Software Engineering Process Management Part II


Now that we have created a project to implement a strategy that supports the vision and mission of our
company, its time to detail the project –
Describe at a high level what the project is to accomplish. You may think of this as high level
You will need to add all tasks (such as accounting, procurement, systems/server installs etc. At the
end of this you need a comprehensive list of all taks to be done for a successful implementation of
the project.
Create a WBS for the project.
Cost Estimation – create a budget using both bottom up and top down approaches.
Risk Management – identify risks and for each risk, name a risk management strategy and explain
how and why you would use this strategy. Can you create a RBS?
The project will have 4 components (Assignments Projects I, II, III & IV). Each team member should take
on the responsibility for one part and lead discussions, solicit, monitor and evaluate contributions from
others, and be responsible for timely assignment submission.
Project assignment submissions should all have a title page that identifies the project, team and the
person responsible for the assignment.
Add a final page detailing which team member contributed how to the project.Project deliverable submissions should all have a title page that identifies the project. Assignments are to
be in pdf, using a minimum 12 point font, double spaced and grammatically correct. Make sure to write
with precision and avoid being prosaic. All pages, diagrams, tables must be numbered. Tables spanning
multiple pages must repeat header rows on every page

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