizing the pivotal role of transparent governance in building and maintaining public trust.
Biases within facial recognition algorithms, as identified in
the literature, are validated by survey concerns about potential
discriminatory outcomes. Mitigating these biases through continuous testing and diverse data is crucial for ensuring fairness.
Public engagement emerges as a vital component, aligning with the literature’s call for inclusive decision-making processes. Open dialogue and collaboration with advocacy groups
provide valuable insights, fostering accountability and identifying ethical pitfalls.
Continuous evaluation is imperative, reflecting both in the
literature and survey responses. Adapting to emerging risks
and aligning with societal norms ensures responsible technology deployment.
Ethical Implications of Facial Recognition Technology in Law Enforcement
Nemah Abdullmajeda
a University of Bahrain,
Facial recognition technology has become an increasingly prevalent tool in law enforcement, offering the potential to enhance
public safety and streamline investigative processes. However, its widespread adoption raises critical ethical concerns regarding
privacy, civil liberties, and potential biases in identification. This research paper critically examines the ethical implications of
facial recognition technology in law enforcement, considering its impact on individual rights and societal norms. Through a
comprehensive review of existing literature, this study analyzes the potential benefits and risks associated with the deployment of
this technology. Additionally, it evaluates current regulatory frameworks and proposes recommendations for ensuring responsible
and accountable use of facial recognition technology within the realm of law enforcement. By addressing these ethical concerns,
this paper aims to contribute to a balanced discourse on the appropriate implementation of facial recognition technology in the
pursuit of justice and public safety.
Keywords: Facial Recognition, Law Enforcement, Ethics, Privacy, Surveillance, Biometrics
1. Introduction
Facial recognition technology, a powerful tool in the field of
biometrics, has witnessed widespread adoption across various
sectors, with law enforcement agencies being at the forefront
of its implementation. This technology leverages sophisticated
algorithms to analyze and identify individuals based on their
unique facial features, offering potential advantages in crime
prevention, investigation, and public safety. By matching facial
patterns against extensive databases, law enforcement agencies
can swiftly identify suspects, locate missing persons, and track
individuals of interest.
However, this rapid integration of facial recognition technology raises profound ethical concerns that demand critical examination. The deployment of such technology in law enforcement operations implicates fundamental rights related to privacy, civil liberties, and the potential for discriminatory practices. Privacy advocates contend that the ubiquitous use of facial recognition systems may erode personal freedoms, as individuals may be subjected to constant surveillance without
their knowledge or consent. Furthermore, concerns arise regarding the accuracy and reliability of these systems, as well as
their susceptibility to false positives, particularly for individuals
from marginalized communities.
Moreover, the potential for biases within facial recognition
algorithms poses a significant challenge. Studies have shown
that these systems can exhibit disparities in accuracy rates based
on factors such as race, gender, and age, leading to potential
discriminatory outcomes in law enforcement applications. Such
biases not only raise questions about the fairness and justice of
the technology’s implementation but also highlight the need for
robust oversight and accountability measures.
This research paper seeks to comprehensively explore the
Preprint submitted to Astronomy & Computing
ethical implications surrounding the use of facial recognition
technology in law enforcement. Through a multidimensional
analysis, this study aims to assess the potential benefits and
risks associated with the technology, while considering its
broader societal impact. Additionally, it will evaluate existing
regulatory frameworks and propose recommendations for ensuring responsible and accountable use within the realm of law
In addressing these ethical concerns, this paper endeavors to
contribute to a balanced and informed discourse on the appropriate deployment of facial recognition technology in the pursuit of justice and public safety. By striking a harmonious balance between technological advancement and safeguarding individual rights, society can work towards a future where technology complements, rather than compromises, our collective
2. Literature Review
Facial recognition technology has garnered significant attention in recent years due to its widespread adoption across various sectors, particularly in law enforcement. This section provides a comprehensive review of existing literature, focusing on
the ethical concerns and societal implications associated with
the deployment of facial recognition technology.
2.1. Privacy and Civil Liberties
One of the primary ethical concerns surrounding facial
recognition technology in law enforcement centers on the erosion of privacy and civil liberties. Privacy advocates argue that
the pervasive use of facial recognition systems may lead to
constant surveillance of individuals without their knowledge or
November 30, 2023
Increase the size of this chart, it is not readable.
consent. This intrusion into personal space raises critical questions about the balance between public safety and individual
rights. In a study by Smith et al. (2019), the authors highlight
the need for robust legal frameworks and policies to safeguard
privacy while permitting the responsible use of facial recognition technology in law enforcement operations.
Figure 1: Public concern about rights being violated
Try to find other studies showing errors and not just for skin color.
is not
enough and
for proving
the point. What other causes?
What are the accuracy rates?
3. Discussion
The accuracy and reliability of facial recognition systems are
critical factors in determining their ethical viability in law enforcement applications. Studies have shown that these systems
may exhibit variances in accuracy rates based on factors such
as race, gender, and age. Buolamwini and Gebru (2018) conducted a comprehensive study revealing significant disparities
in error rates, with higher error rates observed for individuals
with darker skin tones and females. Such biases raise concerns
about fairness and potential discriminatory outcomes, underscoring the importance of thorough testing and validation processes for facial recognition algorithms.
The ethical considerations surrounding the integration of facial recognition technology in law enforcement are intricate and
multifaceted, necessitating careful examination from various
perspectives. The survey data, coupled with existing literature,
provides a rich foundation for understanding public perceptions
and concerns, offering valuable insights into key themes such as
privacy, civil liberties, biases, regulatory frameworks, and public trust.
3.1. Striking a Balance Between Public Safety and Individual
Again, what is sample size? How do you prove it is diverse?
The survey participants, spanning a diverse range of familiarity with facial recognition technology, echoed the central
challenge outlined in the literature. Striking a balance between
ensuring public safety and protecting individual rights is complex. The nuanced responses in the survey highlight the delicate
trade-off faced by society in leveraging this technology for law
2.3. Bias and Discrimination
This is very descriptive. Show me evidence. Numbers, charts, etc.
Also add
for biases within facial recognition algorithms
presents a significant ethical challenge. As highlighted by
Ajunwa et al. (2020), the historical biases present in training
data can perpetuate discriminatory outcomes in law enforcement applications. These biases may disproportionately affect marginalized communities, exacerbating existing social inequalities. Addressing and mitigating biases in facial recognition technology is crucial for ensuring equitable and just outcomes in law enforcement practices.
3.2. Addressing Bias and Discrimination
Which literature? References?
The literature’s emphasis on biases within facial recognition
algorithms finds resonance in the survey data. Respondents expressed concerns about potential discriminatory outcomes, particularly related to race, gender, and age. This aligns with the
need, as identified in the literature, for comprehensive testing,
diverse training data, and ongoing evaluation to ensure fair and
just outcomes.
Survey data revealed that when asked about concerns regarding biases in facial recognition technology:
2.4. Regulatory Frameworks and Oversight
Establishing robust regulatory frameworks and oversight
mechanisms is imperative for responsible deployment of facial
recognition technology in law enforcement. The absence of
clear guidelines may lead to unchecked use and potential abuses
of this technology. A study by Bradner (2019)emphasizes the
need for transparent and accountable governance structures to
ensure that facial recognition systems are employed ethically
and in accordance with legal standards.
• 30% of respondents expressed ”Very concerned.”
• 45% were ”Moderately concerned.”
• 20% were ”Slightly concerned.”
Adding a pie chart is better
2.5. Public Perception and Trust
3.3. Regulation and Oversight
Public perception and trust in facial recognition technology
play a pivotal role in its ethical implementation. A study by
Sturgis et al. (2021) highlights that public attitudes towards this
technology are influenced by factors such as transparency, accountability, and perceived benefits. Building public trust requires open dialogue, transparency in use cases, and effective
communication regarding safeguards in place to protect individual rights.
The mixed support for facial recognition technology in law
enforcement, contingent on strict regulations, aligns with the
literature’s call for comprehensive regulatory frameworks. Survey participants recognized the importance of clear usage policies, robust oversight, and transparent legal frameworks to mitigate concerns about privacy invasion and misuse of the technology.
Survey data showed that when asked about support for deployment with strict regulations:
Increase the size of this chart, it is not readable.
This must be a Figure with a number, and you must refer to it in the text.
4. Conclusion
Facial recognition technology’s integration into law enforcement, while promising enhanced public safety, brings forth intricate ethical considerations. This research, combining survey
insights and literature review, highlights key concerns: privacy
infringement, biases in algorithms, and the delicate balance
needed between public safety and individual rights.
The survey, spanning various familiarity levels, underscores
the challenge of finding equilibrium. Respondents advocate for
stringent regulations, emphasizing the pivotal role of transparent governance in building and maintaining public trust.
Biases within facial recognition algorithms, as identified in
the literature, are validated by survey concerns about potential